A Texas high school softball player is receiving criticism after a controversial video showing her elbowing the other team's players was posted online.
The Huffman Hargrave Lady Falcons met with Needville High School on Saturday for the 4A State Championships.
A video uploaded to YouTube by VYPE SE Texas shows a Needville catcher elbowing two of the Lady Falcons' base runners in the fifth inning during a 5-run rally for the lead -- the Falcons were down 4-1.

Intentional: The video has caused many to question whether the blows were intentional; many say Crosby should have been thrown out of the game

Pros: While the video has garnered attention from ESPN, Deadspin, and Bleacher report, Huffman school officials say the players handled the incident like professionals

Elbow: Megan Crosby, of Needville High School (seen here in a Facebook photo), is seen in a video elbowing two Huffman Hargrave Lady Falcon players during a state championship game
In the video, Needville's Megan Crosby is seen elbowing Hargrave's Demi Janak as she approaches the home plate -- Janak was not making a play at the plate, according to Your Houston News.
The blow sends Janak to the ground and causes her helmet to fall off.
A short time after, Crosby is seen elbowing another Hargrave player. Kylie George is sent flying, in the video, after Crosby elbows her in the chest.
The Hargrave players wore frustrated expressions after the second incident and a person is heard in the crowd yelling, 'she did it again, she did it again,' after declaring that Crosby 'throwed the elbow at her.'

Home Plate: In the video, Crosby is seen elbowing Hargrave's Demi Janak (photographed) as she approaches the home plate -- Janak was not making a play at the plate
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ShareHargrave ended up winning the state championship 6-4, which seemed to have made up for Crosby's actions.
'[Crosby] did what she wanted to do in order to try and keep us from scoring, but it doesn't matter to me because we won overall,' Janak told KPRC.
While the video has garnered attention from ESPN, Deadspin, and Bleacher report, Huffman school officials say the players handled the incident like professionals.
Mike McEachern, Huffman ISD athletic director, told KPRC that he thinks the incident motivated the Falcons 'to score some more runs, win the game, and come out as champions.'

Champions: Hargrave ended up winning the state championship 6-4, which seemed to have made up for Crosby's actions

Score: Mike McEachern, Huffman ISD athletic director, said that he thinks the incident motivated the Falcons 'to score some more runs, win the game, and come out as champions'
There was no penalty during or after the game, but the video, which has amassed more than 500,000 views since its upload on Saturday, is drawing attention from critics who hold that the player should have been thrown out of the game.
LaTonya Dorsey, Huffman Hargrave coach, told Your News Houston that she hopes something good comes out of the incident.
'There are kids on both sides of the plate, Dorsey said. 'What they don't understand is there are repercussions for their actions, and they don't think about that...
'...I don't know what's going to come of it, but what I hope is that players know and understand the situation they're in when they're on a stage like that.
'They need to know anything put out like this on social media can come back to hurt you.'