How to unlock the Death Star in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

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The Star Wars franchise is no stranger to memorable ships. The X- Wing, TIE Fighter, and Millenium Falcon are burned into the minds of fans for decades. Capital ships are no exception, and the Death Star is one of the greatest ship designs in Star Wars history. This guide will explain how to unlock the Empire’s most powerful weapon ever created.

Unlocking the Death Star

The first step to unlock the Death Star is based on which campaign you tackle from the main menu. To unlock this capital ship fastest, select Episode IV as your first campaign.

Once you begin this campaign, you must follow several steps on your quest to pilot this weapon. The first quest step will begin when you travel to Coruscant and visit the Federal district. Visiting this region in other campaigns will also work, but episode IV will take you here during its natural progression.

Once you’ve visited this region, you must travel to the Great Temple on planet Yavin 4. You can visit this planet during other campaigns as well, but episode IV quest progression is required for the next step, so keep playing through this story until you reach the temple.

Head to the top floor of the temple hangar and search for the rebel engineer. He will give you a quest titled Operation Stardust. Complete this short mission to finish the last quest step needed to acquire the ship.

Once all these prerequisites are completed, you need to collect a whopping 5,000,000 studs. This is no small number, so use our stud collecting guide to make this an easier process.

Once you have the currency needed, access the holoprojector and purchase the Death Star. To use the ship, head to any free play space area and use the holoprojector to select it. Enjoy the amenities of the Empire’s most powerful weapon and make space combat a cakewalk.

About the author

David Rodriguez

David Rodriguez is a freelance writer at Gamepur and has been gaming for 30 years. His work has also appeared at NTF Gaming, Opencritic, and Metacritic. Outside of his love for games, you can catch him extolling the virtues of classic action cinema and the elegant class of early 2000s Nu-Metal.

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