Biography of Julin Arango Hugo in Ugly Betty, age, height

Who is Julian Arango?

Julián Arango is a famous Colombian actor and comedian who became world famous after playing Hugo Lombardi in the soap opera “Ugly Betty” , among other important projects in which he has participated. The actor Julián Arango was born on October 6, 1968 in Bogotá, Cundinamarca and is currently considered one of the best actors on Latin American television.

Personal data of Julián Arango

Full name: Julian Arango Mercedes
Best Known: Julian Arango
Date of Birth: October 6  ,  1968
Nationality: Colombian
From: Bogota, Cundinamarca 
Zodiac sign: Libra
Occupation: Actor
Famous for: Hugo Lombardi en “Betty la fea”
Fathers: Julian Arango and Maria Mercedes Robledo
Brother: Alberto Arango 
Ex-wife: Ana Maria Orozco  (1999-2000)
Height: 1.67 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Raza: Latino
Eye color: Café
Skin color: Blanca
Hair color: Café
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Biography of Julian Arango

Beginnings in the life of Julián Arango

The successful actor Julián Arango began what would be his long career as an actor studying “Artistic Training, clown and improvisation” initially in his native Colombia but then he was fortunate to travel to different countries to continue growing his talent, visiting places like Cuba, Spain and even to Paris.

Julián Arango had his first participation in theater and some workshops where he managed to do his first acting jobs but then in 1995 he had his debut on television in the novel “Difficult Times” and although he had a fairly small role he did not mind because it was his first approach to television forums and that would help him later in his professional career, as if that were not enough, which earned him his first nomination for the India Catalina Awards in the Best Supporting Actor category in 1998.

Then Julián Arango would appear in “Perro amor” but his great character that would change his life would be yet to come.

Trajectory and history of Julián Arango

Hugo Lombardi the great professional success of Julián Arango in Betty la Fea

With only two previous novels to his credit, a novel would arrive for the actor that would catapult him and the entire cast: “Ugly Betty” in which Julián Arango played Hugo Lombardi , the star designer of Ecomoda and who becomes one of Betty’s enemies ( Ana María Orozco ) whom she sees with bad eyes and always tries to belittle her, not only her but the entire quarter of the ugly ones and on some occasions even the president of Ecomoda Don Armando ( Jorge Enrique Abello). Julián Arango in his role as Hugo Lombardi played a homosexual man who at that time was taboo and even more so in developing countries like Colombia but “Huguito” was a very well accepted and loved character even though he was one of the antagonists of the story along with Marcela ( Natalia Ramírez ) and Patricia Fernández ( Lorna Cepeda ).

Ugly Betty, in which the actor Julián Arango participated in the role of Hugo Lombardi , became an impressive success in his native Colombia and only a few months later the novel began to be broadcast in different parts of the world, becoming the most popular soap opera. successful worldwide and that even in the current years it continues to be broadcast, Netflix being the streaming service company that decided to put it in its catalog and managing to be on the top of the most viewed for months and months in a row, in China, its Premiere chapter was seen by 73 million people, among many more.

Julián Arango participated in Betty la fea playing Huguito, this melodrama over the years has achieved unthinkable great successes, such as; the soap opera won the Guinness Record in 2010 after being broadcast in more than 180 countries, dubbed into 25 languages ​​and having at least 28 adaptations around the world. Although they later made the second part of “Ugly Betty” called Accommoda, it was a resounding failure and a few months later it was cancelled.

Curiously, in 2022 , the actor Julián Arango spoke about the failure of “Ecomoda” and gave the reasons why he believed that the second part of “Ugly Betty” had been a mistake; “ I think it didn’t work because the mystique was lost. When we started we did it naively, none of them were successful. We were all new to the medium. This fame and this boom came to us and the beauty of Betty was lost. We didn’t understand what had happened and when we were realistic and realized how famous we were, I think that with Ecomoda it was more about ‘what can I get out of here’ than ‘how can I enjoy it’.

Julián Arango ‘s success has not only been limited to television, as he has also achieved many achievements in acting and especially in the cinema, participating in some of the most important novels such as “Loco por vos, Los Oriyinales, El spell de un café , The warmth of the home, Sofía and the stubborn, The cartel of the toads, I love you Ana Elisa” , among others.

Without a doubt, Julián Arango managed to establish himself as one of the best actors on Colombian television, not only because of his great passion for his work, but also because of his dedication and great acting ability, which is why he also began to try his luck in series, some of the most notable. They were “The useless, Crossed loves, Desperate housewives, In Eva’s heels, The cartel, Operation Jaque, La pola, Infiltrados Metastasis, Anonymous, Narcos Mexico , The man is Germán”, among many more.

Julián Arango has stood out for his great quality as an actor and has been recognized in different awards in which he has been nominated many times, such as in the TVyNovelas awards, where he has achieved more than 8 nominations, but in 2011 he managed to win a statuette. at the “India Catalina” awards in the category of “Best Supporting Actor” for his character in the novel “La Pola”

Julián Arango  is undoubtedly one of the most important actors on Colombian television and with the greatest international projection, he is an actor who with his talent, charisma and professionalism has played countless characters with whom he has managed to win the hearts of all people who have ever seen any of the soap operas and series in which he has participated.

In Yo soy Betty, la fea and Ecomoda he played Hugo Lombardi , in El inútil , Martín Martínez, in Amas de casa desesperadas , Tomás Aguilar, in Las muñecas de la mafia, Claudio, in Infiltrados , the mayor Ramón García and In El cartel de los sapos, Gaudaña are characters that Julián Arango has done masterfully and that have kept him as one of the great actors of all television.

Children and wife of Julián Arango

Julian Arango and Ana Maria Orozco

Ana María Orozco and Julián Arango met in 2017 and they were dating for several years. Finally, the couple married in 1999 and their separation was registered in 2000, in full recording of the successful production “Betty la Fea” causing a big problem because It was difficult for both of them to be working together even when they had already separated and above all it was difficult for Julián who confessed that it hurt him to have to offend “Betty” who was also his wife.

As it was said at that time, the separation was due to a third person, it was the photographer Pedro Franco, who first met Ana María Orozco for work and apparently this made the actress decide to leave her husband to have a romance with the photographer.

Julian Arango Pack

Although on social networks and the internet people search a lot for the Julián Arango pack or photos in which he can be seen with little clothing or in sensual poses, the truth is that currently there is no Julián Arango pack other than those photos that the artist has published on his own networks and that could be considered sexy.

How much is Julián Arango’s fortune?

This is one of the questions that people ask the most about Julián Arango and although they always end up answering it on other pages with “I don’t know” or “it depends” if there are some estimates that various web portals mention. However, it is not possible to make an exact calculation about the fortune of this great star that is Julián Arango within the middle of the show, even so, more than being interested in the fortune of a person, the important thing is the talent he has and what he has done that he is among the great figures of the international show business.

Without a doubt, the career of this great star Julián Arango will continue to rise and we will be attentive to everything that happens around him, so we invite you to stay on our page for the next updates that we will have in life, career, history and biography of Julián Arango.
