Good decision. It'll teach them to thoroughly vet newbies next time.
by Anonymous | reply 1 | September 16, 2019 9:07 PM |
Good. He’s ugly. And not because he’s fat, it’s his face.
Cast a cuddly, charismatic chubster next time.
by Anonymous | reply 2 | September 16, 2019 9:09 PM |
His last name is Gillis, but Deadline was in such a rush to post that they misspelled it.
by Anonymous | reply 3 | September 16, 2019 9:10 PM |
I wasn’t even aware of this man. Oh well
by Anonymous | reply 4 | September 16, 2019 9:13 PM |
Because they fired him before he had a chance to be famous, R4. A writing gig on SNL is a huge opportunity. It shouldn’t go to someone like this.
Good work, SNL. Out all these fuckers and ostracize them ALL.
by Anonymous | reply 5 | September 16, 2019 9:15 PM |
He looks like Corky from Life Goes On in that photo. Wait, there's an idea! What's Chris Burke doing?
by Anonymous | reply 6 | September 16, 2019 9:16 PM |
Trying that again - Gillis' statement:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 8 | September 16, 2019 9:18 PM |
He said "chink" ? Big fucking deal ! Trump has said far worse.
by Anonymous | reply 9 | September 16, 2019 9:19 PM |
It was the racial stuff that got him fired. He said homophobic things too, but let’s face it that’s not enough to get fired, see that fugly midget Kevin Hart.
by Anonymous | reply 10 | September 16, 2019 9:21 PM |
Damn, the chance of a lifetime for him, and then cancel culture comes down like a hammer.
What did he say? How long ago did he say it? How severe and in what context? Is an apology never enough any longer?
by Anonymous | reply 11 | September 16, 2019 9:22 PM |
I feel bad for this poor guy. SJWs costing people their careers is not right.
by Anonymous | reply 12 | September 16, 2019 9:23 PM |
Yet black comedians say "cracker' all day long and thats okay.What a world we live in.
by Anonymous | reply 13 | September 16, 2019 9:25 PM |
R11 he said he didn't want to live in Chinatown because "fucking ch*nks" live there and he said it last year.
by Anonymous | reply 14 | September 16, 2019 9:25 PM |
[quote]Because they fired him before he had a chance to be famous, [R4]. A writing gig on SNL is a huge opportunity. It shouldn’t go to someone like this.
No it isn’t. Give it a rest. No one gives a shit about SNL.
by Anonymous | reply 15 | September 16, 2019 9:25 PM |
"I was always a Mad TV guy anyway".
Now if that isn't some shade thrown SNL's way I don't know what is.
by Anonymous | reply 16 | September 16, 2019 9:26 PM |
Love how they say he was fired for the racial slurs and not the gay slurs.🙄
by Anonymous | reply 17 | September 16, 2019 9:26 PM |
[quote]Good work, SNL. Out all these fuckers and ostracize them ALL.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 18 | September 16, 2019 9:27 PM |
His statement following the firing betrays the fact that he's seething mad, you can see that with the "I was a Mad Tv guy anyways". This incident illustrates the strange SJW hierarchy in today's political landscape. If he had said these racial slurs against Black people, he'd been out within hours of the discovery. But as we all know, racism against Asian-Americans are more tolerated by both Left and Right than any minority group. I actually think he shouldn't have been fired, for the same reason that Andrew Yang put forth. Turn this into a learning moment and make an example of him instead of making him a sacrificial hero to racist, right-wing idiots.
by Anonymous | reply 19 | September 16, 2019 9:27 PM |
"No one gives a shit about SNL"
R15's myopic opinion is what really no one gives a shit about (I don't watch it, ergo nobody watches it).
The show will soon be celebrating its 50th anniversary. How many fucking TV shows have been on the air for half a century?
Somebody obviously gives a shit about it. And FYI: I haven't watched the show for years but I'm not stupid enough to say nobody gives it shit about it.
by Anonymous | reply 22 | September 16, 2019 9:30 PM |
This felt inevitable. Us MADtv people don't want him either.
by Anonymous | reply 23 | September 16, 2019 9:32 PM |
[quote]Turn this into a learning moment
Fuck off, Oprah.
by Anonymous | reply 24 | September 16, 2019 9:33 PM |
R24 Well then Fuck off, Gayle too.
by Anonymous | reply 25 | September 16, 2019 9:34 PM |
Well, of course, they fired him. After all those quotes surfaced, they had no choice.
by Anonymous | reply 26 | September 16, 2019 9:38 PM |
R26 Well then you fuck off too, Gayle.
Oh, dear! I fixed it though.
by Anonymous | reply 27 | September 16, 2019 9:39 PM |
lol @ the militant SJW in this thread.
by Anonymous | reply 28 | September 16, 2019 9:39 PM |
don't worry, there's always place for him at Fox News
by Anonymous | reply 29 | September 16, 2019 9:41 PM |
Don't worry, there's always place for him at Fox News, where all the butt hurt, entitled loser white boys go for employment.
Fixed it fer ya.
by Anonymous | reply 30 | September 16, 2019 9:44 PM |
[Quote]Yet black comedians say "cracker' all day long and thats okay.
R13 It's not the same difference. Blacks don't have a history of oppressing whites.
by Anonymous | reply 31 | September 16, 2019 9:45 PM |
Even with prominent person like Yang coming out against Gilis' firing, I agree that SNL had no choice but to fire him. This is due to the fact that there were multiple comments that overwhelmingly target Asian-Americans, making it less likely that it was done for jokes rather than actual hatred/ racism. Also against him was the timeline, he was making these racist comments passing them off as jokes as recently as 2018. I can almost excuse it if he was a teenager who grew up in the boonies where he wasn't exposed to other cultures/ races AND if it was 20 years ago; and that's even pushing it. The fact remains that he's a grown ass man saying racist shit in public and expecting to be rewards for being funny in 2018. That makes him dumb and out of touch with society, he's too dumb to be in the entertainment industry, and that's saying a lot because they're not known for being bright bulbs anyways.
by Anonymous | reply 32 | September 16, 2019 9:45 PM |
He fucking DESERVES it. I want to see Kevin Hart next
by Anonymous | reply 33 | September 16, 2019 9:46 PM |
[quote]Don't worry, there's always place for him at Fox News, where all the butt hurt, entitled loser white boys go for employment.
Let's insinuate that he gets fucked up the ass; that makes him even worse than a racist homophobe!
by Anonymous | reply 34 | September 16, 2019 9:47 PM |
[quote]Damn, another undeserving white guy almost wins the brass ring despite also being a shitty racist asshole, and then internet justice comes down like a hammer.
Fixed that for you, R11.
by Anonymous | reply 35 | September 16, 2019 9:49 PM |
Didn’t realize how many pro-cancel culture SJW fucking softies were on DL until I read this thread. WTF.
The guy is a comedian and allowed a point of view. If you find it racist and homophobic, that’s on you. Fucked up the guy didn’t even get a chance because of losers behind their keyboard with nothing better to do but to “vet” for NBC and be offended because they are worried THEY dont exist.
We are in trouble big time. I’m sure a lot of you here are really proud and happy for Sam Smith becoming a They too. SMH.
by Anonymous | reply 36 | September 16, 2019 9:50 PM |
What is supposedly funny about saying "I don't wanna live in Chinatown because of all the fucking chinks"? That isn't a joke, it's flat-out racism. You don't have to be a "SJW" to recognize that as repugnant and wrong.
by Anonymous | reply 37 | September 16, 2019 9:53 PM |
We very narrowly missed getting saddled with another Kevin Hart asshole masquerading hatred as comedy. Praise be!
He was an irredeemable racist prick, R11 R12 and other odd, creepy people posting that shit. He couldn’t even fake a decent apology to save his own ass.
by Anonymous | reply 38 | September 16, 2019 9:54 PM |
[quote]If you find it racist and homophobic, that’s on you
Except when it's not even a funny joke but plain 'ol racism for a laugh. Meh.
by Anonymous | reply 39 | September 16, 2019 9:56 PM |
His original "apology" and his statement after being fired show how immature he is.
by Anonymous | reply 40 | September 16, 2019 9:57 PM |
The guy is a beyond smug mouth-breather. And a total. fucking pussy. He’s fine with casually calling people “chinks” and “faggots” but he wouldn’t dare say “nigger.”
He singled out groups and people that he felt were weak and worthy of his contempt. What a stupid arrogant cunt. He is even more of an imbecile for going after Apatow, The guy is still an A-list director who is respected by the majority of successful comedians out there.
And go fuck yourself r36 with your “cancel culture” shit. It’s tired and meaningless. The guy canceled himself for thinking that he could be a racist, homophobic ass and not experience any blowback.
by Anonymous | reply 41 | September 16, 2019 9:58 PM |
Good riddance incel!!!
He can get gigs making deplorables laugh though. He won’t get paid since they’re all broke and on foodtamps, but hey at least he’ll be with his people.
by Anonymous | reply 42 | September 16, 2019 10:03 PM |
How does Pete still have a job after he joked about this on the show? He's made far more offensive jokes than this, too.
It's funny that Lorne Michaels made him apologize on-air to the veteran with the eye patch, but not this.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 44 | September 16, 2019 10:06 PM |
it wasn't a racist joke, or "edgy comedy"
it was just an expression of racism
by Anonymous | reply 45 | September 16, 2019 10:06 PM |
Okay, someone up thread said he said the following: "He didn't want to live in Chinatown because "fucking ch*nks" live there," and he said it last year.
Well yeah, that's bad. I will leave it up to other people to decide if it were necessary to fire him. But my other point is: It's not funny! I would like to know the context of that supposed joke because on its face, it simply is not funny. It's just loudmouth obnoxious bullshit. Sure comedians can push the envelope, but his statement is just douchebag crap. Why say something like that--and as recently as last year. He should have known better.
by Anonymous | reply 46 | September 16, 2019 10:06 PM |
if he was gay, therefore a minority could he say it? Could he say faggot?
by Anonymous | reply 47 | September 16, 2019 10:08 PM |
If only he just had said “faggot” and that was it, he’d still be employed.
by Anonymous | reply 48 | September 16, 2019 10:09 PM |
[quote]R11 Damn, the chance of a lifetime for him, and then cancel culture comes down like a hammer.
You’re free to hire him, tho.
by Anonymous | reply 49 | September 16, 2019 10:10 PM |
Maybe he would have made the show actually funny again.
by Anonymous | reply 50 | September 16, 2019 10:10 PM |
R44 Pete has mental health issues and I suspect Lorne fears he will do something stupid if he was fired from the show.
by Anonymous | reply 51 | September 16, 2019 10:11 PM |
Making a joke about an eye-patch is not the same thing as being a racist and homophobic ass again and again. If you can’t see the difference than you’re either too stupid or disingenuous for any further explanation.
by Anonymous | reply 52 | September 16, 2019 10:11 PM |
And that’s the problem with all this. Also - the fact that people (even here) are celebrating someone else’s demise as if it empowers them or makes them feel better about their lives. Who. Fucking. Cares.
by Anonymous | reply 53 | September 16, 2019 10:11 PM |
“if he was gay, therefore a minority could he say it? Could he say faggot?”
He’s not gay so the question is moot
by Anonymous | reply 54 | September 16, 2019 10:12 PM |
Please note that the guy also made one of those insulting non-apologies. An apology says something like ‘I realise what I said was wrong, and abusive, and I’d like to take responsibility for that and apologise to those I’ve demeaned’. He said ‘I’m happy to apologize to anyone who’s actually offended by anything I’ve said’, which doesn’t include one word of him accepting that it was him and his racist/homophobic language that was the problem.
He's a piece of shit. Good riddance.
by Anonymous | reply 55 | September 16, 2019 10:13 PM |
Stop engaging the trolls. Block them and move on.
by Anonymous | reply 56 | September 16, 2019 10:14 PM |
Only on DL will you find trolls trolling a gay website to defend a homophobe.
by Anonymous | reply 57 | September 16, 2019 10:15 PM |
Off-topic a bit, but do the comedians hired for SNL even need to be able to write funny jokes? It seems like they basically need to act out the skits that others give them. Either way, maybe the show should be hiring better actors more than comedians per se.
by Anonymous | reply 58 | September 16, 2019 10:15 PM |
Interesting that when Melissa Villasenor was hired there were calls for her to be fired based on her previous tweets as well, which she wiped. She was the Latina hire though and allowed to continue. IF you don’t think this is because he is a white straight guy you’re kidding yourself. I find it unfortunate / the guy should have been given a chance. So it was brought to his attention people were offended by his previous podcasts. Ok. Let him move on from it. But no - not in 2019.
by Anonymous | reply 59 | September 16, 2019 10:15 PM |
His condescending non-apology apology didn't help his case.
by Anonymous | reply 60 | September 16, 2019 10:18 PM |
He was a smug piece of shit. Typical loud, braying Filthadelphia trash who thinks he's funny.
by Anonymous | reply 61 | September 16, 2019 10:20 PM |
[quote]Even with prominent person like Yang coming out against Gilis' firing
When did Yang say this and what did he say?
by Anonymous | reply 62 | September 16, 2019 10:20 PM |
No one is speaking out against the firing of a person who said they wouldn’t live in Chinatown because “ch*nks” live there. This is just people trolling.
by Anonymous | reply 63 | September 16, 2019 10:23 PM |
R59, his podcasts were blatant racism and they were just last year, not years or decades ago. The thing is, he knew it, too, since he tried to delete them and prevent them from ever coming out.
When they surfaced anyway, he handled it about as badly as it was possible to handle it, refusing to actually apologize and refusing to demonstrate that he had learned anything. Allowing him to "move on from it" first requires that he take responsibility for it, which he still has not done.
Even if you discount the racism and homophobia, which you can't since it was so blatant, the sheer stupidity, childishness, and obnoxiousness of his responses would disqualify him from the role.
by Anonymous | reply 64 | September 16, 2019 10:25 PM |
[quote]What is supposedly funny about saying "I don't wanna live in Chinatown because of all the fucking chinks"? That isn't a joke, it's flat-out racism. You don't have to be a "SJW" to recognize that as repugnant and wrong.
Oh, shut the fuck up. You sound as stupid as that Asian chick that tried to get Stephen Colbert taken off the air. “Strangers with Candy” would have made your head explode. If you don’t like someone, don’t watch this. We’ve turned into a society of babies that need to be coddled. If I don’t find something funny, then it must not be allowed to exist.
by Anonymous | reply 65 | September 16, 2019 10:30 PM |
Agree with R64. As awful as his comments were, if he had handled the fallout better, perhaps NBC would have stood by him.
by Anonymous | reply 66 | September 16, 2019 10:31 PM |
If the sheer density of rancid apologists rushing to his defense on this thread is any indication, then firing him was the absolute right thing to do.
by Anonymous | reply 67 | September 16, 2019 10:31 PM |
R62 Yang made an intelligent, nuanced take on the situation, one that shows a man capable of thoughtful reflection unlike the turd occupying the Oval Office right now. Yang isn't Chinese-American but Taiwanese-American though, and there is a huge fucking difference between the Chinese and Taiwanese. But I bet racist fucks like Gillis don't know nor care to know.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 68 | September 16, 2019 10:32 PM |
[quote]his podcasts were blatant racism and they were just last year, not years or decades ago. The thing is, he knew it, too, since he tried to delete them and prevent them from ever coming out.
So??? You think he was going to do this shit on SNL??! Do you know the jokes SNL alum Eddie Murphy did on his standup?!! Stop trying to police comedy! These SJW shitheads are the same ones who try to get Pride parades banned.
by Anonymous | reply 69 | September 16, 2019 10:32 PM |
[quote]Agree with [R64]. As awful as his comments were, if he had handled the fallout better, perhaps NBC would have stood by him.
No they wouldn’t. These far Left shitheads who hate Jews and love trannies are now catered to.
by Anonymous | reply 70 | September 16, 2019 10:33 PM |
To me, it's even more insulting that someone who's not even all that funny and has to rely on the lowest level of racism, homophobia, and misogyny for his "schtick", was even given such an opportunity in the first place. What did the powers-that-be at SNL see in him to make him that offer in the first place? Andrew Dice Clay was there doing this stuff in the 80s, this guy is 30+ years too late to be considered a cutting-edge comedian.
by Anonymous | reply 71 | September 16, 2019 10:34 PM |
Yeah but if anyone here has had an Asian uber driver before, there’s a part of you that thinks the jokes are funny. Oops.
by Anonymous | reply 72 | September 16, 2019 10:35 PM |
The purpose of all commercial television is to sell ads. The performers get in they way of that primary goal when they attract controversy. So, off with this asswipe's head.
by Anonymous | reply 73 | September 16, 2019 10:36 PM |
being fired from SNL is a goldmine opportunity for a comedian to show everyone how funny they really are. judging from his "madTV" response, this lazy fuck had no reason to be on live TV.
by Anonymous | reply 74 | September 16, 2019 10:37 PM |
So where are all those comedians who defended Kevin Hart now? Including Michael Che, incidentally. They said they needed to be able to freely express themselves as part of their work - so shouldn't they now be defending this idiot for the same reasons? After all, if they don't defend him one might almost be left thinking their talk of free speech was bullshit and they just wanted to be able to continue to get away using the word "faggot" with impunity.
by Anonymous | reply 76 | September 16, 2019 10:39 PM |
R76 that won’t happen because he’s white
by Anonymous | reply 77 | September 16, 2019 10:41 PM |
Gillis knew what he was saying as part of his "comedy" act was racist, as evidence by this ""You throw stuff out there and you get to see them react to things, like yea or nay, what's funny and what's not," Gillis is quoted as saying. "You can be racist to Asians. That's what we're finding out," Gillis told Billy Penn."
It's indefensible the sort of racist shit he tried to pass off as comedy. However, as Andrew Yang pointed out, he can be held to a lower standard because of the fact he's a comedian. It still doesn't excuse what his said as not being racist, just that it would be more of a better thing to help that racist MF turn around his views in a public way. Roundabout way of down low shaming him but teaching the public about a thing or two at the same time instead of endearing him to right wing fucks.
by Anonymous | reply 78 | September 16, 2019 10:44 PM |
[quote] instead of endearing him to right wing fucks.
If right wing fucks are willing to spend money to support the career of a bad comedian, let them. They got burnt on Milo, they'll get burnt on this unfunny fat racist mook.
by Anonymous | reply 79 | September 16, 2019 10:49 PM |
R59 I remember when that scandal happened there were people on twitter predicting that Villasenor was going to get canned before that season started. I figured she wasn't going to get canned. But, it's a bit telling that she doesn't get a lot of screen time on the show and I remember when she started there were some people in the comedy community saying that she was going to be a breakout star. I'm betting her twitter scandal did bite her in the ass. SNL mostly uses her when they need celeb impressions.
by Anonymous | reply 80 | September 16, 2019 10:49 PM |
How long before Trump chimes in?
by Anonymous | reply 81 | September 16, 2019 10:50 PM |
R21 You shouldn’t use such foul language.
by Anonymous | reply 82 | September 16, 2019 10:51 PM |
He wasn’t really fired since he never worked there.
He was unhired.
by Anonymous | reply 83 | September 16, 2019 10:52 PM |
He looks like a thumb and would have added nothing that another young comedian can't bring to SNL.
Push boundaries, whatever, but be witty.
No loss here, especially after reading his public statement. I hope they find a nice young gay comic to take his place.
by Anonymous | reply 84 | September 16, 2019 10:53 PM |
R13 You sound really stupid, and historically uneducated.
by Anonymous | reply 85 | September 16, 2019 11:01 PM |
[quote]it wasn't a racist joke, or "edgy comedy" it was just an expression of racism
All of this. I love how every racist, homophobic asshole with a low-rent podcast suddenly thinks he's Howard Stern. Howard had professional comedy writers, you nincompoops.
by Anonymous | reply 86 | September 16, 2019 11:09 PM |
When will people learn you can't say certain shit? Chink? Using that word is not taking risks or whatever he says. It's stupid, inappropriate and in his case career suicide. You can toe the line if you're smart and talented enough. I hate PC culture in some ways but perpetuating hate with those demeaning words should get you shitcanned. Kevin Hart deserved what he got too.
by Anonymous | reply 87 | September 16, 2019 11:10 PM |
[quote]Blacks don't have a history of oppressing whites.
Yeah, but they got the bigger dicks, so let's call it even.
by Anonymous | reply 88 | September 16, 2019 11:11 PM |
[quote] I'm a comedian who was funny enough to get SNL.
That's the thing about SNL: one year you're 'funny enough', the next year you aren't.
by Anonymous | reply 89 | September 16, 2019 11:13 PM |
I love that the one person he actually reached out to apologize to was another straight comedian he called a faggot. He truly doesn’t get it.
by Anonymous | reply 90 | September 16, 2019 11:14 PM |
[quote]Yeah but if anyone here has had an Asian uber driver before, there’s a part of you that thinks the jokes are funny. Oops.
Racists like you are hilarious in your total lack of self-awareness. You really believe your hate is normal and innate. It’s not, though. It is learned, acquired and desperately clung to.
And what is even “funny” about calling people in Chinatown “ch*nks?” That was the whole “joke.” Nothing is funny about it.
The reality is, if your only point of reference for a non-white person is a service position like “Uber driver,” your already racist as fuck to anyone with an Asian friend or loved one.
by Anonymous | reply 91 | September 16, 2019 11:15 PM |
R91. It’s not hate based that a large majority of Asians are awful drivers. It’s pretty much a fact. One of my best friends is Asian and she is first to admit that her people shouldn’t be driving. Also - yes, stereotypes exist because they are somewhat true and people relate and find humor in truths, especially when they are considered things you “shouldn’t” say. Lighten the fuck up and go catch a dick or something. Sounds like you need it. No one here is exterminating races or lynching people. Lighten. The. Fuck. Up.
by Anonymous | reply 92 | September 16, 2019 11:24 PM |
Love all of these Yang admirers about as much as I loved Yang's response. Not sure Yang would sound quite as noble or as "cool" about all of this if he wasn't running for President.
by Anonymous | reply 93 | September 16, 2019 11:29 PM |
S...N...L?? Oh! That redundant show that was created about a million years ago and that no one has watched in decades. Okay, I understand all of the drama (not!).
by Anonymous | reply 94 | September 16, 2019 11:31 PM |
R92 There's nothing in Yang's history to suggest he's a hardcore, no-nuance brown noser, in fact he's more of an independent in his personal and political views the more I read about him.
by Anonymous | reply 95 | September 16, 2019 11:32 PM |
making jokes about asian drivers is about 20 years out of date and not particulairly funny. anymore,,,,,,calling people who live in chinatown a racist epithet in 2019 is not a joke, it's pure racism
by Anonymous | reply 96 | September 16, 2019 11:36 PM |
I guess SNL was looking for someone with redneck / deplorable appeal and got more than they bargained for. I bet Lorne's still looking for someone to get Trump and the Deplorables on the show's side at least for some jokes and skits.
by Anonymous | reply 97 | September 16, 2019 11:58 PM |
There’s nothing funny about Asian drivers. Nothing.
by Anonymous | reply 98 | September 16, 2019 11:58 PM |
As is typical he wasn’t just racist he was also homophobic and sexist. Some guys are loud, obnoxious and shout out inappropriate shit that picks on “weaker” people. Other men laugh at them because men tend to brownnose other men they perceive as ‘alpha’, which gives them the idea that they are funny and could be in showbiz. The reality is that most people who make it in showbusiness whether performers or writers are not extroverted, loud mouths but people still persist in thinking that their loud friends and family could make it in comedy/acting. This douche’s podcasts were not funny. They were the ramblings of a dude who has never in his life been told that his shit stinks and he is not a comedy genius. It’s beyond belief and really fucking sad that he felt qualified to decide which women were funny (sassy black ones) and which weren’t (white women at the bottom). He also felt free to decide which women were fuckable, does he have a mirror? Telling that he reached out to some straight comic to apologise for calling him gay. Talk about missing the point!
by Anonymous | reply 99 | September 17, 2019 12:03 AM |
[quote]When will people learn you can't say certain shit?
Richard Pryor and every mean comic says HELLO! This new generation of crybabies ruin everything. PC shit.
by Anonymous | reply 100 | September 17, 2019 12:11 AM |
[quote]making jokes about asian drivers is about 20 years out of date and not particulairly funny. anymore,,,,,,calling people who live in chinatown a racist epithet in 2019 is not a joke, it's pure racism
That’s your opinion.
by Anonymous | reply 101 | September 17, 2019 12:11 AM |
MADtv couldn’t exist now thanks to these SJW pansies.
by Anonymous | reply 102 | September 17, 2019 12:12 AM |
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
by Anonymous | reply 104 | September 17, 2019 12:15 AM |
Please, please, please please, please don’t let this be a way for Leslie to come back, I beg of you!
by Anonymous | reply 105 | September 17, 2019 12:24 AM |
He was the writer of this scene for Family Guy!
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 106 | September 17, 2019 12:33 AM |
He is the modern day lenny Bruce. Unapologetically appealing.
by Anonymous | reply 107 | September 17, 2019 12:48 AM |
[quote]Richard Pryor and every mean comic says HELLO! This new generation of crybabies ruin everything. PC shit.
Richard Pryor was funny and had actual talent. He didn't just insert "nigger" "spic" "kike" "chink" every fourth word out of his mouth to prove how "edgy" he was.
by Anonymous | reply 108 | September 17, 2019 1:17 AM |
[quote] Unapologetically appealing.
You just outed yourself as a low IQ knuckledragger with a bad and most basic taste in comedy.
by Anonymous | reply 109 | September 17, 2019 1:19 AM |
R108 yes but you’ll never know if Shane has talent or not will you, because he has been cancelled before he started (podcasts don’t even count as a way of measuring talent btw) and that is the point many are trying to make here and about cancel culture. It’s a little - vicious
by Anonymous | reply 110 | September 17, 2019 1:20 AM |
But he made fun of Asians... so of course a lot of DL'ers are gonna be okay with him!
by Anonymous | reply 111 | September 17, 2019 1:26 AM |
He has Brett Kavannaugh face.
by Anonymous | reply 112 | September 17, 2019 1:26 AM |
[quote]One of my best friends is Asian
Oh then that makes it true!
by Anonymous | reply 113 | September 17, 2019 1:28 AM |
R89 I loved when norm Macdonald was invited back to host and excoriated them for that.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 114 | September 17, 2019 1:32 AM |
[quote]If you don't see that it's racist and homophobic, that’s on you
Fixed it for you.
by Anonymous | reply 115 | September 17, 2019 1:36 AM |
R13: "Yet black comedians say "cracker' all day long and thats okay.What a world we live in."
I have never heard a black comedian say "cracker" once, much less all day long.
by Anonymous | reply 116 | September 17, 2019 1:37 AM |
Wow Norm was kinda hot 20 years ago.
by Anonymous | reply 117 | September 17, 2019 1:37 AM |
All of the, "SNL is irrelevant!!!" posts are funny considering they're posting about a show they feel is irrelevant and pissed some guy was fired from a show that's you know... irrelevant.
by Anonymous | reply 118 | September 17, 2019 1:37 AM |
[quote]Wow Norm was kinda hot 20 years ago.
You should see Norm when he goes back to your hotel room after a set, smokes a joint, and then takes his dick out!
by Anonymous | reply 119 | September 17, 2019 1:38 AM |
r110, The funniest thing about this clip is the obvious claque of over-laughers planted throughout the audience: "I don't think I've ever been in a record store" - chick in the audience cackles loudly.
Also, he brings up how "they" won't allow him to say "retard" anymore. Yeah, that tells me all I need to know about this tool. He says something offensive (because "comedy"), he gets slammed for it, he pulls the PC/liberal Persecution Card.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 120 | September 17, 2019 1:38 AM |
Bye bitch.
I am all for edgy humor, but his bullshit was not edgy humor. It was just lazy racist rants, not a punchline to be found.
by Anonymous | reply 121 | September 17, 2019 1:45 AM |
Get a stretcher r121 got her feelings hurt.
by Anonymous | reply 122 | September 17, 2019 1:47 AM |
So Kavanaugh gets on the Supreme Court, but this dickhead doesn’t make it on to a single episode of SNL? What’s that about?
by Anonymous | reply 123 | September 17, 2019 1:50 AM |
With that cunning wit, I can see why you are a fan of Shane r122.
by Anonymous | reply 124 | September 17, 2019 1:50 AM |
Does he have fetal alcohol syndrome?
by Anonymous | reply 125 | September 17, 2019 1:51 AM |
This guy deserves to be fired for being so fucking stupid
He knows he's up for this job with SNL and he doesn't delete all his "questionable" posts. I don't post ANYTHING political, racial or that might offend a lot of people in my own social media accounts. I have a Twitter account that does not use my own name. I post so much political shit on that, but you won't see a single political thing on my named accounts.
by Anonymous | reply 126 | September 17, 2019 1:54 AM |
I'm not a fan of cancel culture. This action however in this time, strikes me as necessary. We have a president who has incited all the bigots in this country. We don't need this asshole being rewarded for the same behavior. As mentioned, his comedy is racist and lazy, not funny.
by Anonymous | reply 127 | September 17, 2019 2:00 AM |
So, those of you defending him, please post one of his jokes. I'll judge if I find him funny then because "I don't want to live in Chinatown because "fucking ch*nks" live there" is not a joke, it's commentary.
by Anonymous | reply 128 | September 17, 2019 2:09 AM |
It's funny to Trumpkins. After all, it's despicable.
by Anonymous | reply 129 | September 17, 2019 2:12 AM |
It says a lot that he didn't delete the footage until AFTER he got fired.
by Anonymous | reply 130 | September 17, 2019 2:18 AM |
[quote] Yet black comedians say "cracker' all day long and thats okay.What a world we live in.
Who are these comedians to which you are referring and how many has SNL hired?
by Anonymous | reply 131 | September 17, 2019 2:32 AM |
As others have mentioned, he deserved to be shitcanned because of his sheer stupidity. Once the racist tweets started coming to light, he didn't even try to save his job. His so-called apology was just thinly veiled contempt. So, not only stupid, but arrogant about his bigotry. He got what he deserved.
by Anonymous | reply 132 | September 17, 2019 2:33 AM |
And Chappelle saying "faggot" 10,000 times in his new special - no repercussions, right?
by Anonymous | reply 133 | September 17, 2019 2:47 AM |
Kevin Hart has been mentioned a few times. Hart too was fired from a job. He, wasn’t black balled but he was fired from the Academy Awards. No one mentioned Dog the Bounty Hunter. He was briefly suspended and then he returned. No one mentioned Don Imus, fired and then he returned to radio.
If Dataloungers truly want to fight against bigotry. They need to start here on this website. Racism is the norm here.
by Anonymous | reply 134 | September 17, 2019 2:54 AM |
[quote]Kevin Hart has been mentioned a few times. Hart too was fired from a job
No he wasn't. He was too immature to apologize for being homophobic and chose to turn down the job.
by Anonymous | reply 135 | September 17, 2019 2:56 AM |
He is now exponentially more famous.
Streisand Effect.
Now he will be headlining clubs.
by Anonymous | reply 136 | September 17, 2019 3:00 AM |
There is just no way to excuse the use of the word "chinks" when it only happened last year. WTF was this idiot thinking?
by Anonymous | reply 137 | September 17, 2019 3:08 AM |
[quote]r110 but you’ll never know if Shane has talent or not will you, because he has been cancelled before he started
We'll never know if my Aunt Ida had talent or not, either.
And somehow, we'll survive.
by Anonymous | reply 138 | September 17, 2019 3:13 AM |
To get away with racial humor you have to be self deprecating and willing to make a joke of yourself too. Same with humor that pokes fun at women if you’re a man and gays if you’re straight. This guy was a smug ahole who wasn’t willing to turn the spotlight on his own weaknesses or those of his own race and gender so that did him in. On the contrary he held himself in such high regard that he was policing other people and deciding who was funny enough, who was masculine enough, who was hot enough. He even said he enjoyed sassy black women. I mean 🤦♂️
by Anonymous | reply 139 | September 17, 2019 3:27 AM |
If you can't live with the consequences of your actions, that's on you.
by Anonymous | reply 140 | September 17, 2019 3:29 AM |
But it's OK for Chappelle to say faggot in his concert, OK to say Michael Jackson's victims should brag about getting blown by him, eyes rolling.
by Anonymous | reply 141 | September 17, 2019 3:31 AM |
Not to me, no, but I don't rule the world.
by Anonymous | reply 142 | September 17, 2019 3:34 AM |
He wouldn't dare say the N-word but still wants to dabble in "edgy" racial humor a la Dave Chappelle in order to be considered cool. But Chappelle dealt in humor that was funny while partly based in racial stereotypes especially during his zeitgeist Chappelle Show days. Key word is funny whereas Gillis' humor wasn't the least bit funny, it's just throwing out reasons why he hates Asians and gays, two groups that he finds easy to target and hate on because it's socially acceptable to do so. So not only is he an unfunny comedian but a coward too.
by Anonymous | reply 143 | September 17, 2019 3:42 AM |
He's also a coward because he waited to take the video down until he faced consequences. If he stands by his, "humor," why didn't he just leave it up?
by Anonymous | reply 144 | September 17, 2019 3:45 AM |
No, those things aren’t okay, R141. Neither is Kevin Hart having a career without consequences for his homophobia. There isn’t some jury deciding these things. Public opinion is right on some things and wrong on others. Religion plays a big part in people’s homophobia and why it’s still acceptable while racism is not. Clearly, we still have work to do.
However, none of that changes the fact that Shane Gills is a stupid racist who uses slurs as jokes, and a shitty comic who appeals only to fellow deplorables.
by Anonymous | reply 145 | September 17, 2019 4:09 AM |
I expect all the "diverse" celebrities who are attacking this guy to also attack chappelle's insistence on saying "faggot". Won't happen, though.
by Anonymous | reply 146 | September 17, 2019 5:04 AM |
[quote]Yet black comedians say "cracker' all day long and thats okay.What a world we live in.
Examples please?
by Anonymous | reply 147 | September 17, 2019 5:07 AM |
As a white guy 'cracker' barely registers as a racial insult.
by Anonymous | reply 148 | September 17, 2019 5:11 AM |
R148 I know right, as long as they don’t call me Saltine I’m happy.
by Anonymous | reply 149 | September 17, 2019 5:12 AM |
R146 You’re right and it’s frustrating. I can only account for myself and I don’t watch Kevin Hart or Chapelle and I don’t give black men a pass for homophobia and misogyny. I also always call out my white friends who rant and rave about how Trump speaks about women and then blast some inspid rap song that’s all bitch this and ho that. Not sure what else to do but I absolutely believe that giving people of color a pass is hurting our side.
by Anonymous | reply 150 | September 17, 2019 5:14 AM |
I won’t defend Chapelle saying “faggot,” but that is not the same situation as Gillis’. Gillis is a new hire on an established network show WITH A LARGE AUDIENCE. There are advertisers to consider. There are network execs who care about diversity. There are other SNL staff members and cast — including a new Asian hire.
That’s not the same as a Chapelle working alone for a premium subscription network. And btw, I’ve read PLENTY of negative reviews of Chapelle’s performance. Kevin Hart wasn’t fired and turned down ABC’s offer to host after he apologized? Yeah, ok. LOL
This Gillis guy wasn’t properly vetted and never should have been hired. They were smart to dump his fat racist, homophobic ass before more video clips hit the internet.
More embarrassing than this idiot? The people calling SNL irrelevant. The people bitching about the cancel culture. The people making stupid comparisons to other comedians.
by Anonymous | reply 151 | September 17, 2019 5:29 AM |
[quote]Interesting that when Melissa Villasenor was hired there were calls for her to be fired based on her previous tweets as well, which she wiped. She was the Latina hire though and allowed to continue. IF you don’t think this is because he is a white straight guy you’re kidding yourself.
She had tweets from years before and kept her mouth shut while she deleted them which were clearly terrible jokes.
On the other hand: his apology sucked.
He was on video multiple times, including just last year, saying racist and homophobic things. He also targeted specific gay people.
There was also evidence, from a previous black balling, that this isn't just something he does for comedy. He was banned from a Philly comedy club for saying racist things both [bold]on and off[/bold] stage.
And Yang is only embracing him for attention. Yang who in the same breath both said that he wishes racism against Asians was taken more seriously while saying he forgives the racist. How silly! He is the problem.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 152 | September 17, 2019 6:15 AM |
The instant he pulled out the whole "I'm sorry if you were offended" bullshit you knew he wasn't truly sorry So, say bye-bye you bigoted ginger shitcake!
by Anonymous | reply 153 | September 17, 2019 6:18 AM |
I don't have a dog in this, but have you listened to a Chris Rock stand up special? Listen to this clip.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 154 | September 17, 2019 6:35 AM |
R151 you're only analyzing this situation in terms of business optics?
by Anonymous | reply 155 | September 17, 2019 6:35 AM |
[quote]I don't have a dog in this, but have you listened to a Chris Rock stand up special? Listen to this clip.
The context of Rock's joke since r154 wants to cherry pick (at the 4:20 mark).
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 156 | September 17, 2019 6:46 AM |
[quote]I don't have a dog in this, but have you listened to a Chris Rock stand up special? Listen to this clip.
R154, this is from a Chris Rock special that is [bold]20 years old.[/bold]
He's also doing an impression of an old black man to point out their "racism" because they dealt with racism all their lives. It's also in a much larger context about race in general.
[italic]But you knew that didn't you.[/italic]
by Anonymous | reply 157 | September 17, 2019 6:49 AM |
I'm a gay Trump-hater and I think it's complete bullshit that he was fired. Anyone glad over this is really a terrible person.
by Anonymous | reply 158 | September 17, 2019 7:01 AM |
Sorry about your inability to think rationally.
by Anonymous | reply 159 | September 17, 2019 7:02 AM |
[quote] Gillis knew what he was saying as part of his "comedy" act was racist, as evidence by this ""You throw stuff out there and you get to see them react to things, like yea or nay, what's funny and what's not," Gillis is quoted as saying. "You can be racist to Asians. That's what we're finding out," Gillis told Billy Penn."
That's right, it was an act. Meaning, it's not necessarily a reflection of who the person is in real life. A stand up comedian is often the butt of his own jokes. You could make the argument, albeit very silly, that Dave Chappele says that Michael Jackson's child friends deserve to be raped, but in the context of his comedy show, it's clear his intention was to poke fun at himself.
Seriously, has anyone on this thread been to an actual live comedy show. They are full of racial and ethnic stereotypes and comedians being ironic in a way that befits a character or persona. Comedy is about subversion, not poltics. I remember during the 2016 campaign, SNL literally took real life transcripts of the debates with hardly any changes. That's when I knew we were doomed.
by Anonymous | reply 160 | September 17, 2019 7:03 AM |
R159 Mine? I'm very rational about this topic. I don't believe in being part of a horde of people with pitchforks and torches, demanding a person lose his job in his chosen profession for saying some stupid shit. Not celebrating over a human losing his job is irrational?
I think sitting behind your computer screen lamenting your terrible life, and thinking you've scored some kind of victory when a person's been fired is irrational.
by Anonymous | reply 161 | September 17, 2019 7:07 AM |
[quote] That’s not the same as a Chapelle working alone for a premium subscription network. And btw, I’ve read PLENTY of negative reviews of Chapelle’s performance.
Mostly from paid critics. The Chappele performance currently has a 99% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. Cancel culture is an example of where the left is losing the culture war.
by Anonymous | reply 162 | September 17, 2019 7:12 AM |
R156, r157, you're a complete idiot, but we all knew that, didn't we. I just remembered Chris Rock saying cracker a lot, went to YouTube and typed in "Chris Rock cracker" and that's what popped up. Again, I don't have a dog in this. Don't really care. What kind of person pretends that they know other people's thoughts and motives?
by Anonymous | reply 163 | September 17, 2019 7:14 AM |
Chappelle tells a story in the encore segment on how he befriended a trans audience member who laughed hardest at the trans jokes. His point was that trans being fair game during a comedy show helps normalize them. Caitlyn Jenner also showed up to be roasted at Alec Baldwin's comedy roast and even pokes fun at herself. People need to get the fuck over it.
by Anonymous | reply 164 | September 17, 2019 7:17 AM |
R160 I'm a Gills supporter, but I take issue with your view of Chapelle's comments about the Jackson victims.
When Tracy Morgan said "I work with gay people. I have problem with gay people. But if my son came out to me I'd stab that little n****."
I think it's clear there that Morgan is making fun of himself. I have zero issue with that joke.
However, I believe Chapelle out and out said "I don't believe them." a few times. And basically said "and so what if they were?" Again, he has the right to say that shit, but he was wrong to say it. I don't see this as the same thing as the Morgan routine.
by Anonymous | reply 165 | September 17, 2019 7:18 AM |
Ever notice how white people to get offended more than anyone else when the actual minorities don't give a fuck?
by Anonymous | reply 166 | September 17, 2019 7:21 AM |
AC360 said he made homophobic comments too. What did he say? (don't want to scroll thru this whole thread looking for them.)
by Anonymous | reply 167 | September 17, 2019 7:34 AM |
R167 - I was just about to post that same question!
I watched the podcast footage and it was only about Chinatown and Chinese servers, not anyone gay.
by Anonymous | reply 169 | September 17, 2019 8:52 AM |
Not to defend any racist or homophobic slurs, not to mention those coming from an adult in 2019, but seeing AC once make homophobic comments reminds me that probably many of the gay people have made homophobic remarks at one point or another, especially in our confusing, struggling adolescence when we learned nothing about sexuality, knew little about equality, and tried so hard to convince others as well as ourselves that we were not faggots. Sometimes I think of my stupid, stupid overcompensation in middle school, I feel terrible about myself. Even though I haven't hurt any gay boys in my school, or used any slurs against them, I did fake a lot, laugh with some homophobic jokes, and break one girl's heart.
by Anonymous | reply 170 | September 17, 2019 9:37 AM |
So let me get this straight, r163: you went running to YouTube, typed "Chris Rock cracker", snatched a 15-second, out-of-context clip of him saying "cracker ass cracker", and felt that was enough proof that Chris Rock = Shane Gillis saying "I fuckin' hate chinks"?
Who's the "complete idiot" here, again?
And thank you, r156, for posting the FULL clip, further proving the difference between a real "edgy" comedian and the lazy, brainless shit that passes for comedy these days.
by Anonymous | reply 171 | September 17, 2019 11:06 AM |
R166. We minorities appreciate white people overzealous reaction to insert themselves into a discussion that has nothing to do with them. Massa wants to save the day and we are not complaining until they start to act irrational.
by Anonymous | reply 172 | September 17, 2019 11:16 AM |
by Anonymous | reply 173 | September 17, 2019 11:22 AM |
I ignored the story until last night, when I looked up the podcast clips that caused the outrage. He and his cohost dedicated a long time to insulting Asian people, including Asian “ladyboys,” they said faggot repeatedly, they ranked comedians according to their sexes and ethnicities. (Shocker: white guys are funniest to them!)
But the thing that stands out most to me is that the podcast is supposed to be about comedy, and neither of them was funny *at all.* The podcast should have been called “Everything’s Alt-Right,” because it just sounded like Breitbart/Daily Caller assholes ranting about why white men are better at comedy than anyone else. Fucking weird. I went into it expecting him to have been “canceled” for saying taboo words during a comedy routine, but it really was just a series of racist and sexist bitch sessions. He deserved to be fired.
by Anonymous | reply 174 | September 17, 2019 11:41 AM |
Yep r174. This case was very clear cut, people trying to talk about SJWs and cancel culture are either ignorant of thr details or just alt-right people themselves.
by Anonymous | reply 175 | September 17, 2019 1:01 PM |
r174 that makes me curious as to why he was hired in the first place. Surely SNL would have been aware of his type of comedy.
by Anonymous | reply 176 | September 17, 2019 1:33 PM |
Good. Bye, bitch.
Now he’ll probably go the alt right route like the disgraced Louis CK and Dave Chappelle.
Good luck with that.
by Anonymous | reply 177 | September 17, 2019 1:34 PM |
I’m sure you’d like to believe that R162.
by Anonymous | reply 178 | September 17, 2019 1:36 PM |
R176 They should have been, but I am not surprised that producers wouldn’t have listened to all his podcasts. Pods are a dime a dozen and that’s a lot of hours of listening.
by Anonymous | reply 179 | September 17, 2019 1:36 PM |
[quote] including a new Asian hire.
Honey. He’s not only Asian, he’s GAY.
by Anonymous | reply 180 | September 17, 2019 1:37 PM |
He said in his tweet that he understands why NBC let him go...and that he was always more of a Mad TV fan...BA-DUM-BUM.
He probably thought that was an awesome punch line. After listening to his clips, his “comedy” seems to be Ben Shapiro-inspired commentary about the plights of white men, and insulting “libtards” and bosses who fire him.
by Anonymous | reply 181 | September 17, 2019 1:40 PM |
[quote]It'll teach them to thoroughly vet newbies next time.
I feel like in a lot of these cases people are hired BECAUSE they have crap in their past on social media, and producers are banking on their past being exposed and giving them all sorts of free publicity, plus the good publicity of firing the bad guy after a couple of days.
by Anonymous | reply 182 | September 17, 2019 1:44 PM |
Since we're all talking about it SO MUCH, it is no wonder they had to fire him. Controversies like this simple simply will not go away.
by Anonymous | reply 183 | September 17, 2019 1:44 PM |
[quote]I'm a comedian who was funny enough to get SNL.
Like that's a high bar.
by Anonymous | reply 184 | September 17, 2019 1:46 PM |
[quote]Yet black comedians say "cracker' all day long and that's okay.What a world we live in.
They do? Go back to sleep, gramps.
Lots of butthurt-ness in this thread for an unfunny piece of shit comic. I don't mind him being provocative, IF he used some wit and humor, but both were surprisingly missing from his "act." He also refers to people as "Fags," so I'm curious as to why his DL defenders are more offended by the idea of ‘cancel culture’ than the actual reasons for it.
You want people who make homophobic remarks to receive the same ridicule as those who make racist ones and when it happens, you bitch about it.
Of course, you’re the same people who complain about OTHERS complaining. It’s a weird, hypocritical cycle you folks got going on.
by Anonymous | reply 185 | September 17, 2019 1:47 PM |
He should know that being 'funny enough to be hired by SNL' these days is a pretty low bar.
by Anonymous | reply 186 | September 17, 2019 1:48 PM |
Looked up the Chinatown video and it is literally these two guys bitching about "chinks" in Chinatown and Chinese culture. It's clearly not supposed to be funny, so I have no idea how he thought he could pass it off as a joke.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 187 | September 17, 2019 1:48 PM |
[quote]MADtv couldn’t exist now thanks to these SJW pansies.
People love saying things like this but it's just not true. People haven't stopped pushing the envelope.
by Anonymous | reply 188 | September 17, 2019 1:50 PM |
I think he thinks it’s funny, R187. It’s the same “humor” displayed by Milo, Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro and other Republican-embraced “personalities.” I bet Steve Miller laughed his ass off when he heard it and is confused by liberals don’t recognize his comic genius. Seriously.
by Anonymous | reply 189 | September 17, 2019 1:51 PM |
I bet Bill Maher will have him on in the next couple of weeks and champion him as a hilariously envelope-pushijg, free speech-crusading comedian.
by Anonymous | reply 190 | September 17, 2019 1:53 PM |
[quote]I'm very rational about this topic.
You don't even know how to spell this guy's last name yet you call yourself his "supporter." That's not very rational.
by Anonymous | reply 191 | September 17, 2019 1:53 PM |
Is it possible that this was a mutually decided upon publicity stunt?
by Anonymous | reply 192 | September 17, 2019 1:56 PM |
Some people really show who they are in this thread. I’m white and I find white victimhood repulsive. The fact that this loser had any shot at all is proof of white privilege. The people who bemoan “cancel culture,” SJWs and PC language are all the same.
by Anonymous | reply 193 | September 17, 2019 2:12 PM |
hahaha, R192. Sure. They got together and planned for him to put out racist videos years ago so they could create a publicity stunt now!
by Anonymous | reply 194 | September 17, 2019 2:15 PM |
He really does bear a striking resemblance to Brett Kavanaugh.
by Anonymous | reply 195 | September 17, 2019 2:17 PM |
Think he's saying they looked for a puffy racist comic who would pull this stunt with them, R194. No need for a time machine.
It's more likely that if this WAS a stunt, they just found a bloated douchebag and hired him, knowing his past would be quickly exposed, and said douchebag would be none the wiser.
by Anonymous | reply 196 | September 17, 2019 2:34 PM |
Still haven't heard a single byte of comedy form this guy. Sitting around with your pals chatting isn't comedy, no matter how many microphones are running or how much you paid for your copy of Logic Pro.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 198 | September 17, 2019 2:49 PM |
The thing at R198 is why they hate us.
by Anonymous | reply 199 | September 17, 2019 2:53 PM |
[quote]The thing at [R198] is why they hate us.
Might be why you hate yourself. Don't project.
by Anonymous | reply 200 | September 17, 2019 2:58 PM |
No, I don't shave my eyebrows off and throw myself in front of cameras, R200.
I also think the guy in question is a prick who isn't funny and that they only people who find him funny are those that only laugh at others' misfortune.
by Anonymous | reply 201 | September 17, 2019 3:05 PM |
This guy isn't fit to lick the shit out of Bill Burr's ass.
by Anonymous | reply 202 | September 17, 2019 3:07 PM |
[quote] But it's OK for Chappelle to say faggot in his concert, OK to say Michael Jackson's victims should brag about getting blown by him, eyes rolling.
It's not okay, but Chappelle isn't trying to get onto any show. He's his own person. People pay to see him. He's sells out.
This unfunny guy wanted to be on SNL. Any network would be fools to hire this guy
by Anonymous | reply 203 | September 17, 2019 3:13 PM |
199, you are why I hate you.
by Anonymous | reply 204 | September 17, 2019 3:20 PM |
He has every right to be a racist and hide behind, "comedy..."
Just like SNL has the right not to want to work with him.
by Anonymous | reply 205 | September 17, 2019 3:30 PM |
[quote]Sitting around with your pals chatting isn't comedy
Exactly, which makes this whole thing a head-scratcher. He wrote a couple of shorts that he also directed, but they didn't even make a splash on the indie film festival circuit, and he hasn't done anything of note in stand-up. I mean, he has only been in the business since 2012 and hasn't done much of anything. The only attention he got was a few months ago at Just For Laughs.
How did he even get hired in the first place?
by Anonymous | reply 206 | September 17, 2019 3:55 PM |
[quote]. I mean, he has only been in the business since 2012 and hasn't done much of anything. The only attention he got was a few months ago at Just For Laughs.
He hasn't done much of anything and yet in such a short time, and with such little exposure, managed to get himself blackballed from at least one club. What does that say about him?
by Anonymous | reply 207 | September 17, 2019 3:57 PM |
R205 White privilege all day like most white people.
by Anonymous | reply 208 | September 17, 2019 4:04 PM |
This is the peak of his career.
by Anonymous | reply 209 | September 17, 2019 4:32 PM |
Rob Schneider defended him and the Twitter mob posted memes of Rob dressed as different races, ironically proving his point that people didn't consider that shit problematic at the time. A bunch of Twitter warriors were bragging about how many celebs on Twitter blocked them, apparently to score virtue points. How immature are these people? And when did Deepak Chopra of all people become problematic? When will they declare victory? When they prove that everyone can be coaxed to react angrily to their self righteous tweets? Will they die happy when their lists are a mile long? Fucking vultures.
I still maintain that comedians should be able to perform controversial subject matter if it's part of their act. This case seems to be a little more complex because it was part of a conversation.
by Anonymous | reply 210 | September 17, 2019 7:36 PM |
[quote]r210 I still maintain that comedians should be able to perform controversial subject matter if it's part of their act.
Of course they can. And at the same time, some people won't want to employ them.
It's not a Constitutional right to be on a TV show.
by Anonymous | reply 211 | September 17, 2019 7:39 PM |
[quote]I still maintain that comedians should be able to perform controversial subject matter if it's part of their act.
Again, please post examples of his "comedy." I've yet to see it.
by Anonymous | reply 212 | September 17, 2019 8:58 PM |
“B-b-b-but what about racist white guys?”
by Anonymous | reply 213 | September 17, 2019 9:16 PM |
they get elected as rethugs
by Anonymous | reply 214 | September 17, 2019 9:20 PM |
R211 Not saying that employing or firing someone is not within their rights, but whether it's right to publicly shame those or make unemployable those who risk offending people within their comedy. One of the problems of cancel culture is that it doesn't allow the person to apologize or explain intent. It's also very easy for mob mentality to misrepresent what the person said in a way that dominates the media coverage. Most people affected by cancel culture are not given the opportunity to explain themselves, or if they are, it's already too late since the public has moved on to the next outrage.
Besides, the it's a private corporation, they can do whatever they want is such a tired talking point by now. In the real world, social media organizations especially, have consolidated way too much power, which they know how to abuse.
by Anonymous | reply 215 | September 17, 2019 9:26 PM |
He's not funny. He's the kind of guy breeders find funny because they have good jobs, it's Friday, they just got laid and they're drunk/high.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 216 | September 17, 2019 9:27 PM |
All I see is a squinty-eyed bigot with a puffy face. No talent, no humour, no loss.
by Anonymous | reply 217 | September 17, 2019 9:29 PM |
[quote]r215 One of the problems of cancel culture is that it doesn't allow the person to apologize or explain intent.
Oh. Their tongues are cut out?
What kind of fantasy are you spinning?
by Anonymous | reply 218 | September 17, 2019 9:31 PM |
R216 You have to be funny to be on SNL?
by Anonymous | reply 219 | September 17, 2019 9:32 PM |
[quote] What kind of fantasy are you spinning?
I should ask you that question. The greater public are unable or unwilling to look for nuance, especially in today's era. But keep pretending otherwise.
by Anonymous | reply 220 | September 17, 2019 9:34 PM |
And not just because we have become more sensitive. A lot of well meaning and intelligent people get swept up by the mob due to the fact that people consume way more information today than at any point in our history so they are less likely to investigate any one story with any adequate depth. I'm not making this point about Shane Gills specificially, but referring to cancel culture in the broader sense.
I watched Chappelle's latest show and thought it was only mildly amusing, but it definitely hit upon the zeitgeist which has been a repudiation of cancel culture.
by Anonymous | reply 221 | September 17, 2019 9:43 PM |
R220, so, it's "cancel culture's" fault that Kevin Hart simply refused to apologize or this guy issued a smarmy non-apology?
by Anonymous | reply 222 | September 17, 2019 9:49 PM |
Kevin Hart apologized more than once, but you decided not to hear him. Your beef is how dare a black man hate my gay white self, I'm superior to him and his kind.
by Anonymous | reply 223 | September 17, 2019 9:55 PM |
[quote] "cancel culture" is the new SJW, same alt-right bullshit
It's way too mainstream to be relegated to right or left. People understand that it could be them next. Do some of those affected deserve to be cancelled, sure why not...but is it something we should advocate for the greater good? I think not. People who have been affected have been liberal, conservative, and apolitical. Speaking out against cancel culture, as Dave Chappelle (who is definitely not conservative) is something every sane person should do. Siding with the Twitter mob just makes someone come off just as unhinged as they are.
by Anonymous | reply 224 | September 17, 2019 9:57 PM |
He officially declined to apologize, R223. That's why he lost the gig. And don't put your racist bullshit off on me.
by Anonymous | reply 225 | September 17, 2019 9:57 PM |
[quote]One of the problems of cancel culture is that it doesn't allow the person to apologize or explain intent.
He was given the chance; he declined to do so.
[quote]It's also very easy for mob mentality to misrepresent what the person said in a way that dominates the media coverage.
There was no misrepresentation here.
by Anonymous | reply 226 | September 17, 2019 10:02 PM |
People who use the term "cancel culture" aren't "mainstream," r224. That tends to be an alt-right term, snowflakes who don't want to be held accountable for their past, or current, words or deeds.
Personally, I'm not at all concerned that it "could be me next." If you're concerned, I suggest that it's because you likely have reason to be.
by Anonymous | reply 227 | September 17, 2019 10:08 PM |
If anyone said what he said on the record in any job, on television or off, they would have been fired.
So while some people keep slapping this with a, "cancel culture" tag, ultimately it's the normal due process for many positions playing itself out.
by Anonymous | reply 228 | September 17, 2019 10:17 PM |
Free Speech does not mean you are free from the consequences of your Free Speech.
SNL unhired him for what he spewed on that podcast; they were perfectly within their rights to do so.
by Anonymous | reply 229 | September 17, 2019 10:24 PM |
But who will play Kavanaugh unironically now?
by Anonymous | reply 230 | September 17, 2019 10:24 PM |
Expecting “the public” to find nuance is anything is ridiculous. Grow up. Most of America is borderline illiterate and retarded.
by Anonymous | reply 231 | September 17, 2019 11:55 PM |
No surprise that racist, homophobic, misogynist, Nick Dipaolo has come out in his defense.
by Anonymous | reply 232 | September 18, 2019 12:21 AM |
As did former SNL cast member Rob Schneider, who then had to back-pedal a bit to assure everyone he doesn't condone racist remarks.
by Anonymous | reply 233 | September 18, 2019 12:23 AM |
R231 I didn't want to say it but it's hard to argue when there is so much evidence in this thread alone.
by Anonymous | reply 234 | September 18, 2019 1:00 AM |
Dave Chappelle won't stop saying "faggot" and says Michael Jackson is innocent and the kids are lying. Oh wait, he's black? Ok we can't cancel him.
by Anonymous | reply 235 | September 18, 2019 1:01 AM |
[quote] People who use the term "cancel culture" aren't "mainstream," [R224]. That tends to be an alt-right term, snowflakes who don't want to be held accountable for their past, or current, words or deeds.
Just because it wasn't a hashtag doesn't mean it didn't exist or that the majority overwhelmingly opposed it. It's not an alt right term. You have people like Chappelle, Bill Maher, Seinfeld, Chris Rock all spoke out vehemently against it way before it was a hashtag.
by Anonymous | reply 236 | September 18, 2019 1:03 AM |
[quote] Personally, I'm not at all concerned that it "could be me next." If you're concerned, I suggest that it's because you likely have reason to be.
Wrong again. In this current climate the only thing you could be guilty of is associating with the wrong person.
by Anonymous | reply 237 | September 18, 2019 1:07 AM |
The other problem with Twitter outrage is that many of those who have been accused or implicated in a lawsuit are under gag order and have no choice but to stay quiet despite those on social media continue to slander them for months.
by Anonymous | reply 238 | September 18, 2019 1:14 AM |
[quote]Wrong again. In this current climate the only thing you could be guilty of is associating with the wrong person.
Outside of politics (where their very existence is political) how often does this happen?
by Anonymous | reply 239 | September 18, 2019 1:18 AM |
[quote] If anyone said what he said on the record in any job, on television or off, they would have been fired.
He wasn't employed at the time. But even if we agree that he should have lost his job, does that mean he should never be hired again? Even those who commit far more heinous crimes or have been to prison get another shot.
by Anonymous | reply 240 | September 18, 2019 1:23 AM |
R239 Every celebrity who ever associated with Weinstein for one, and that was mostly from conservatives and a few nutjobs like Rose and Argento. Christopher Plummer and Wil Wheaton, two of the nicest people in the business, faced threats of cancellation because they expressed unpopular opinions. I could go on.
by Anonymous | reply 241 | September 18, 2019 1:26 AM |
Based on Gills "I'm sorry you decided to be offended" apology, I'm not sure I care if he finds work or not. I guess he could headline at the next Unite The Right rally.
by Anonymous | reply 242 | September 18, 2019 1:28 AM |
[quote]He wasn't employed at the time.
I'm not sure if you mean, he wasn't employed when he said the comments which wouldn't matter because most jobs do their research on a candidate's social media prior to hiring them.
Or he wasn't employed by SNL, but as per their statement, he had already been officially hired. They said, "we hired Shane on the strength of his talent ..."
Of course he'll probably work again. He just wasn't right for SNL and NBC. Someone will hire him.
[quote]Every celebrity who ever associated with Weinstein for one, and that was mostly from conservatives and a few nutjobs like Rose and Argento
Thanks for realizing I was genuinely asking. I don't think any of were actually cancelled though. I was trying to figure out if Lena Dunham (when she supported someone from her show that there were rape accusations against ) counted but she was "cancelled" for speaking up rather than just being associated with him. Of course none of it stuck.
by Anonymous | reply 243 | September 18, 2019 1:32 AM |
[quote]I ignored the story until last night, when I looked up the podcast clips that caused the outrage.
rink, prease.
by Anonymous | reply 244 | September 18, 2019 1:34 AM |
[quote]r240 even if we agree that he should have lost his job, does that mean he should never be hired again?
I presume he's employed now. Wouldn't he have to have a waiter job or something? It's not like he's famous.
by Anonymous | reply 245 | September 18, 2019 1:36 AM |
Somebody rinked, I mean linked, it at R187.
by Anonymous | reply 246 | September 18, 2019 1:36 AM |
Count your lucky stars Shane. TV is beneath us.
by Anonymous | reply 247 | September 18, 2019 1:39 AM |
[quote] I was trying to figure out if Lena Dunham (when she supported someone from her show that there were rape accusations against ) counted but she was "cancelled" for speaking up rather than just being associated with him. Of course none of it stuck.
With the case of Dunhan, it was probably overexposure (in more ways than one) and lack of talent that is hindering future job opportunities.
by Anonymous | reply 248 | September 18, 2019 1:44 AM |
You gotta believe there are about 1,000 comedians all over North America better than him, not relying on "ooh, being a bigoted asshole was so edgy in the 70s and 80s" bottom of the barrel kind of humor. It's mind boggling that he was hired in the first place - is he great at giving head?
by Anonymous | reply 249 | September 18, 2019 1:46 AM |
R249 Look at the current cast of SNL. Why are any of them employed? But as bad as the current cast is, they must have even worse writers. I watch SNL occasionally, and think, it must take some effort to be this bad.
by Anonymous | reply 250 | September 18, 2019 1:50 AM |
There are plenty of strong performers on SNL right now, but they don't have the writing to support them at all. The last time the writers were there for the performers was during the Bill Hader/Kristen Wiig/Andy Samberg era. The show's dependence on stunt casting and politics weaken the show, and it gives the already bloated cast little chance to make an impression in the end.
by Anonymous | reply 251 | September 18, 2019 2:07 AM |
[quote]One of the problems of cancel culture is that it doesn't allow racists to act racist without consequences.
Fixed that for you.
by Anonymous | reply 252 | September 18, 2019 2:12 AM |
He posts on DataLounge as Ho Lee Fuk.
by Anonymous | reply 253 | September 18, 2019 2:23 AM |
R252 So clever! Here's a cookie.
by Anonymous | reply 254 | September 18, 2019 2:23 AM |
[quote]Dave Chapelle.. Ok we can't cancel him.
You can. By not buying tickets to his show. Or watching his show. You really don't get how "cancelling" works, do you?
by Anonymous | reply 255 | September 18, 2019 2:47 AM |
R79, agreed. Every dollar that bigots on the Right throw at walking trash like Gillis, Kim Davis, and the owners of Memories Pizzeria (who closed down as soon as the GoFundMe paid off ) to spite Liberals is a dollar they WON’T have to send in as a campaign contribution. Let them mortgage their double wides to support this surly man-baby rather than the one seeking re-election!
I wish they’d kept him on SNL though. I for one would have LOVED for him to be spouting off about how straight white men are the funniest comedians while pitching ideas to the writers, and then having to be an extra with no lines in sketches featuring Kate McKinnon and Keenan Thompson week after week until he quietly disappears.
R219, Pete Davidson’s continued employment would seem to argue no.
by Anonymous | reply 256 | September 18, 2019 3:14 AM |
If he said 'nigger', his career would be over.
by Anonymous | reply 257 | September 18, 2019 3:24 AM |
[quote]Dave Chappelle won't stop saying "faggot" and says Michael Jackson is innocent and the kids are lying. Oh wait, he's black? Ok we can't cancel him.
So, either you’re trolling OR you truly can’t see the difference here for some reason--I’m being polite. YOU can cancel Chappelle anytime YOU want. BUT let’s not pretend that he isn’t getting shit for his stand up. I know that you’re looking for a Black comedian to throw to the wolves here but you need to find one in a similar situation.
by Anonymous | reply 258 | September 18, 2019 11:20 AM |
R225 most people love Dave chappelle so your refusal to not watch him means nothing. Besides Dave fans are mostly straight people.
by Anonymous | reply 259 | September 18, 2019 11:22 AM |
He was hired because Lorne likes to have comedians that fill certain roles. In his case, based on his smarmy, sullen non-apology and statement after he got fired, I expect he was the right-wing blue-collar bubba comedian designed to appeal to red states. The same people who find Jeff Dunham and other redneck comedians funny, etc.
by Anonymous | reply 260 | September 18, 2019 11:51 AM |
He’s no me, that’s for sure.
by Anonymous | reply 261 | September 18, 2019 11:54 AM |
R251 on SNL the comedians who perform are writers too. It's not just writers and then performers, they have an organic process for pitches.
by Anonymous | reply 262 | September 18, 2019 11:56 AM |
[quote]Of course none of it stuck.
That's why complaining about "cancel culture" seems so ridiculous to me, because no one has ever truly been cancelled. Sometimes someone is cancelled and then convicted of a crime (Cosby, Skrelli) but that's not the same as being cancelled.
I think the only semi-recent "cancel" that stuck was the Dixie Chicks.
by Anonymous | reply 263 | September 18, 2019 11:58 AM |
Can anyone post a link to him doing a routine where he actually says anything funny? I haven't found any.
by Anonymous | reply 264 | September 18, 2019 1:31 PM |
[quote]Kevin Hart apologized more than once,
*citation needed
by Anonymous | reply 265 | September 18, 2019 1:41 PM |
r264, You're on your own. I watched one unfunny stand up clip of him that I found and I watched the podcast that got him in trouble. Not only was it not in the least bit funny, it was very offensive. He clearly has problems with minorities; he is very bigoted.
What demographic were SNL going for here? The Trump one? Geez, what a mess.
by Anonymous | reply 266 | September 18, 2019 1:41 PM |
So much fuss over a fat, pasty, unattractive white guy who isn't even funny.
by Anonymous | reply 267 | September 18, 2019 1:49 PM |
I wonder if the only reason he was hired is that he or his agent pitched himself using "reverse affirmative action" - "the voice of the Trump voter" as the unrepresented minority. Another Roseanne situation.
Clearly the guy is not funny, not bright, not good looking, and doesn't seem like he can act or imitate anyone - very suspicious hiring.
by Anonymous | reply 268 | September 18, 2019 1:51 PM |
Found a stand-up routine so yes, apparently he has attempted comedy, but it wasn't funny. It was basically "black people be like this, white people be like that."
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 269 | September 18, 2019 1:54 PM |
Thanks for finally posting some of his comedy -- it's a'right. I've heard worse and I've heard a lot better. Whoever said this was a hire to appeal to the Trump voters got it right. Too bad they couldn't find someone with some charisma.
by Anonymous | reply 270 | September 18, 2019 2:56 PM |
Hardly, r258. I'm saying Chappelle gets a pass because woke-gays will always sit back and take "faggot" from a comedian of color but will go apeshit over an Asian slur from a white guy
by Anonymous | reply 271 | September 18, 2019 7:35 PM |
This gay doesn't take "faggot" from anyone.
by Anonymous | reply 272 | September 18, 2019 7:47 PM |
R271, who is giving Chappelle a pass? Everyone knows what he is about.
by Anonymous | reply 273 | September 18, 2019 7:50 PM |
[quote]Wrong again. In this current climate the only thing you could be guilty of is associating with the wrong person.
Personally, I'm not at all concerned that it "could be me next." If you're concerned, I suggest that it's because you're associating with the wrong people.
by Anonymous | reply 274 | September 18, 2019 7:52 PM |
One of my favorite exchanges on a prime time soap was on Falcon Crest.
Lance took Chao Li's daughter into the city for date one night. (The show was set near San Francisco.) They come back to Angela's mansion and walk into the dining room. Angela is there having dinner with Stavros, Peter, and Melissa (who is still hung up on Lance).
Lance: "We went into the city."
Melissa: "Oh? Chinatown?"
I thought wow; I can't believe that got that on the air. I wonder how that would go over today.
by Anonymous | reply 275 | September 18, 2019 7:57 PM |
Archie Bunker calling Chinese food "chink food" wouldn't go over very well today either.
But believe it or not, the 70's were a somewhat more tolerant time.
by Anonymous | reply 276 | September 18, 2019 8:01 PM |
[quote]That's why complaining about "cancel culture" seems so ridiculous to me, because no one has ever truly been cancelled. Sometimes someone is cancelled and then convicted of a crime (Cosby, Skrelli) but that's not the same as being cancelled
It's mostly just the usual snowflakes who cannot handle being called on their bullshit and who respond with "SJW!!!!" "Cancel culture!!!!" and the rest of the [italic]non sequiturs[/italic] that allow them to avoid actual thought or intelligent responses.
by Anonymous | reply 277 | September 18, 2019 8:01 PM |
R277 I call out bullshit whenever I see it no matter where it comes from. But in today's climate, people do self censor or express views contrary to their beliefs because that is what is expected of them professionally. One of the reasons I withdrew from posting on public forums is because I want to be able to express contrary opinions or participate and risk being challenged on stuff I don't know about. Part of it is wanting to own myself and another part of me wants to venture outside my comfort zone in the hope of learning. Why would I want to do the latter if everything, including my brain farts, were subject to public scrutiny? Why would I put myself in a position where I have to publicly denounce something I believe in because it benefits me professionally?
We have gotten along well in the past separating our personal and professional lives. But not venturing our private thoughts does not mean we have to be put in a position where we have to publicly denounce our ideas, our friends, or our family just to prove how virtuous we are. But it doesn't surprise me that when you have a generation who thinks their shit doesn't stink, they can unload on everyone else who doesn't share the right opinions on absolutely every issue.
by Anonymous | reply 278 | September 18, 2019 8:18 PM |
Scarlett Johanson was another unlikely candidate when she stood up for being cast as a transgender character (pre surgery) and was forced to unload all this BS so she could pass the purity test. Glad that she's gotten hold of her senses when she once again spoke her mind recently. That's what I consider refreshing. Of course, everyone wants to be thought of as perfect, but the world would be a better place if people were able to freely admit their faults.
by Anonymous | reply 279 | September 18, 2019 8:23 PM |
And there is something wrong when you try to pit people against eachother. For example, this black or asian person said this, therefore he/she is a hypocrite. Perhaps we shouldn't be so fast to point fingers or try to justify double standards and just admit that all of us should come together and admit the whole thing is bullshit.
by Anonymous | reply 280 | September 18, 2019 8:29 PM |
[quote] Wrong again. In this current climate the only thing you could be guilty of is associating with the wrong person.
[quote] Outside of politics (where their very existence is political) how often does this happen?
Woody Allen is a very polarizing figure these days.
by Anonymous | reply 281 | September 18, 2019 8:30 PM |
R276, I think the whole point of Archie was for viewers to look at their own intolerance by watching Archie...but viewers won't accept a character like him today...well, except for those live shows Norman does with Jimmy K.
by Anonymous | reply 282 | September 18, 2019 8:30 PM |
[quote] ‘SNL’ Sought Conservative Appeal With Shane Gillis Hire
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 283 | September 18, 2019 8:33 PM |
R282 That's the thing though. Characters don't speak for their actors. Such a simple concept but it's amazing how people just don't get it. Think of how boring it would be if all our entertainment focused on aspirational characters who are modeled after Jesus.
by Anonymous | reply 284 | September 18, 2019 8:35 PM |
I swear he must have FAS or some other developmental disorder, the photo they used at R283 does not show a healthy adult male face.
by Anonymous | reply 285 | September 18, 2019 8:42 PM |
[quote]According to sources, the long-running NBC comedy show and series mastermind Lorne Michaels were actively looking to cast a comedian for its new season who would appeal to more conservative viewers.
R283, I read the article but that concept from "sources" doesn't make any sense. Unless he physically got to write the sketch he was doing, got it approved and then got it on air, I'm not sure how anyone would know he was the "conservative" bias cast member.
They're also most certainly not going to let him say the kinds of things he does on the show.
by Anonymous | reply 286 | September 18, 2019 9:14 PM |
[[quote]]I'm not sure how anyone would know he was the "conservative" bias cast member.
Because you freaking dumbass, they would tell people. That was the point. This was a tokenism hire. There are idiots on the left just as bad as Trump going "Here is my African American over here!" Well this is SNL going "Here is our Trumpkin over here!" There would have been a PR pus.
by Anonymous | reply 287 | September 18, 2019 9:37 PM |
What r286? People have social media, people do interviews.
We know so much shit about actors outside of what we see in their performance.
by Anonymous | reply 288 | September 18, 2019 9:39 PM |
NBC wanted Shane Gillis to be the liberal equivalent of Diamond and Silk.
by Anonymous | reply 289 | September 18, 2019 9:45 PM |
It's so hypocritical of all the SNL cast members staying silent about this, when Michael Che, Pete Davidson, Colin Jobst have spoken out against "cancel culture" and have refused to apologize for their own offensive jokes. They refuse to say anything about this because they're afraid of pissing off Lorne Michaels and NBC and losing their jobs.
by Anonymous | reply 290 | September 18, 2019 9:58 PM |
Poor little butthurt right-wing special snowflake @ R290.
by Anonymous | reply 291 | September 18, 2019 10:05 PM |
Isn’t Lorne a repub and isn’t he also Weinstein’s friend who refused to do any jokes about him on SNL when the Weinstein thing happened?
by Anonymous | reply 292 | September 18, 2019 10:09 PM |
Repugs love to make money off of Liberals and use that money to screw their consumer base over.
by Anonymous | reply 293 | September 18, 2019 10:29 PM |
It's not really relevant what Lorne Michaels' political persuasion is, since he's an amoral piece of shit.
by Anonymous | reply 294 | September 18, 2019 10:33 PM |
R291 Do you have anything better to do than call people who disagree with you a snowflake? If you had any confidence in your own positions, you would speak about them intelligently instead of calling people names.
by Anonymous | reply 295 | September 18, 2019 10:43 PM |
[quote]But in today's climate, people do self censor or express views contrary to their beliefs because that is what is expected of them professionally.
And yet I have absolutely no problem finding literally every view on every issue expressed, loudly and publicly, on a variety of forums, on a variety of media, by a wide variety of people. So apparently, not everyone shares your concern.
Contrary to your assertions, this is not new. Businesses and those in the public eye have long tried to steer clear of political issues because they know that, regardless of their views, someone will be pissed off. So they keep their opinions private.
Personally, I have no concern at all about a bigot having to self censor.
by Anonymous | reply 296 | September 19, 2019 12:59 AM |
[quote]‘SNL’ Sought Conservative Appeal With Shane Gillis Hire
So he was an affirmative action hire, was he? How ironic....
by Anonymous | reply 297 | September 19, 2019 1:01 AM |
Considering he helped get Trump elected, I would have expected Lorne to have learned his lesson about conservatives by now.
by Anonymous | reply 298 | September 19, 2019 1:14 AM |
I listened to the podcast. The fact that he was fired is absurd. He and his friend were talking the way straight guys talk when they're alone together.
What I heard was two desperately insecure, green guys trying to out-bro each other. That he was fired over that nonsense is ridiculous.
I guess I don't blame SNL. They really had no choice. It's the pitchforks and torches crowd. I don't understand anyone deriving satisfaction from this guy being fired.
I say this as a Trump-hating gay guy.
by Anonymous | reply 299 | September 19, 2019 3:34 AM |
R299, so there's a lower bar for straight men? They can't help their racism because they're naturally stupid?
by Anonymous | reply 300 | September 19, 2019 3:42 AM |
And they can't apologize for their racism because they're ... what? Too "bro-ey?"
by Anonymous | reply 301 | September 19, 2019 3:52 AM |
[quote]and have refused to apologize for their own offensive jokes
Nothing Shane said was actually a joke r290, that's why he got fired. He was just spewing stupid racist shit. But you know that, it has been pointed out a million times here and everywhere else, so I guess why I am even engaging with you.
by Anonymous | reply 302 | September 19, 2019 3:56 AM |
Let's be honest, that post is a natural extension of DLs long standing worship of straight white men r300.
by Anonymous | reply 303 | September 19, 2019 4:03 AM |
R303 There is such irony that straight white men are supposedly responsible for all the evils in the world, yet are the loudest apologists.
by Anonymous | reply 304 | September 19, 2019 4:05 AM |
R303, I think it's just someone trying to "own the libs" as conservative call it.
by Anonymous | reply 305 | September 19, 2019 4:07 AM |
Living in California, I see mostly straight white people are the ones who are silencing minority voices twisting their economic worries or concerns into something having to do with race. It's quite hilarious.
by Anonymous | reply 306 | September 19, 2019 4:08 AM |
R306 It's mostly rich white people who feel like they have to speak up for all minorities who are just as politically disenfranchised as poor white people. They pretend to be virtuous even as they advocate for policies such as mass migration that severely impacts low income families.
by Anonymous | reply 307 | September 19, 2019 4:12 AM |
The worst thing he said was that women and the gays are at the very bottom of groups who are funny. Bitch, have you [italic]seen[/italic] DL?!
And apparently he's no stranger to calling gays the F-word, either. Like, what gives you the fucking right? That's the sort of thing that has to be earned, you fat white breeder cunt.
[quote]*shrug* Not that anyone cares but Shane Gillis called me a, quote, "fag comic", to my face, roughly a year ago in Philly. I don't really want to get into the fray, but everyone in Philly comedy knows he's a gross bigot.
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 308 | September 19, 2019 4:18 AM |
[quote] I listened to the podcast. The fact that he was fired is absurd. He and his friend were talking the way straight guys talk when they're alone together.
[quote] What I heard was two desperately insecure, green guys trying to out-bro each other. That he was fired over that nonsense is ridiculous.
And I believe here lies the problem. Being tone-deaf. Just because two, straight, white guys try to "out-bro" each other doesn't make this entertaining for so-called outsiders. These outsiders are the ones companies like SNL wants to have as viewers / consumers.
We live in a society with a very intrusive social media culture.
- Job applicants get dismissed based on their social media profiles where they think it's a good idea to, say, upload pictures of yourself drunk off your ass on your last vacation to Cancun, Mexico.
- Teachers getting fired for doing porn before they were teachers.
- Employees getting fired for being gay.
We do live in an unjust world where we put ourselves at the mercy of others to like and approve of us in order to make a living. And sometimes us being who we are bites us in the ass when we try to have a business / work relationship with people who don't approve of the real you or see our real selves as a liability for their own success.
by Anonymous | reply 309 | September 19, 2019 9:52 AM |
He keeps saying he was trying to push boundaries in comedy but the stuff that got him fired was shit he said in a conversation on a podcast, he wasn't doing comedy!
by Anonymous | reply 310 | September 19, 2019 9:58 AM |
Look, I think if he crafted that nonsense into an actual joke--which can be done--he probably wouldn't have been fired. What I heard sounded like two frat bros having a conversation with him saying "chinks" and calling people faggots. Also, even a comedy store stopped showcasing him because of this bullshit.
by Anonymous | reply 311 | September 19, 2019 10:13 AM |
Yeah, he’s a racist, yeah, he’s a Trumpie, yeah, he’s a misogynist, yeah, he’s a homophobe, yeah, he’s a fat straight white guy. Duh.
The problem here is he’s not funny.
by Anonymous | reply 312 | September 19, 2019 11:07 AM |
Lorne Michaels was looking to add a deplorable to the show, and that's exactly what he got. Since when are right-wingers known for their sense of humor?
by Anonymous | reply 313 | September 19, 2019 2:50 PM |
Some truly stupid people here are defending this loser. Not surprising, this is DL after all. A lot of very regressive older gays here. This guy is a homophobe, too, but we’re supposed to look the other way because “this is how straight (?) guys talk,” erm, no. This is how bigots talk. “Straight” has nothing to do with it. I know plenty of straight guys who would cut their arm off before calling someone a “c***k.” Why anyone would equate blatant racism with being a male heterosexual is beyond me. Racism is not exclusive to one identity, nor does one’s identity excuse it. Just truly unbelievable “logic” at work here.
by Anonymous | reply 314 | September 19, 2019 4:16 PM |
[quote]Unless he physically got to write the sketch he was doing, got it approved and then got it on
Performers often write their own material on SNL. Tina Fey was head writer during her time on SNL. No doubt this Walking Thumb was hired to provide the deplorable perspective to the writing room. He probably would have written hilarious skits about “c***ks” and “f****ts” and all sorts of “let’s offend everyone (non-white/christian/straight) and call it ‘equal opportunity’ comedy” while hate crimes continue to rise, and children grow up under Trump thinking everything is normal, and the country slides ever further into fascism...
by Anonymous | reply 315 | September 19, 2019 4:25 PM |
Agreed, R311. Or, alternatively, had he straight-up apologized for his childish, ignorant, and bigoted remarks, he'd likely still have his job. He handled this about as badly as it was possible to handle it. His failure there was likely the nail in the coffin because who wants to hire someone who not only was a problem before but will almost certainly continue to be a problem?
by Anonymous | reply 316 | September 19, 2019 5:03 PM |
I'm actually glad he didn't apologize because I can't stand people who apologize solely because they don't want to deal with the consequences of their actions. They're not sorry about what they did, nor do they think it's wrong, they're just sorry they got caught.
I'd rather know that he is a racist, stupid, piece of shit, uprfont and that he still is, and always will be.
by Anonymous | reply 317 | September 19, 2019 7:51 PM |
Comedy's Civil War: How an "SNL" Firing Exposed a Growing Rift in Stand-Up:
Offsite Linkby Anonymous | reply 318 | September 27, 2019 3:07 AM |
R318 Interesting article. Comedy can't really thrive in today's environment unless its aimed at children.
by Anonymous | reply 319 | September 27, 2019 4:13 AM |
R318 Comparing Lenny Bruce to alt right politics is offensive. No wonder comedy today is garbage.
by Anonymous | reply 320 | September 27, 2019 4:17 AM |
Comedy has been effectively neutered. You have cultural critics on the right saying that it doesn't go far enough, and cultural critics on the left saying that it's not woke enough. The result is something nobody on either side of the political spectrum wants.
by Anonymous | reply 321 | September 27, 2019 4:21 AM |
George Carlin is spinning in his grave.
by Anonymous | reply 322 | September 27, 2019 6:38 AM |