The news of Olivia Morrow New Jersey Arrest has recently overtaken all other stories. Let’s find out in this article what happened.
On May 21, 2023, a youngster named Olivia Morrow and her traveling partner Karina Armando were taken into custody for drunk driving.
Patrolman Robert Alvator of the Highlands Police Department pulled over and inquired about both after seeing the automobile acting strangely while driving northbound on SR 36.
Olivia was arrested as a result of the situation. Was she charged with anything? Let’s get into additional specifics.
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Olivia Morrow New Jersey Arrest: What happened?
On the evening of May 21, 2023, two New Jersey adolescents, Olivia Morrow and Karina Armando, were arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI).
The silver-colored car was spotted accelerating and overtaking another vehicle. Patrolman Alvator stopped the vehicle close to Orchard Street and SR 36 out of concern for everyone’s safety.
Similarly, the policeman asked for the driving license and car papers, and while checking, he found out they were behaving strangely.
Olivia Morrow was in the passenger seat while her friend Karina was driving the car.
After a certain time, Olivia and her mate admitted to consuming alcohol earlier at a popular beachfront bar in Sea Bright, Donovan’s Reef.

In addition, Patrolwoman Nicole Curley arrived and asked her fellow patrolman Alvator to make her do outdoor sobriety exercises.
During the field sobriety tests, Olivia Morrow’s aggressive and uncooperative demeanor became a source of worry.
Morrow’s activities proceeded despite warnings of potential obstruction of justice charges, prompting her boyfriend to intercede and remove her from the scene for her safety.
Karina Armando Charged With DUI
Karina Armando is a friend of Olivia Morrow, who was driving a car when they got pulled over by the patrol officers.
Armando’s driving alerted the patrol officers as she was driving carelessly.
Similarly, Patrolman Alvator activated his emergency lights and pulled over the car on Orchard Street, being concerned about public safety.
As Patrolwoman Nicole Curley arrived to assist, the situation worsened. Patrolman Alvator demanded that Armando do field sobriety exercises due to her age.
Armando’s field sobriety tests revealed a troubling picture of impairment.
During the One Leg Stand exam, she failed to maintain balance, walk heel-to-toe during the Walk and Turn test, and pronounce the alphabet slurredly during the Alphabet test.
Her counting was also inconsistent, according to the Finger Dexterity test.

As a result, Patrolman Alvator decided to arrest Karina Armando for driving under the influence.
Following her arrest on DUI charges, the follow-up of Karina Armando’s interaction with law enforcement sheds light on the procedural processes used by authorities.
Karina’s legal ordeal began when Patrolman Robert Alvator of the Highlands Police Department pulled her over for reckless driving.
Similarly, Karina was brought to the Atlantic Highlands Police Department since the breathalyzer test could not be performed at the nearby station.
Likewise, Sergeant Elmer and Patrolman Cunha carefully observed Karina’s refusal to produce breath tests.
Patrolman Alvator then took her back to the police vehicle, and the process was repeated at the Highlands Police Department.
She was processed further there, which is a vital stage in the legal process.
Olivia Morrow’s boyfriend signed the Potential Liability Warning form on Karina’s behalf, and she was released.
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