Motivational speaker Brother Polight took to Instagram recently to announce that his s*xual battery charges were dropped. On Monday, 16 August 2023, the influencer turned himself in after being accused of s*xually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in February. Online sources said that the author was sentenced to seven years in prison for s*xual battery of a child along with 10 years of probation. However, it seems like the internet personality does not have to serve the sentence.
For those unversed, Brother Polight is a motivational speaker who founded the Nu-Covenant. He is a former fang member but has since turned into a mentor. He frequently uploads inspiring content on YouTube and has amassed a massive following of 315K on Instagram.
In August, it was revealed that Brother Polight’s ex-girlfriend asked him to take her teenage daughter to a party in Miami. Reports stated that the club they were to go to was closed so Brother Polight, whose real name is Michael Noak Jr. took the teen to his hotel where he gave the youngster alcohol and touched her inappropriately.
Reports also claimed that Noak forced the teen to perform intimate acts on him. It was also revealed that he tried to make her throw up after she passed out.
Reports also revealed that the teen’s mother eventually found her intoxicated and potentially drugged.
According to @The_VelvetDoor, Brother Polight was since charged with s*xual battery to aggravated child abuse and delinquency of a minor.
He has now come forward and claims that the charges have been dropped.
What did Brother Polight say about the s*xual abuse charges?
The 40-year-old took to his official Instagram account to announce that the “S*x Charges” were dropped. He claimed that the prosecution and the alleged victims dropped “every single s*xual charge.”
He falsely claimed that he was facing a life sentence with no parole and probation as well.
Noak went on to explain how the r*pe kit found that there were no evidences of s*xual assault despite the serologist claiming otherwise.
He also claimed that his ex-girlfriend told him that she would “destroy” his life, which as per him, would be evidence that she had motive to falsely accuse him of s*xual abuse.
Brother Polight went on to explain that he and the other party reached an agreement. However, details of the agreement were not revealed.
Responding to the same, Instagram user claimed that the charges were not dropped but he made a “plea deal” with the accusers. @qb84 said:
“The family agreed so that your victim wouldn’t have to testify and reveal her identity. Enjoy those seven years of PC.”Platform user @hernameisbrittanie also commented under his Instagram post- “Sir u took the plea”
Another netizen @neva_h8a also said- “He copped a plea, stop the 🧢 bro”
Official sources had not confirmed that he took a plea deal at the time of writing this article.
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