Kirsten Brueggeman: Found or Missing? Is She Dead or Alive?

2021 started on a worrisome note for the Brueggemans when they realized that their daughter, Kirsten, had suddenly gone missing after a night out with friends. Investigation Discovery’s ‘Disappeared: Vanished in the Night’ focuses on the circumstances leading up to Kirsten’s vanishing and the authorities’ efforts to try and uncover what might have happened to her. So, if you’re wondering the same, we’ve got you covered.

What Happened to Kirsten Brueggeman?

Kirsten was born to Lisa and Rex Brueggeman and is their only daughter. At the time of the incident, she lived with her parents in Indianapolis, Indiana. The young woman was described as a free spirit who loved animals and had a stubborn streak. She made a living by working at a local pizza restaurant. Since Kirsten had no license, her mother often drove her around.

On January 1, 2021, Lisa asked Kirsten, then 26, if she wanted a ride back home after work. Kirsten told her mother she was going to meet friends that night. Lisa went to sleep, waking up sometime after midnight. At that point, there were no messages or calls from Kirsten. Lisa tried reaching her daughter but to no avail. At 3:30 pm the following day, she learned that Kirsten hadn’t shown up for work either. So, Lisa reported her daughter missing on January 3, 2021, upon learning that her daughter’s friends hadn’t seen her either.

Is Kirsten Brueggeman Dead or Alive?

The authorities learned that Kirsten Brueggeman was at the bar with her ex-boyfriend, Eddie Bradford, and three other friends. The group got out of the bar at around 12:15 am on January 2, 2021, but for some reason, Kirsten got into an argument with the rest of them. As a result, the four others left Kirsten behind in the parking lot and drove to a bowling alley in Beech Grove, Indiana. Then, it appeared that Kirsten began walking, but her destination was unclear.

Surveillance cameras in the area captured her movements; the last known footage was from a security camera that covered the southeastern part of a local YMCA parking lot and part of an adjacent apartment complex’s parking lot. Kirsten was seen walking through the fenced-in area at around 2 am, but the camera glitched, picking back up about half an hour later. Because of the technical issue, the police couldn’t figure out which way Kirsten went. However, they believed that she jumped over the apartment’s fence and was possibly taken from there.

The case was plagued by a distinct lack of leads and little evidence pointing to her disappearance. A few months later, Kirsten’s family hired a private investigating firm in hopes of finding more answers. According to the show, the footage also showed a dark-colored car driving away from the area at around 2:37 am from the apartment. While the police considered the possibility of Kirsten being in that car, the lead went nowhere because the vehicle wasn’t connected to the disappearance. Over time, the case turned cold, with no new information coming in.

The family felt a glimmer of hope in March 2022 when someone from Franklin, Indiana, called in, saying Kirsten was at their bar. However, it didn’t turn out to be her. Rex talked about the myriad questions he had in his head, adding, “You play all kinds of scenarios in your mind of what might actually have happened to her, and some are too horrible to even verbalize.” But Lisa held out hope, saying, “I’m hoping that because maybe some time has gone by that someone out there is more willing to give up some information.”
