Where is Diane Parker's daughter Bambi Bennett today?

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered is ready to bring you the fascinating case of Diane Parker and Charlie Parker's murder on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Dating back to 2005, this case shook up the quaint residency of Nixonville, South Carolina.

This case was not only a huge blow to the community that held Diane and Charlie in high regard but was also twisted in many ways. It ended up costing a man many years of his life before finally being resolved.

Richard Gagnon was the initial suspect in the double murder along with Bambi Bennett, Charlie's stepdaughter and Diane Parker's daughter from her previous relationship. Bambi and Richard lived together in the woods under a tent and only came to the Parker residence to eat and shower.

With eyewitness claims and a shred of forensic evidence, Richard Gagnon and Bambi Bennett were charged and arrested.

Though Bambi was let go after a lack of evidence against her, she still ended up serving six months in prison for the murder of her parents. On the other hand, Richard Gagnon was found guilty of the murders and sentenced to life without parole.

This was a gross mistake on the part of the authorities. Richard was let go years later when the real killer, Bruce Antwain Hill, was found and arrested. After the arrest, Bambi has remained relatively low-key, and not much is known about her current whereabouts.

Why was Bambi Bennett arrested for Richard and Diane Parker's murder?

Diane Parker was Bambi Bennet's birth mother. So how did she come under suspicion in the first phase of the investigation? The answer is motive. Bambi and the Parkers did not have the smoothest of relationships.

Bambi Bennett and Richard Gagnon, her 32-year-old boyfriend, moved out of the Parkers' residence after a disagreement over the custody of Bambi's two children. Bambi's children were from her previous marriage. The issues of disagreement between Diane Parker and Bambi also included inheritance.

After the arguments, Bambi, Richard, and their two boys moved into the woods, where they lived under a tent. They often came to shower and eat at the Parkers' house when the older couple was not home.

When the investigators started to look into the double murder, they heard from witnesses about spotting Bambi and Richard outside Charlie and Diane Parker's home the night before the murder. Forensic evidence also pointed at Bambi Bennett and her boyfriend, with investigators allegedly finding Charlie's blood in Bambi's shoes. Richard and Bambi were arrested and sent to prison.

About six months later, investigators could not gather enough evidence about Bambi Bennett and finally released her from prison. Richard, on the other hand, was not so lucky. After another convict, Robert Lee Mullins, who was with Richard during his pre-trial phase, falsely testified against him, Richard was sentenced to life in prison. It would be years before he would win this unfair battle and become a free man again.

Not much was heard about Bambi Bennett after her release from prison. Years later, she has gone off the grid, and no information about her current whereabouts is available. Richard found religion after his release and currently lives on Carolina Coast.

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