Ugly-Hot news ginge, Mike Del Moro

Yes, the face may be questionable (I like it) but the body is anything but!

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by Anonymousreply 99March 17, 2020 12:43 AM

I bet he really puts it on his med student boyfriend

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by Anonymousreply 1August 31, 2017 1:22 PM

Looks at these exhib sluts

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by Anonymousreply 2August 31, 2017 1:23 PM

Nice bod but he has no upper lips. His face reminds me of Jackie Earle Haley. A little creepy-looking.

by Anonymousreply 4August 31, 2017 1:37 PM

There's nothing wrong with this man!

by Anonymousreply 7August 31, 2017 1:45 PM

I think he's perfect. Men with staggeringly beautiful faces are boring, no matter how good their bodies are. This guy's face may not be classically beautiful but the combination of that incredible body and his boyishly adorable face are WINNERS! I just want to muss his hair, pinch his cheek, and then ravish him from head to toe.

by Anonymousreply 8August 31, 2017 1:55 PM

That Charlie instagram account is the hottest thing on the internet

by Anonymousreply 10August 31, 2017 2:36 PM

No lips and his whole body is orange. I can't.

by Anonymousreply 11August 31, 2017 2:38 PM

From his Instagram feed.

[quote] mikedelmoro"Enjoy your life!" -inspirational quote from the 45th president (also, check out @smreczko's awesome work!)

Well that just ruined it for me. No ravishing from me for this dummy.

by Anonymousreply 12August 31, 2017 3:25 PM

He's being sarcastic R12, he was an intern at the Obama White House

Beautiful body but face reminds me of a sentient creamsicle.

by Anonymousreply 14August 31, 2017 4:08 PM

How is that quote even 'inspirational'? Any idiot can say that (I guess that proves my point).

Here he is with Obama.

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by Anonymousreply 15August 31, 2017 4:09 PM

Look at those well muscled flanks...I can just hear the sound they make when they slap against his boyfriend's ass cheeks.

by Anonymousreply 19August 31, 2017 5:07 PM

What does "moro" mean in whatever country the "Del Moros" hail from?

by Anonymousreply 20August 31, 2017 5:09 PM

The picture with Obama was a boner killer.

by Anonymousreply 22August 31, 2017 5:16 PM

Only for alt right dirtballs like you r22...

by Anonymousreply 23August 31, 2017 5:53 PM

actually a rather cute face

by Anonymousreply 24August 31, 2017 7:14 PM

Nudies, please. He's a stud.

by Anonymousreply 26August 31, 2017 7:40 PM

His physique is that of a typical DLr. Nothing special.

by Anonymousreply 27August 31, 2017 7:53 PM

Why do redheads always have 'funny' teeth and fingernails?

by Anonymousreply 30August 31, 2017 8:49 PM

He looks cute. And he has a boyfriend. Sweet.

by Anonymousreply 31August 31, 2017 9:02 PM

He was a college swimmer and is like 27 or 28.

The late 20s metabolism slowdown + working TV news hours = abs gone in a year or so.

by Anonymousreply 32September 1, 2017 12:37 AM

[post redacted because linking to clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 34September 1, 2017 2:50 AM

He's perfect and I would like to lick every inch of him, especially his sphincter

by Anonymousreply 36October 10, 2017 1:51 AM

[quote]I bet he really puts it on his med student boyfriend

Because I have no life I really really really really really REALLY hope with every fiber of my empty being that they have sex.

by Anonymousreply 37October 10, 2017 2:07 AM

he's so white he's translucent

by Anonymousreply 38October 10, 2017 2:38 AM

Fabulous body but I'd have to pass on the face.

by Anonymousreply 39October 10, 2017 3:00 AM

He could pass me on the street and I wouldn't give him a second glance.

by Anonymousreply 41October 10, 2017 3:16 AM

He wouldn't look at you either

by Anonymousreply 42October 10, 2017 3:26 AM

[quote]face reminds me of a sentient creamsicle.

You say that like it's a bad thing

by Anonymousreply 44October 10, 2017 3:56 AM

I don't think there's anything ugly about him I think he's gorgeous. I've been seeing him pop up more and more on politics twitter and was going to start a new thread haha

by Anonymousreply 45November 21, 2017 8:28 PM

I trust him and his gratuitous abdominal muscles pictures with my news.

by Anonymousreply 46November 21, 2017 8:43 PM

So, no sizemeat verificatia?

by Anonymousreply 47November 21, 2017 9:06 PM

I love the ruddy, tawny flesh of some redheads that commands: touch me all over.


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by Anonymousreply 48November 21, 2017 9:07 PM

doesn't look promising R47. Body more than makes up for it for me. Could play with that for hours.

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by Anonymousreply 49November 21, 2017 9:09 PM

He is blowing up! And not even like he posts pictures of himself on twitter or whatever

by Anonymousreply 51December 16, 2017 2:14 AM

Face much better in profile

by Anonymousreply 52December 16, 2017 3:09 AM

Hot damn I want to sit on him

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by Anonymousreply 54April 15, 2018 2:51 AM

I don't even like gingers, but he's not ugly at all.

by Anonymousreply 55April 15, 2018 3:16 AM

[quote] mikedelmoro86% #Italian, 100% #ginger

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by Anonymousreply 56April 15, 2018 7:11 AM

Since he's kinda in the news now

by Anonymousreply 57May 17, 2018 3:41 PM

Anybody know what's the movie in his story now??

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by Anonymousreply 58September 22, 2018 5:39 AM

Looks like a Bump Bitch Friday, doesn't it?

by Anonymousreply 60September 22, 2018 7:40 AM

OP's Instagram pic looks like a colored pencil drawing.

r56's pic looks just a bit like Prince Harry.

by Anonymousreply 61September 22, 2018 7:48 AM

Not sure where all the "His face is questionable" bullshit is coming from...

He looks like EVERYBODY else that's posted here. Same physique, same boyfriend, same self-indulgent Instagram, same doppelganger douchey looking friends that wouldn't spit on most of DL if it were on fire.

by Anonymousreply 63September 22, 2018 10:25 AM

the pic of him from OP looks like Norman Rockwell porn...

by Anonymousreply 65September 22, 2018 11:43 AM

He’s Italian !?! He is a professional news person and posts semi nude pics in speedos?

by Anonymousreply 66September 22, 2018 3:51 PM

He surfaced on my Twitter feed the other day. He's so amazingly hot and thirsty. That body!

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by Anonymousreply 68September 29, 2019 6:27 PM

He and his boyfriend (they're still together!)

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by Anonymousreply 69September 29, 2019 6:27 PM

He does have a handsome face

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by Anonymousreply 71September 29, 2019 6:28 PM

I don't think he's ugly. If I like someone, I'm going to think he's handsome. Can't help it. He seems pretty sweet, so I'm pretty sure I think he's handsome and adorable. It looks like he has a cute boyfriend, too. Good for both of them.

by Anonymousreply 73September 29, 2019 6:34 PM

I vote sexy, fit, and handsome too. I am keen on ugly-hot though, I must say. Sometimes something a bit off can be quite sexy.

by Anonymousreply 74September 29, 2019 6:39 PM

He's got an amazing body and a very handsome face. It's the freckles I think that make some people write him off, but I think they're sexy on him.

by Anonymousreply 75September 29, 2019 6:40 PM

I think hes hot,but the thirst trap pictures are indeed a turn off. My 1st love was ugly/hot. 6'2,wide shoulders,huge hands,perfect body hair and cock size.God love him though,he was a 5 on a VERY good day. He had great hair,huge brown eyes,but the nose was crooked,the teeth (while healthy and all there) were a little jacked as he had never seen a dentist in his life (foster kid) and he had a scar on his lip that pulled it a little crooked. When we first met I used to call him Tall,Dark and Ugly to my friends! Then I finally agreed to go out,we got drunk,he took me to his place and rang my bell for HOURS ! I never left after that. Never say they are too ugly,girls. He was the best thing that ever happened to me.

by Anonymousreply 76September 29, 2019 6:52 PM

I don't understand people who dislike thirst trap pictures. He's got a hot body and he's showing it off, why would you dislike that?

by Anonymousreply 77September 29, 2019 6:55 PM

Why did he dump you, r76? Did he find a boyfriend who didn't call him "tall, dark, and ugly"?

by Anonymousreply 78September 29, 2019 7:04 PM

He s nice looking and has a killer bod but if you had to find a fault, he has too much body hair on his legs in my opinion

by Anonymousreply 79September 29, 2019 7:48 PM

In my experience redheads have nice thick cocks. If you can get past the pink hues of the cock skin they are glorious.

by Anonymousreply 81September 29, 2019 7:55 PM

He didnt "dump" me R78. We were together 12 years,then he died in a car accident.That was 1994,and were he still alive theres zero doubt in my mind we'd still be together.Nobody ever loved me like that man did. I called him tall dark and ugly because when we met I was a shallow,vapid 21 year old who was quite full of himself,but in a very short time I realized the error of my ways because his heart was pure gold. He became the hottest man alive to me very quickly. Ive talked about him a lot on here,because theres no one left who remembers me with him or even met him.And it makes me happy to remember him.

by Anonymousreply 82September 30, 2019 2:33 AM

r82 when you explain it more, it sounds very sweet <3

by Anonymousreply 83September 30, 2019 2:41 AM

Had the insipid cunt that is R78 on block for ages. It's nice to get a validation ever so often from others referencing posts I ordinarily don't see.

by Anonymousreply 84September 30, 2019 3:19 AM

I think his face is great. Sweet, intelligent, and quirky in all the right ways. His body is beautiful, but it's a body. Beautiful bodies tend to be somewhat interchangeable.

I think Poe quoted a philosopher to the extent that "There is no true beauty without there being also some strangeness in the proportion".

by Anonymousreply 87March 16, 2020 7:45 AM

I think he's absolutely adorable. Very sexy.

by Anonymousreply 88March 16, 2020 8:40 AM

I mean...I wouldn't look at him twice in a bar because he's not really my type, BUT he's FARRR from ugly or "Ugly hot."

He's just....plaint ole' hot.

by Anonymousreply 89March 16, 2020 11:05 AM

He’s not remotely ugly. There’s nothing wrong with his face. Some really fucked up people post here.

by Anonymousreply 91March 16, 2020 12:46 PM

He certainly hangs out in the sun a lot for a pale-skinned person. He’s going to have skin problems as he ages.

by Anonymousreply 92March 16, 2020 2:06 PM

his bf has a fantastic ass

by Anonymousreply 93March 16, 2020 2:16 PM

Did he hire someone to take the engagement moment photo? Is it a family member? A passerby?

by Anonymousreply 94March 16, 2020 2:42 PM

R94 proposal/engagement photographer

by Anonymousreply 96March 16, 2020 3:15 PM

when I was in my early 20s I fell for a guy who looked a lot like him. Top. Was not interested in me as he liked blonde muscle dudes. But I've never forgotten him and the intense love/lust I felt for him for a while.

by Anonymousreply 97March 16, 2020 7:07 PM

As the world goes to pieces, it's nice to have someone so fun to look at.

by Anonymousreply 98March 16, 2020 10:08 PM

So, they like the holiday decorate in their panties.

by Anonymousreply 99March 17, 2020 12:43 AM
