In August of 2012, Ronald March was killed as a result of a horrific assault that took place in an alley in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. However, because both individuals had a history of enmity toward one another, the authorities were able to easily find the person guilty. The documentary titled “Fear Thy Neighbor: Hell-Bent,” which can be found on Investigation Discovery, focuses on the chain of terrible events that led up to Ronald’s death as well as the attack itself. In that case, why don’t we learn more about what transpired back then, should we?

Ronald March Murder
How Did Ronald March Die?
It was said that Ronald William March was a voracious reader and that he was an intellectual man. The Vancouver resident was recalled by those who cared for him as being soft and compassionate, and always going out of his way to assist others when they were in need. The 57-year-old victim had recently moved into a senior complex in Burnaby when the incident took place there. On the show, it was discussed how at the time, Ronald was being treated with medication for lupus, which is an autoimmune condition.
In the late afternoon or early evening of August 8, 2012, a neighbor in the 3400 block of Renfrew Street heard Ronald’s screams and found him lying on the ground behind the building in a pool of blood. Ronald was covered in blood. The neighbor dialed 911 without delay, but by the time emergency personnel arrived on the scene, it was already too late. Ronald had received twelve stab wounds, and his jugular artery had been severed when his throat had been slashed. It was determined that he had passed away at the site.
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Who Killed Ronald March?
After doing their investigation, the authorities found out that Ronald March had previously been in trouble with the law because of his involvement in a dispute involving another individual named Lance Standberg. On the day that Ronald was murdered, he had just moved into the accommodation for seniors in the complex. However, prior to that, he had been residing in a different government-funded flat. There, Ronald lived next door to Loray Rayne, who had been a neighbor of Lance up until that point.
According to what was shown on the show, Loray had a number of health problems and relied on Lance for assistance. People made assumptions about the nature of their connection despite the fact that he took care of her. On the other hand, because Lance worked as a seasonal oil worker, he was frequently absent from his family for several days at a time. The show states that Loray eventually became dependent on Ronald, who would assist her in moving things and drive her to the store to buy groceries. However, as time went on, Ronald’s health problems made that increasingly difficult for him to do.
In one incident, Ronald was driving Loray when she lit up a cigarette while they were in the car together. According to the episode, Ronald requested her to put it off, but she would not, so he was forced to shove her out of the car when she did not comply. After that, Loray accused Ronald of beating her, and she had him imprisoned for the crime before she changed her mind and dropped the allegations against him. After that, she shared the information with Lance, and as a result, he attacked Ronald. The hatred for one another persisted, with Lance launching another attack against Ronald. According to the content of the broadcast, Lance struck Ronald with a metal pipe.
Ronald had filed a report with the authorities about the incident, but the authorities were unable to locate Lance because he had fled both times. In the end, Ronald made the decision to relocate out of that flat, and on August 8, 2012, he successfully completed the move. After further investigation, it was found out that Lance, who was 47 at the time, had filmed the event and was suspected of tailing the truck. However, he later disputed it. The authorities were under the impression that Lance had been waiting for Ronald before committing the murder of Ronald. After a brief pursuit by law enforcement on August 9, he was taken into custody in the wee hours of the morning.
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Where is Lance Standberg Today?
After his arrest, Lance Standberg asserted that he was innocent of the murder and had nothing to do with it. When asked why he was recording Ronald’s move, he stated that he felt Ronald had taken something from his storage without his permission. On the other hand, the police discovered blood belonging to Ronald inside Lance’s vehicle. In spite of the fact that the verdict in his first trial for some reason was never reached, he was found guilty of murder in the first degree in the trial that took place in November 2014. Lance was given a sentence of life in prison, although he has the potential to be released after serving 25 years. According to the information that we have, he is currently spending his time at a prison located in the province of British Columbia.
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