Allow me to present to you a friend of mine, Pandora. She has a box, let's open it, shall we...
This has been a quite popular subject, some would say I'm beating on the putrefied skeleton of a poor long dead horse, but new info (to me at least) has been brought through Complete Adventurer, and I wish to launch a little brainstorming session.
I posted the following in another thread from the Complete Adventurer I just bought today (an awesome book BTW). This is a new magic item from CAdv:
Choker of Eloquence (Greater): +10 on Diplomacy, Bluff, and Perform (sing) checks. So basically +10 on 3 skills.Here's the fun part: CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items (NO OTHER PREREQUISITES !), 24,000 g.p..
Now given that the DMG tells us to base ourselves on already existing items to price and/or allow new magic items, it is safe to say that now a 6th level caster (arcane or divine, it doesn't matter really) can create a +10 to 3 skills item with no other prerequisite than having the Craft Wondrous Items feat. It would also cost him 12,000 g.p. and 960 x.p..
The DM in me rolls his eyes, but the munchkin in me giggles inanely.
Now the Choker of Eloquence is obviously created around a theme, so I guess other +10 to 3 skills items should also be built around a theme. So here are a few examples, following all those guidelines.
Slippers of Agility (Greater): +10 on Tumble, Balance, and Escape Artist. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Necklace of Infiltration (Greater): +10 on Move Silently, Hide, and Escape Artist. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Hat of the Mage (Greater): +10 on Spellcraft, Knowledge (Arcana), and Concentration. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Hat of the Pious (Greater): +10 on Spellcraft, Knowledge (Religion), and Concentration. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Circlet of Alertness (Greater): +10 on Listen, Spot, and Sense Motive. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Bracelet of Devices (Greater): +10 on Search, Disable Device, and Open Lock. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Vest of Athletic Might (Greater): +10 on Climb, Jump, and Swim. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Sash of Swashbuckling (Greater): +10 on Bluff, Tumble, and Escape Artist. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Cloak of the Warlock: +10 on Use Magic Device, Concentration, and Spellcraft. CL 6th, Craft Wondrous Items, 24,000 g.p.
Don't get me wrong, if no-one has a problem with this, I'd love to have one of these baubles for my character. It just seems... out of line.