Furfrou is a unique Pokémon in Pokémon Go. It has multiple appearances available in the mobile game, and so long as you have the standard version of Furfrou caught, you’ll be able to acquire all of the appearances. There are 10 different appearances in total. However, unlocking those appearances is the real trick, and it does cost you quite a bit of stardust. Here’s what you need to do to capture the Furfrou Pharaoh trim in Pokémon Go.
The only way to acquire the Furfrou Pharaoh trim is to be in Egpyt. You and your device with the Pokémon Go application need to be in Egpyt to change Furfrou’s appearance. If you are not in Egpyt, this form will be blocked for you, and you won’t be able to receive it. It’s a bit unfortunate for Pokémon Go collectors who want to unlock all 10 choices, but it does mean trading with other players is always an option.
When you’re in Egpyt, you’ll need to make sure you have a Furfrou of any kind in your collection. It won’t what type of Furfrou you’ve caught. With Furfrou in your collection, click on it and open it up in your game, and underneath the ‘power up’ option, you’re going to see a ‘change form’ choice. Click on it, and you’ll see all of the available Furfrou trims that you can pick. Changing Furfrou’s form costs 25 Furfrou candy and 10,000 Stardust.
We highly recommend capturing multiple Furfrou Pokémon so you can change their appearances and have one appearance option for each one. It fills up your collection, though.
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Zack Palm
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