20 Facts You Didn't Know About the Movie Selena

Incredible to believe, but the Selena movie debuted 20 years ago today. That's a tough idea to wrap our head around especially since a lot of us grew up watching this movie.

Here's a look at 20 facts that you maybe didn't know about the movie: 

1. Selena the Movie Was in the Works Soon After Selena's Death: She died in March 1995, and on March 21, 1997, the movie was released. The film was announced in August, the same year as her death and was originally supposed to premiere in the fall of 1996.

2. The Casting Calls Were Insane: About 22,000 girls auditioned to play the role of Selena. In the end, Jennifer Lopez was cast along with Becky Lee Meza, who played young Selena.

3. It Came Down to Seven Women: J.Lo was one of seven (three from the open call, four professional actresses), who were selected to screen test.

4. There Was a Doppelgänger: Leticia Miller, a woman with an uncanny resemblance to Selena, was also in the running for the role.

5. Abraham Quintanilla Wanted Someone Else: Selena's father originally wanted Rubén Blades to play him in the movie. The actor wasn't able to take on the project, because he was working on another film.
