Chloe Fineman Is Rumored To Be Dating Casey Thomas Brown

Chloe Fineman is no stranger to the world of comedy. She earns a livelihood as a Saturday Night Live cast member. But two things occurred when she said she was marrying her closest friend, Casey Thomas Brown. One: She was taken seriously by the majority of venues and newspapers. Two: Everyone assumed he was her boyfriend the whole time. To be honest, Brown being Fineman’s lover made sense. They got along well. They spend a significant amount of time together.

And, let’s be honest, they do look gorgeous together. There was just one little hiccup: Brown is homosexual. Fineman eventually cleared the air. The actress said the Instagram live wedding she had with her closest friend was fraud in an interview with Vulture.

When asked whether she was quarantined with her “fiancé,” she said, “My ‘fiancé’ is my homosexual best buddy Casey in Montana, but I’m with my boyfriend.” Brown was mentioned in the previous title. Although Fineman tried her best to clear things up, it seems that not everyone received the word.

Chloe Fineman Surprised by the Responses

Indeed, Fineman was taken aback by how many people, including big media, accepted her statements at face value and followed up with a barrage of straight-faced headlines.

“It really blew my head. And we were dressed in mullet wigs! He purposefully made the flyer seem bad “She pondered. “And they were like, ‘SNL’s Chloe Fineman Is Marrying!'”

Chloe Fineman

Fineman also said that various journalists had contacted her SNL publicists. Everyone was informed that the wedding was a sham by the same publicists. The suspicious media outlets, on the other hand, chose to proceed with the story nonetheless. Fineman is clearly a compelling performer.

“I guess they assumed I wanted a hilarious wedding, and I will want that when I get married,” she continued.

Fineman considered the potential of Brown’s acting abilities in selling the whole job as plausible. After all, he did cry throughout the wedding.

Chloe Fineman

The Idea for an Instagram Wedding

She also said that she was inspired to perform the wedding joke after seeing a girl get married in real life on Instagram. The SNL actress felt the whole setup was ridiculous, and she was bored out of her mind being cooped up. With a few phone calls to friends like Drew Droege, Brown, Hannah Pilkes, and Sarah Baker, they were able to organize the whole wedding in less than a day.

Her lover, who was confined with her, must have been amused by all of this. “He sighed and rolled his eyes. He was relieved that I finally had something to do. “Fineman was speaking about her real-life partner. But she declined to say if she had any intentions to ring the wedding bells other than a joke. And, in case you were wondering, she also said that if she did get married, it would not be on Instagram. Having said that, the identity of Fineman’s true partner remains a mystery to the majority of people.

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