Former WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes Says He's The Biggest Draw In Wrestling

After Cody Rhodes successfully defeated KUSHIDA at Saturday’s ROH Global Wars event in Columbus, Ohio, he talked about doing what he says he’s going to do, whether that’s packing ROH’s shows or breaking their pay-per-view buyrate records.

“It’s no longer the company that defines the man, it’s the man that defines the company, and that company is Ring of Honor and the company that I keep is the Bullet Club,” Rhodes exclaimed. “So, come at me and I will be smiling, because I’m the biggest damn draw in this entire industry.”

You can check out his remarks below:

Post match comments from @CodyRhodes after a successful ROH title defense at #GlobalWars

— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) October 15, 2017
