What You Need To Know About Kamala Harris' Niece, Meena Harris

Even if you've never heard of Meena Harris, you have likely seen the fruits of her labor if you've been on Instagram since the 2016 election. She is the person behind the Phenomenal Woman national campaign, which was inspired by a Maya Angelou poem and supports inclusive, feminist causes, such as helping women in incarceration or the rights of immigrant families. You've likely seen celebs wearing one of her t-shirts, but that's not all! 

In addition to being a mother of two children, Harris is also a children's book writer. In fact, her book titled Kamala and Maya's Big Idea, inspired by her mom, Maya Harris, and aunt, Kamala Harris, is about two little girls who work to change their community for good. 

Though not everyone connected to Kamala thinks her veep ambitions are a good idea, Meena has been very active on social media in support of her aunt's political aspirations. She even helped introduce Kamala at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, saying that her aunt inspired her to work as an agent of change. Meena called Joe Biden's running mate "fierce" and "formidable." It's likely that Americans will hear a lot more about Kamala's family in the future, and it's likely that Meena will continue to campaign on her aunt's behalf. Who knows? Considering her passion for politics, Meena might even have the VP's ear if Joe Biden and Harris wind up in the White House
