5 chilling details about Keith Bryan's murder

Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered previously featured the 2011 murder case of Fire Chief Keith Bryan, who was fatally shot by his wife inside their Mustang, Oklahoma, home. The episode titled Mystery in Mustang is scheduled to re-air on the platform on Tuesday, December 13, at 10:00 pm ET.

The synopsis reads:

"Fire chief Keith Bryan is shot dead in his home, leaving police to wonder who would want to slay the local hero."

Keith's wife, Becky Bryan, initially tried to mislead authorities by telling a false story about an intruder and a revenge plan, until the murder weapon along with other incriminating evidence was discovered in their home where the murder occurred. Moreover, authorities found out about her multiple affairs and a call she made to her former lover hours before the murder, which was used to implicate her.

Becky was found guilty two years later and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Prosecutors claim she shot her 33-year-old husband in the head with her own pistol while wearing a glove and concealing the weapon with a blanket.

This article will further discuss a few facts about Keith Bryan's case that surfaced during the investigation.

Keith Bryan murder case: Five quick facts about the shooting death of Nichols Hills Fire Department Chief

1) Keith Bryan was still breathing when authorities arrived at their Mustang, Oklahoma, home

Keith Bryan's wife called 911 around 10 pm on September 20, 2011, claiming that her husband had been shot by an intruder inside their Mustang home. When authorities arrived at the crime scene, they realized that Keith was still breathing and rushed him to the hospital. He was fatally shot in the head and died in the early morning hours of the following day.

2) Bryan's wife Becky claimed that an intruder shot him in what seemed like a revenge plan

Becky Bryan claimed that on September 20, 2011, a male intruder, probably in his mid-20s, entered their house at 1320 W Rose Hill Drive, using an unlocked garage door to shoot Keith, who was in the living room, in the head. Becky claimed that the man apologized to her and stated that Keith should have hired him. He then took off in his dark-colored pickup.

3) Investigators found incriminating evidence at the Bryans' home

In the hours following the shooting, detectives reportedly conducted a thorough search of Bryan's home and discovered multiple boxes of ammunition as well as a gun box for a Ruger LCP .380-caliber semi-automatic handgun under Becky Bryan's side of the bed.

They also looked inside the house's utility room, where they discovered a blanket and many other items via the dryer's transparent door, including a rubber glove, a spent shell casing, and a Ruger .380 caliber pistol. There were many holes in the blanket that seemed to be bullet holes. It was claimed that the serial numbers on the gun and the gun box discovered under the mattress matched.

4) Information about Becky Bryan's multiple affairs also surfaced during the murder investigation

Mark Holbrook, a man from Hugo, tipped investigators about his affair with Becky Bryan, which ended earlier in 2010 after he started to learn about her manipulative nature. She allegedly pursued Holbrook and made many attempts to get him back since she wasn't quite over the relationship.

A fascinating development occurred when a different man came forward and claimed she had s*x with her on the day the incident occurred. Moreover, one of her friends claimed she confessed to having s*x with a man four days before the shooting.

5) A jury found Becky guilty in Keith Bryan's murder case and sentenced her to life in prison

In May 2013, nearly two years after Bryan's tragic demise, a jury deliberated for about four hours before delivering a guilty verdict in Becky Bryan's trial for her husband's murder because of her obsession with a former lover, Holbrook. It was also alleged that she intended on collecting her fire chief husband's pension money. She was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Tune in to Dateline: Secrets Uncovered on Oxygen for more details on the case.

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