Swamp Peoples Willie Edwards and his son have their most challenging year yet Fri 3 Fe

Swamp People is back for season 10, along with Willie Edwards and Little Willie, and many fans are wondering how old the pair are.

The Swamp People father and son duo have their work cut out for them in one of the most challenging years yet. This year, the most experienced swampers are struggling with hurricanes, heat waves, and cold spells.

We take a closer look into Willie Edwards, his son, and their ages.

Who is Willie Edwards?

Willie is an alligator hunter who learned hunting from his father Junior, and is now passing it on through his generations.

The Swamp People star and his wife Sherrie have three children together, including son Little Willie.

Willie has many years of experience in the swamp, and we’ve even seen him solo gator hunting. In season 7, we saw his solo hunt become extremely dangerous when he faced a monster gator.

This lead to fans admiring his hunting skills. One said: “Willie, is the best of all the gator hunters.”

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Swamp People Willie Edward’s age has not officially been confirmed

Although Willie’s age has not been officially confirmed, many sources state he is in his mid-late 30’s.

His son, Little Willie is 19 years old as of 2023, and Willie’s younger brother Randy, was 35 when he sadly passed away in 2018.

This would mean that Willie is at least 40 years old, at the time of writing.

Willie’s brother Randy sadly passed away

In September 2018, Willie’s brother Randy was pronounced dead at age 35, in a fatal car accident.

He was also part of the Swamp People cast, and was a tough swamper, just like his dad and brother.

In a Facebook post, on 15 September 2018, the family wrote: “It is in deep sadness that I make this post. Junior and Theresa’s son, Willie’s brother, Randy passed away in a vehicle accident early this morning. Randy was 35.”

Ronnie HereIt is in deep sadness that I make this post. Junior and Theresa's son, Willie's brother, Randy passed away…

Posted by Junior and Willie Edwards on Saturday, September 15, 2018


