The term “meditation” is used for many practices. There are various types, but the main purpose is the same: to cultivate a positive and calm state of mind. In the Triratna Buddhist Community, for example, we learn two simple meditations taught by the historical Buddha. These are centered on developing calmness and emotional postivity, and they involve reciting specific words. The meditations are also sometimes accompanied by visualizations of difficult people or places.
Many academic papers have sought to define the phenomenon of meditation. However, a broad definition is likely to include a variety of non-meditative practices. In these cases, we must draw a line. While the term meditation includes a variety of practices, we can only claim that they are all meditation if they lead to changes in neurochemistry and neurophysiology. It is essential to distinguish between meditation and non-meditation practices to make sure that the two terms are used correctly.
Another common question is “how to meditate” – the answer is quite simple: to regulate your mind. As humans, we tend to think a lot and to be pulled in many directions. Paying attention to all of these thoughts can distract us from the important things we want to achieve. Using meditation to help us ignore unnecessary thoughts can increase our clarity and efficiency. There is no better time to begin learning this powerful technique than now!
List of the Top Meditation Blogs on the Internet Today
If you found the information above useful, you will enjoy the selection of top meditation websites, blogs and hashtags listed below. Be sure to visit each to find exactly what you are looking for.
Site Name | URL | Twitter Handle |
Headspace | https://www.headspace.com/ | @Headspace |
Mindful | https://www.mindful.org/ | @MindfulOnline |
MindBodyGreen | https://www.mindbodygreen.com/ | @mindbodygreen |
Insight Timer | https://insighttimer.com/ | @InsightTimer |
Elephant Journal | https://www.elephantjournal.com/ | @elephantjournal |
The Chopra Center | https://chopra.com/ | @ChopraCenter |
Tricycle | https://tricycle.org/ | @tricyclemag |
Tiny Buddha | https://tinybuddha.com/ | @tinybuddha |
Calm | https://www.calm.com/ | @calm |
Wildmind | https://www.wildmind.org/ | @wildmind_meditat |
Shambhala | https://shambhala.org/ | @shambhalacenter |
The Daily Meditation | https://dailymeditate.com/ | @dailymeditate |
The Mindfulness Summit | https://themindfulnesssummit.com/ | @mindfulnesssu |
The Mindfulness Project | https://www.londonmindful.com/ | @mindfulproject |
Mindworks | https://mindworks.org/ | @MindworksMeditat |
One Mind Dharma | https://oneminddharma.com/ | @oneminddharma |
Be Mindful Online | https://www.bemindfulonline.com/ | @BeMindfulOnline |
The Meditation Blog | https://www.themeditationblog.com/ | N/A |
The Center for Mindful Eating | https://www.thecenterformindfuleating.org/ | @MindfulEating |
Mindful Schools | https://www.mindfulschools.org/ | @mindfulschools |
Tara Brach | https://www.tarabrach.com/ | @TaraBrach |
Buddha Weekly | https://buddhaweekly.com/ | @buddhaweekly |
Insight Meditation Society | https://www.dharma.org/ | N/A |
Dharma Seed | https://dharmaseed.org/ | N/A |
Plum Village | https://plumvillage.org/ | @plumvillage |
Meditation Hashtags on Social Media
#meditation #yoga #love #mindfulness #spirituality #healing #spiritual #peace #selflove #motivation #nature #selfcare #inspiration #life #spiritualawakening #wellness #happiness #mentalhealth #energy #health #art #positivevibes #consciousness #fitness #wisdom #quotes #meditate #awakening #gratitude #soul