Love vs Lust? - guyQ by AskMen

I think they are intertwined. To love is an extension of lust and lust can be an extension of love. If you truly love someone then the sexual part of it is a natural part of the fabric that holds it together. Even on a chemical level it plays a role.

It has been studied that every time a person orgasms with another there is a dopamine response that solidifies feelings toward them. A natural extension of this is why it is usually tricky to have a purely FWB relationship with another.

They are different extremes of the same feeling. Primal and intellectual elements of attraction. True love is a unison of both at their best. To have only one or the other can still be considered but it will never be as good as both in harmony.

If the two aren't lusting after each other I'd question how attracted they actually are to each other in the first place.
