Who is Danielle Sklar aka Milka? Robert Smith's accuser comes under scrutiny over unreliable evidenc

The Cure’s Robert Smith has recently been under the spotlight after a woman under the name of Milka Sklaar claimed that she was groomed by the rock star. The victim claimed that she was just 14 when her relationship with the singer began. It was then revealed that she is now in her early 50s. However, ardent fans of the band seem to not believe the allegations against the artist and have also debunked the grooming claims.

Trigger Warning: The following article contains details related to grooming. Reader’s discretion is advised.

Danielle Sklaar, who went by the moniker Milka Sklaar, took to the internet and shared her experience of allegedly being groomed by Robert Smith. She shared several images of the singer and allegedly her together.

In a viral video that shared her story, Milka alleged that Smith gave her alcohol and drugs when she was still a minor. She also claimed in another text message that was shared in the video that she and another girl were getting intimate with Smith at the same time in one instance. She stated that she had blacked out on the night when the incident occurred, and she also claimed that all she remembered was waking up half-n*ked with the singer and another woman the next morning.

Milka also claimed that Smith was insistent on him not being the first guy she was getting intimate with.

The Cure fans scrutinize Robert Smith grooming allegations

TikTok user @cloudbustting was one of the few people who came forward to investigate the grooming allegations. She claimed that a website that reveals verified personal information found that Milky Sklar aka Milka Sklaar, who is now a Seattle resident is actually 37 years old unlike what has been revealed until now. Milka was initially reported to be in her early 50s.

If Milky Sklar was actually in a relationship with Robert Smith, she would have just been a toddler when they would have met.

TikTok user @mars_attacks13 also accused Milka Sklaar for supposedly being a groomer herself. The TikToker claimed that Sklar attempted to invite the TikToker to attend a concert in Amsterdam. In another instance, Sklaar reportedly called the TikToker “very handsome” in what seems like an Instagram text message.

“Then there’s some of Milka talking in a really inappropriate way to a 19-year-old when they are like in late 40 is nearly 50. Do not trust this person. Do not try and talk to this person. They are very very weird. Their full name is Milksglar. Do not try and contact them because you will probably get groomed,” the TikToker said in the video.

Twitter user @weezerfan911 also took to the social networking site to allege that Danielle is actually another woman than the person who was photographed with Robert Smith in several instances. It was stated that Sklaar was an artist who was born in 1970. She reportedly published a fanzine for The Cure.

Continuing to investigate the grooming allegations, the aforementioned Twitter user also stated that the dates that Milka was providing as proof did not add up. She claimed that she went to see The Cure at the Bottlerock Festival in 2016. However, the band only played at the festival in 2014.

Netizens continue to scrutinize Milka’s story on social media. At the time of writing this article, fans were left divided over the grooming allegations. Robert Smith and The Cure had not addressed the allegations at the time of writing this article.

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