Will Upton Tell Burgess the Truth About Roy?

The season 8 finale of Chicago P.D. saw Officer Kim Burgess fighting for her life after being shot by Roy Walton. Later Hailey Upton shot and killed Roy, and Voight helped her cover the murder up. Jay Halstead learned the truth, and after a close call with Agent North, it looks like the dust has finally settled following Roy’s death. However, as far as Kim knows, Roy escaped. Will Upton come clean to Burgess about Roy’s fate in Chicago P.D. Season 9?

What happened to Roy Walton?

Roy Walton was a criminal who ran a human trafficking ring in Chicago P.D. Season 8. He had Burgess kidnapped and shot her twice, leaving her to die. Luckily, she survived the incident and was able to make a full recovery. However, the incident was obviously horrifying and traumatic.

Voight and Upton find Roy in the season 8 finale and decide to take him into police custody. However, Roy reaches for Voight’s gun, and Upton shoots and kills him. The pair decided to keep this incident a secret, and Voight burns Roy’s body to dispose of the evidence.

In Chicago P.D. Season 9, Halstead eventually learns the truth about Roy’s death. Agent North digs deeper into the case and ends up finding Roy’s remains. He tells Halstead that he and Upton will go to prison unless Halstead helps him take down Voight.

In the fall finale, Halstead learns that Agent North’s brother is an addict and tricks him into getting arrested. While in police custody, he admits that North got him out of police custody three times in the past couple of years. Voight and Halstead note that this is “obstruction of justice” and “official misconduct.” Halstead uses this information to blackmail North into dropping the investigation into Roy’s death.

Will Hailey Upton tell Kim Burgess the truth about Roy’s death?

Although Voight, Upton, and Halstead are in the clear, that’s not to say that Burgess won’t learn the truth later in Chicago P.D. Season 9. In an interview with TV Insider, Tracy Spiridakos was asked whether there will be an “Upton-Burgess conversation” about Roy’s fate.

“I know. I really want to, and I’m not sure. We’re only on Episode 13 right now, so I’m not sure what’s coming up, but I would really love that. We had that moment in the hospital.”

“There’s a lot in there,” added Jesse Lee Soffer, who plays Halstead. “That’s a really intense dynamic to see play out, for Burgess to find out. That’s something that the writers have in their back pocket for one day if they want.”

It seems like the next few episodes of Chicago P.D. Season 10 won’t bring up this topic for Burgess. However, it’s definitely something that could come into play in the future.

Fans want Burgess to get closure in ‘Chicago P.D.’ Season 9

After what he did to Burgess, Chicago P.D. fans didn’t exactly mourn Roy Walton’s death. However quite a few felt that Burgess should know the man who nearly killed her is no longer at large. “I think we should have seen some stuff come up that forces them to confess to the squad. Especially Kim should feel some closure,” a fan wrote on Reddit.

“The only thing uncomfortable is Kim not having closure, and they could probably tell her and she would be delighted,” another fan agreed. It’s difficult to say what Burgess’ reaction would be to finding out Upton killed Roy, but perhaps this will be explored in the future.
