Should You Investigate the Previously Flooded Area in Alan Wake 2?

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You’ll find there are several objectives you have to complete to progress the Alan Wake 2 narrative, but only a handful of optional ones. One request you’ll receive is to investigate a previously flooded area shortly after discovering Alan Wake.

The lake spits out Alan after 13 years, and much of the water retracts, revealing new areas for you to explore at Cauldron Lake. However, this optional objective does want you to go to a specific location. Here’s what you need to know about investigating the previously flooded area in Alan Wake 2.

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How to Investigate the Previously Flooded Area in Alan Wake 2

When you return to Cauldron Lake and have control of Saga, you’ll begin at Cauldron Lake Shore, on the southwest part of the map. Agent Alex Casey and Alan Wake will be standing there, and you can move around the area. You’ll have a chance to explore, but you’ll have a side objective called, “Investigate the Previously Flooded Area” while playing this section. However, it is optional, and you can choose to return to the parking lot, where you started in this area.

I advise against this, and instead have you make your way up north, through the Crow’s Foot Hills, and over the bridge on the west side of Cauldron Lake. From there, you’ll encounter your first series of Nursery Rhymes and dolls. You’ll also have a chance to find multiple manuscript pages, Lunchboxes, and Cult Stashes scattered throughout the region. These are helpful to your side investigations as you learn about the Dark Place and what’s happened to Alan. The main objective you want to reach is the Witchfinder’s Station in Alan Wake 2.

When you arrive there, you’ll learn that the FBC had created many Nursery Rhymes throughout Cauldron Lake to cause unique events in the real world in Alan Wake 2. There’s a specific Nursery Rhyme for you to complete at the cabin, which involves placing a Wolf doll and a Hero doll on the rhyme. After those have been finished, and you’ve thoroughly searched the station for any more minor clues, you’ll complete the objective. Afterwards, Alex Casey will let you know they’ve reached the car and you make your back when you’re ready.

I do highly encourage all players to go out of their way to complete this side objective. Even though it is optional in Alan Wake 2, it’s connected to several of your side cases, which will aid you along the way.

About the author

Zack Palm

Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.

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