What a New San Francisco Condo Tower in 'Van Mission' Will Look Like

  • A new apartment high-rise in San Francisco will add 550 housing units priced between $3,500 and $9,900 a month.
  • The tower is called Fifteen Fifty and sits in the city center in a neighborhood that is being rebranded as "Van Mission."
  • Apartments are now being leased, and future residents will have access to a rooftop pool deck, a private park, and more.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

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A 40-story glass apartment high-rise is going up on the corner of Mission and South Van Ness Streets in San Francisco. 

Its 550 residences, with the market-rate units priced between $3,500 and $9,900 a month, are spread over 400 feet of the glistening structure, whose facade gives the illusion of a waterfall, according to the developer. As mandated by the city, 20% of the units will be affordable for low-income households.

Fifteen Fifty is among a spate of high-rise towers sprouting up in San Francisco that cater to high-earning workers. It's expensive to build in San Francisco, so the costs are subsequently high to live in the majority of new housing that is built.

The new tower at 1550 Mission Street also sits in a part of town that has become San Francisco's latest rebranded neighborhood: the "Van Mission."


Here's what the tower's offerings will look like.
