What Happened To Pierce Martin Aledo? Details To Know About The Tarrant County Medical Examiner

Pierce Martin Aledo was the Tarrant County Medical Examiner who was married to Alyssa Martin. Read more in this article to find out the cause of the death of Pierce Martin Aledo.

Pierce Matin Aledo’s recently died in a motorcycle accident, which caused a lot of distress in his family. He was the Tarrant County Medical Examiner.

There is also a fundraiser page that is collecting for the family of Pierce Martin Aledo, and the page is run by Summer Synder on behalf of Alyssa Martin.

She thanked everyone from the bottom of her heart for all the prayers and love sent by the thousands of people and also for the financial help. She appreciates all the love and feels very awarded.

LA News crew does a story about the most dangerous intersection in the area and witnesses an accident live pic.twitter.com/86UFwrJROT

— The Unexplained (@Unexplained) March 13, 2022

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What Happened To The Tarrant County Medical Examiner? Death Cause

Pierce was in a terrible motorcycle accident on his way home from work on June 7, 2021.

Pierce’s respiration stopped but he was resuscitated, recovering his heartbeat, although he had sustained several critical injuries and was not awake at the time.

They didn’t have many answers at the time, but Pierce died unexpectedly after a while, so we know he was a warrior.

The fundraiser page was established before the death of Pierce Martin Aledo, when he was seriously injured.

ACCIDENT – HIT AND RUN – PRIORITY at SE 122ND AVE / SE STARK ST, PORT [Portland Police #PP22000068259] 19:31 #pdx911 #portland #pdx #oregon pic.twitter.com/4ovJWKaTFy

— Portland Police Log Maps (@PDXLogMaps) March 14, 2022

Pierce Martin Aledo Wife And Family Revealed

Pierce Martin’s wife was Alyssa Martin. His wife, Alyssa, is a skilled photographer with her own company and needs to be at his side.

We don’t know what each day of the week will bring for them, and there will be no money for the near future. Pierce, Alyssa, Jaxton, and Denver are family and the most giving individuals who always help anybody in any way they can.

They live in Pflugerville, TX, although they are both from Borger, TX. Pierce and Alyssa have been together for ten years, married for nearly six, and have created a wonderful life for their two sons.
