Matt Riddle Responds To Randy Orton Legit Not Liking Him At First

Randy Orton and Matt Riddle are now RKBro, a new team with a lot of promise. Of course, that team will be much more successful if Orton can keep from RKOing his partner. So far the team is still together, but that might not have been possible after their first meeting.

We previously reported how Randy Orton admitted that he didn’t like Matt Riddle at first. This was a case of miscommunication, but it turned out to be very true as well. It could have also reflected how the two have interacted on WWE television so far.

The Original Bro recently spoke to El Brunch de WWE where the fact that Orton didn’t like him at first came up. Riddle heard that interview from The Viper and he discussed how he was able to turn Randy Orton around.

In my head, I had this vision board and Randy [Orton] was a — he might not know this, he was a part of it and I was like, ‘I don’t know how, I wanna work with this guy. I need to make it happen one way or another’ and I’ll be honest, I heard this interview, he said the other day that he didn’t really like me when he first met me. I was like, ‘Oh, that makes sense. He really didn’t talk to me.’ But, I felt like I put it out there and I was always positive and I always was just thinking to myself like, ‘You don’t wanna force anything in wrestling.’ So I was like how do I slither my way next to The Viper? And I got hit up after WrestleMania, they had some ideas for me and one of ‘em was maybe me and Randy go at it but it was never — WWE, I don’t ever [think they] thought we were gonna tag. I think they were just like, ‘You guys are gonna fight, have a feud, Randy versus Riddle,’ you know?”

“But then, we started talking. Some people think I’m really annoying and I get it. I can be really annoying at times but I’ll tell you this: My whole life, people have either loved me or hated me and I got a feeling Randy, he kinda — I think he loves me more than he hates me, at least at this moment and I’m going to take full advantage of that. Yes I’m excited, I saw this happening. RK-Bro, Riddle and Randy, Orton and bro and together. You can call us Bro-ton, whatever. We are the future of the tag team division.

We will have to see if RKBro has any future or even title runs in their future. The team could seemingly implode at any time if The Viper springs an RKO outta nowhere. They seem to be doing just fine for now.

Are you a fan of the RKBro team? Do they have tag team gold in their future? Sound off in the comments!

Thanks to Post Wrestling for the quote

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
