Who is Deidre Hall Spouse At Present? Her Unsuccessful Marriage & Children

A talented and sexy Deidre Hall is an American actress who played Dr. Marlena Evans on Days of Our Lives in which she’s been doing for two decades. By her appearance as Dr. Marlena alone, she has gained many awards, such as Best Actress Soapy Awards and Soap Opera Digest Awards, for three years in a row.

She’s not a new look in Hollywood. Still, her persona never fails to captivate her audience, especially men in the same industry. Here, we will break down each one of her past spouses and relationship story!

Deidre Hall is Unable to Get Pregnant

When we talk about Deidre Hall, the thing that comes to our mind for the first time is probably her struggle to get pregnant for years. For more than 20 years, Hall desperately tries to have children with her ex-spouses but fails with all of them. Nevertheless, she finally has two children through a surrogate mother. It also didn’t happen smoothly for Hall.

Her first marriage was with William Hudson, an American actor, and they got married in 1991. Before she got married, she’s also been in a relationship with various actors. Hall had been trying to have kids since her first marriage. She thought that in her 20s, she would quickly get pregnant because what’s the worst possible to happen for 20 years old girl, right? She was pretty young and didn’t have any severe illness beforehand. 

However, things didn’t go as smoothly as she wanted. She tried artificial insemination with her second husband, Keith Barbour, once but six times; none were successful. She then found out that she suffered from endometriosis, which makes her unable to conceive. Or, in other words, the inability to get pregnant. Shocking and pretty sad news for Hall.

Other than her struggle to get pregnant, she also had to focus on her career as an actress; and of course, doing those things at the same time wasn’t easy.

However, in 1992, Hall and her husband, Steve Sohmer, decided to hire Robin’s surrogate mother. She was artificially inseminated with Sohmer’s sperm, and the couple finally had their first son named David Atticus. And she later had her second son, Tully Chapin Sohmer.

This infertility situation had given her hard times to maintain her marriages with all of her former spouses. Even with Steven Sohmer, they also got divorced eventually.

If that isn’t enough to show you guys how much of a strong girl Deidre Hall is, I don’t know what is!

Ending 14 Years Marriage with Steve Sohmer

Deidre Hall’s latest and longest marriage is with Steve Sohmer, an American author and screenwriter. They began dating in 1990 and decided to get married a year after. Their marriage stayed for fourteen years! But it’s a sad truth to say; their marriage ended in 2006.

There are lots of ups and downs that they’ve been through together. For struggling to have kids to their drama, they decided to call it quits fourteen years later.

It is also sad to remember that Hall experienced motherhood for the first time when she was married to Steve Sohmer. Although their first attempt to have kids through inseminating Sohmer’s sperm didn’t work, it finally did after they tried it for the second time. The decision to hire Robin as a surrogate mother was also their mutual agreement. 

“I was gone, screaming and jumping up and down!” Hall commented after she found out she would have kids. It was the moment when Hall and Sohmer became parents for the first time.

Hall and Sohmer were left with two options during their marriage only if they still insisted on having kids: either adopting the children or using surrogate eggs. Sohmer was leaning more toward the second option due to his desire to want a biologically related child to one of us. In this case, the child was related to Sohmer only through Sohmer’s sperm.

That decision finally ends up in a happy ending! They eventually became parents for two children, David Atticus and Tully Chapin. A happy ending that they both deserved. 

Knowing what they had been through together, what’s the possible reason that makes them make got divorced in the end, though?

Unfortunately, Sohmer and Hall kept the details of their relationship pretty private. When they announced their divorce, a lot of people have been curious about the reason. Though people were dying to know the story, they focused on giving Hall and Sohmer a kind comment and endless support.

“As you can imagine, this is a challenging time. My primary concern is for my children and their well-being. I am deeply grateful for the sensitivity I have seen in many of your comments. Thank you for your caring and for continuing to respect our privacy.” Hall made that statement in one of her interviews back in 2005.

That’s how you show empathy to your idols, folks!  Though we undoubtedly want to know what happened, it’s more important to show our love and support!

Six Times Trying to Have Kids Together with Michael Dubelko

Before getting married to Steve Sohmer, Deidre Hall was previously married to Michael Dubelko. He is a producer, best known for his work The Poker House and Demon Hunter.  They were married for one year only.

Her marriage story isn’t far from her attempt to have kids. With Dubelko, Hall had been trying to have kids through in vitro fertilization (IVF) six times! Only to find out that her uterus had a problem, but also the age of her eggs was too old to succeed in IVF.

After six times of going through failed attempts together, maybe they couldn’t stand it anymore. Though it wasn’t clear whether Hall’s inability to get pregnant was the main reason for their divorce, it undoubtedly contributes one way or another. Some reliable sources stated that their marriage was already at rock bottom even before her last IVF attempt. Still, neither Dubelko nor Hall confirmed that news.

They officially went their separate ways in 1989, after one year of getting married and two years being together in total.

Even though Deidre Hall was pretty devastated by the divorce, she finally moved on and found another lover a year after. Dubelko, however, didn’t seem to associate himself with another girl post the divorce.

Maintaining Marriage with Keith Barbour for Six Years During Her 20s

Another guy that has been married to Deidre Hall is Keith Barbour. Unlike Michael Dubelko, their marriage survived for six years! Before getting married, they dated for a year. Hall seems to don’t have a problem maintaining a long relationship, doesn’t she? A loyal and beautiful woman we all love!

Keith Barbour is her fellow actor. Born in New York City, he seemed to match Hall’s way of living. However, the pair split in 1978.

Hall and Barbour didn’t attempt to have kids when they were together, maybe because they get married in their 20s and didn’t find having kids to be their priority at that moment. That also happened before Hall knew that she has endometriosis.

Some reliable sources, connecting the dots from Hall’s various interviews, stating that Hall’s emotional state was the underlying reason for their divorce. She was shocked by the fact that she was infertile and megadoses of Hall’s hormones that she has experienced. 

Nevertheless, we all know that Deidre Hall isn’t a big fan of disclosing any detailed information about their marriage (and, of course, her divorce). Maybe it’s too traumatic and too burdening for her? 

Deidre Hall First Marriage Ever with William Hudson

William Hudson, an American actor, is the first guy that Deidre Hall has ever married.

Hall’s first marriage took place in 1966, and their time together lasted for four years. Again, props to our loyal queen!

However, if we look for the details of their divorce, we will get disappointed, just like with Hall’s other divorce. It seems like Hall can always find a man who doesn’t talk as well because the story of how the union met and separated was never leaked to the media.

Well, it’s pretty sad and relieving at the same time because we probably will get more disappointed if we know the real reason for Hall’s failed attempts to find true love.

So, How’s Deidre Hall Doing Now?

After getting divorced from her latest husband, Steve Sohmer, Hall happily lives with her two children: David Atticus and Tully Chapin. She described that she is “very happy in her life and career,” as she stated in her interview with Closer Weekly in 2019.

When the interviewer asked about her favorite part of the day with her children, she is very excited to answer that! 

“I love that you asked me that because I say it every day!” she answered immediately. “Every night, my boys and I, after I give them their baths and brush their teeth and give them their night-night kisses, get into bed, and they both choose three or four books, and we snuggle down together under the covers. And I always say, ‘This is my favorite time of the day. And my boys say it with me now. We all know it.” Added Hall. 

Ah, we hope all happy things in this world for Deidre Hall: for all of her dedication and patience. We root for you always, Hall!

About The Author (980 Posts Published)

Rosa has a passion for movies and TV shows. She is creating content and handling editorial work for Creeto, focusing on Celebrity news.
