Mountain Home dentist accused of lewd conduct with a child

A Mountain Home dentist is accused of lewd conduct with a minor.

On Monday, the Mountain Home Police Department said John Goodrich was arrested last week. The Elmore County Prosecutor's Office confirmed with KBOI 2News that Goodrich is a local dentist in Mountain Home.

Mountain Home News reports Goodrich was initially charged with rape, incest and sexual abuse of a child under the age of 16 from an alleged incident that occurred 20 years ago.

Two charges were dropped when the case as reopened. The dentist's attorney told the Mountain Home News that these allegations weren't brought up again until he and his wife began filing for a divorce. The judge released Goodrich under his own recognizance, due to the amount of time that has passed since the incident, his long-standing medical presence in the community and there being little evidence to bring to the trial.

However, Goodrich was prohibited from contact with the alleged victim.

The Mountain Home Police Department says the case is still under investigation.

We will update this story with any additional details as they become available.
