How to open the door that is locked by some contraption in Stormfoot Catacombs in Elden Ring

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Stormfoot Catacombs is an early dungeon in Elden Ring and players will need to open a door that is locked by some contraption if they want to make their way through it fully. In this guide, we will be showing you how to open that door. We won’t go into major detail on each room you pass through, but feel free to explore them all fully to get everything the dungeon has to offer.

From the locked door, turn right and head down the stairs into a multilevel room. An Imp will try to drop down on top of you while another throws knives at you. Take out the one that drops down, then head down the narrow corridor opposite the stairs you used to come in.

There will be another Imp on the wall to the right, so be careful. Another tunnel runs to the right, and at the end is a flame-breathing pillar. You can time a run down the corridor then duck to the right to avoid it. Don’t go too far to the right, as more flames await. Do the same trick here and when you duck to the right into a new alcove you will find a ladder.

Take the ladder up and you will find another Imp on the left, so take him out. Further down is one more Imp, and a drop off to the left just before you enter a new tunnel. If you drop down you will find one more Imp to kill, then you can head around to the rear of the room and pull a leaver. You are on the second floor of the taller room you were in earlier, and can just drop down to the bottom and head up the stairs to the newly opened door. Inside you will find the Burial Tree Watchdog boss, and he won’t be happy to see you.

About the author

Aidan O'Brien

Aidan O'Brien has been playing games for over three decades and has been writing about them for five years. When not getting stomped on by the creations of Hidetaka Miyazaki, he enjoys spending too much time in Warframe, Destiny 2 and any other ARPG with a solid grind. When not writing, he is doing inexplicable behind-the-scenes magic for GAMURS Group.

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