Each time we return to the misfortune, the circumstance of AJ Lewis Hutto and his sister Adrianna Hutto is as yet upsetting. In 2022, he lives with his took on family and has a lovely life.
Who might at any point fail to remember the small child who separated in court while recapping the tale of his mom, killed his kin and was condemned to a lifetime in jail.
The court then, at that point, chose to take a little kid’s declaration and the proof he gave mindfully and condemned his mom to life in jail for first-degree murder.
At the point when Adrianna’s stepbrother A.J., who was six years of age at that point, informed specialists that he had seen his mom “hammer” Adrianna in the pool as a type of beating, from the outset, it was expected that the passing was a mishap.
Where Is Aj Lewis Hutto In 2022? Adrianna Hutto’s brother, AJ Hutto, probably completed secondary school as of now and is ventured to have signed up for school. He likewise lives with his assenting family.
The youthful young person witnessed the awful occasion firsthand when he was six. A.J. seen his mom, Amanda Lewis, reprimanding and suffocating Adrianna, her more seasoned sister, which prompted her death.
Despite the fact that Hutto, who is accepted to be in his 20s or mid 30s, has not been found, it is expected that he is as yet dwelling in Florida, where he was born and resided with his family up until the age of six. His mom, Amanda Lewis, is imprisoned in Lowell Correctional Institution and won’t leave until the end of her sentence.
On August 8, 2007, when the mother found her little girl oblivious in the family’s pool, she called the police. She was kept and blamed for killing her 7-year-old girl Adrianna one month after the fact.
Murder of Adrianna Hutto Documentary American young lady Adrianna Elaine Hutto, age 7, lived in Esto, Florida. Adrianna’s mom, Amanda E. Lewis, called 911 on August 8, 2007, professing to have found her little girl lethargic in the family’s pool.
Crisis responders took Adrianna to the nearby emergency clinic Bay Medical, where she was pronounced dead about an hour after the fact. At the point when Adrianna’s stepbrother A.J., then six years of age, let specialists know that he had seen his mom “hammer” Adrianna in the pool as a type of beating, the demise was not generally viewed as a mishap.
Adrianna was found to have ADHD all through the assessment, and Lewis conceded that while, from the get go, she struggled with interfacing with her girl, her adoration for Adrianna had created with time.
Lets not forget about AJ Hutto who watched his mother drown his sister when he was 6. He had to testify against her in court. Let’s not forget about Adrianna who was 7 and killed by her mother because she had ADD and annoyed her mother… some people shouldn’t have kids pic.twitter.com/a3ysf9EQFd
— L̵e̶x̴i̶ ̵L̶o̸u̶-̸w̶h̵o̶✊🏾 (@lexilouwho666) August 21, 2018
Examiners found that Adrianna and A.J. didn’t seem to have any toys in the home. Lewis answered that the toys had been eliminated for seven days as a type of discipline and that they were kept in a shed. Agents looked through the shed and found no toys or any sign that any had been there, as they had anticipated.
AJ Hutto Mother Amanda Lewis Case Update In March 2008, Amanda Lewis got a lifelong incarceration without the chance of delivery. Her child AJ Hutto was an observer to his sister’s demise as he revealed Adrianna getting a “discipline” from Lewis for applying window cleaner to some unacceptable spot.
A.J. reviewed the occasion and showed it in court through a sketch, professing to have seen his mom killing his sister. Adrianna died excessively terrible, as indicated by A.J’s. record of his mom pushing her arms around her face.
Lewis, in the interim, remains by her declaration that Adrianna fell into the swimming pool and that she had not murdered her girl. She additionally attests that she is coming clean while A.J. isn’t and that she will constantly adore A.J.