Emily Beth Stern Is a Student Rabbi & Lives Modestly as Howard Stern's Daughter

Emily Beth Stern is the daughter of a famous radio presenter who once served as a judge in "America's Got Talent." Despite having a celebrity father, Emily lives a simple life.

Emily is Howard Stern's eldest daughter, whom he shares with his ex-wife and college sweetheart Alison Berns. Emily revealed she was deeply affected by her parent's divorce because she believed they had a strong bond and were in love.

Emily, who has two younger sisters, Debra and Ashley, said her parent's divorce came out of nowhere and was shocked when her father moved on and tied the knot in 2008 with model Beth Ostrosky, who is 18 years younger than him.

Although Emily lives away from the direct spotlight, she occasionally goes on the radar and reveals information about herself. Here's what we know about Howard Stern's daughter, Emily.

Emily Beth Stern Tried to Pursue a Career in Acting but Lacked Guidance from Her Parents

Emily once pursued a career in the entertainment industry but became discouraged along the way. She claimed her parents weren't there to advise her on which career to follow after she graduated from New York University Tisch School of the Arts.

Emily revealed that she and her parents had never discussed what she wanted to be, which affected her. She then opted to work as an artist full-time, writing music, plays, and acting. Also, she enrolled at Drisha Institute to study Torah.

In 2015, Emily joined the cast of the off-off-Broadway play "Kabbalah." Howard's daughter was excited about playing Madonna and showed her commitment by coloring her hair blonde and going nude. But things didn't turn out as she expected, and the play received terrible reviews.

In 2014, Howard Stern revealed to comedian Jerry Seinfeld that everyone in his life practiced meditation, and he couldn't imagine life without it.

Emily claimed director Tuvia Teenenbom took advantage of her status and leaked her naked video against her consent. She said Teenenbom opted to go through that route to promote the show after he experienced low ticket sales.

After six weeks, Emily quit the show and forwarded the matter to her dad's lawyers. She admitted that Teenenbom took advantage of her love for the show for his own selfish gain. Even though Emily now lives a modest life, she doesn't regret any of her experiences.

Emily Beth Stern Diverted Her Focus into Practicing Orthodox Judaism

In 2005, Emily's life took a different turn. She left the flashy life behind and began practicing Orthodox Judaism. She traded the strappy and stunning dresses for outfits that covered her body.

Emily decided to look for a stronger religious identity in her lowest moment when she was facing the bitter truth of her parent's divorce and dealing with the public embarrassment of a director's decision to leak her nude photos.

She finally discovered her religious identity when she walked into a yoga studio and found an ongoing Jewish Renewal havdalah ceremony. Emily recalled how she got the revelation. She said:

"I walked into my first havdalah ceremony … and I had never seen something ritual and how it was relating to the world in such a grounded way. It really gave me an opportunity to begin to relate to matter in a way that was authentic for me."

After Emily encountered Jewish traditional religious services for the first time, she began to engage in Judaism in several creative ways. Emily, who shows her creativity differently, started by writing a children's book in ancient Jewish text. She also wrote a play as part of an art fellowship at the Upper West Side Drisha Institute.

Emily has also done a photography project based on the Jewish ritual of mikvah titled "Thee Well of Miriam." Emily, who is committed to religion, explained such opportunities have allowed her to integrate her artistic and Jewish identities.

Instead of pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, Emily found other ways of expressing her love for the arts—she works as a Rabbi. Howard Stern's daughter has dedicated her life to studying Hebrew Bible and its extending literature.

The learning process includes different steps, such as becoming a rabbinic student at the Aleph Ordination Program and studying Torah at Nishmat.

Emily Beth Stern Creates Art & Music for a Living

While Emily began her career as an aspiring actress, she now creates art and writes plays and music. At times, she also hosts photo exhibitions in different locations. Emily shares her art on social media; she has a YouTube channel where she posts videos of her music and a poetry Instagram account for sharing her poems.

Emily Now Shares Close Relationship with Her Parents Who Support Her Religious Undertakings

Even though Emily found a new path and is committed to her religion, she still maintains a close relationship with her parents. She stated that her parents have no issue with her religious life. Though Emily's family is liberal, she admitted it took a lot of courage to become spiritual.

While growing up, Emily learned a few rituals from her parents. They practiced transcendental meditation, and she knew her first manta at ten, which she still practices to date. In 2014, Howard Stern revealed to comedian Jerry Seinfeld that everyone in his life practiced meditation, and he couldn't imagine life without it.

Despite Emily's disdain for her parent's lack of support, her father is proud of what she has achieved. In his book, "Howard Stern Comes Again," he admitted that he was proud of his daughter's work, and her brilliance continues to enlighten him.
