'Sporting News' Magazine Compiles List Of The 20 Smartest Athletes In Pro Sports

For whatever reason, this is a week for lists.

Continuing that trend: Sporting News has compiled a list of "the 20 smartest athletes in sports."

"Brawn is fine and good," they write, "but SN's 20 smartest athletes blow up the idea that brains and sports don't mix."

Sporting News notes each athlete's on-field accomplishments and off-field/intellectual interests, what he/she is reading now, and his/her alma mater, GPA, and SAT scores.

Who tops the list? Craig Breslow, who plays for the Oakland A's; Myron Rolle, of the Tennessee Titans; Pittsburgh Pirate Ross Ohlendorf; and George Parros, who went from Princeton to the Anaheim Ducks.

You can see the rest of the list here.
