Why Food Network's Rachael Ray Never Had Any Kids

For those watching the Food Network for years, there’s no doubt Rachael Ray stands as one of the original stars of the network. From 30 Minute Meals to $40 a Day, fans have admired her quick, no-fuss meal plans and upbeat personality that’s always apparent while she’s on the air. And she’s even opened up about her personal life, too. We’ve heard about how she got started with the network, how she met her husband, John Cusimano, and what her plans are for the future.

Now, at 50 years old, fans are starting to wonder if Rachael ever wanted children. Here’s the real reason she never had any kids.

Rachael chose to focus on her career instead of having kids

From the beginning of her time on the Food Network, Rachael has proven success doesn’t come easy — and she’s certainly worked hard to get where she is today. ABC News reminds us the Food Network star has a series of books, shows, a magazine, cookware, and her own TV show to attend to. In an interview, she also mentioned that she’s not one to long for a relaxing life, either. “Relaxing freaks me out. … It just freaks me out. I’m not good with the calm … I’m high-strung … I’ve been in a knot since birth. I want to stay that way,” she said.

While she certainly loves her crazy-busy lifestyle, it did require making a few tough decisions — and one of them was not having kids. As Rachael told People, she doesn’t have time to have children when she’s got so much else that needs her attention. “I work too much to be an appropriate parent. I feel like a bad mom to my dog some days because I’m just not here enough. I just feel like I would do a bad job if I actually took the time to literally give birth to a kid right now and try and juggle everything I’m doing,” she said.

Rachael still enjoys being around kids, however

While Rachael and her husband, John, have purposely chosen a life without children, that doesn’t mean Rachael doesn’t like hanging out with the little ones. According to a blog from The Wall Street Journal, Rachael really enjoys sharing the art of cooking with kids. And when an interviewer asked if she felt like she was missing something from her life because of her decision not to have children, Rachael maintained that she didn’t feel that way at all. “I don’t feel like I am. I really don’t.”

It appears her husband, John, feels the same way, too. Not only is John a lawyer, but he also sings in a band called The Cringe. New York Magazine noted years ago that the band wasn’t very good, but even so, he seems to enjoy his current life sans children.

She maintains a close relationship with the other members of her family

She may not have children, but Rachael is far from alone. Aside from her marriage of over a decade, she seems to be extremely close with her family. ABC News reports Rachael grew up in upstate New York and still visits regularly to spend time with her mother, Elsa Scuderi. Rachael seemed to get her cooking chops from her family, as Elsa managed her own string of restaurants and was known for her own cooking skills. And even Elsa has mentioned that her daughter never seems to slow down with her business ventures. “From the time she’s been very small, she has always been ahead of herself,” the mother said.

Aside from Rachael’s mom, the star also has two siblings she’s seemingly quite close with, Mashed reports. Her older half-sister, Maria Betar, helps Rachael out by writing recipes for the star’s website, and Manny, Rachael’s younger brother, has a few special dishes named after him.

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