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How old is Luís Alberto Urrea? When is Luís Alberto Urrea's birthday? Where is Luís Alberto Urrea born? Where did Luís Alberto Urrea grow up from? What's Luís Alberto Urrea's age?

Luís Alberto Urrea Born: August 20, 1955 (age 67years), Tijuana, Mexico

Is Luís Alberto Urrea married? When did Luís Alberto Urrea get married? Who's Luís Alberto Urrea's married to? (Who's Luís Alberto Urrea's husband / wife)?

Luís Alberto Urrea Spouse: Cinderella Urrea

How about Luís Alberto Urrea's notabl_work?

Luís Alberto Urrea Notabl_work: Nobody's Son: Notes from an American Life, The Hummingbird's Daughter

How about Luís Alberto Urrea's parents?

Luís Alberto Urrea Parents: Phyllis Dashiell, Alberto Urrea Murray

How about Luís Alberto Urrea's education?

Luís Alberto Urrea Education: University of Colorado Boulder (1997), University of California San Diego

How about Luís Alberto Urrea's awards?

Luís Alberto Urrea Awards: American Book Award, MORE

What is Luis Alberto Urrea known for?

Luis Alberto Urrea

The novel recounts the coming of age of Teresita, a young woman who rose from humble origins to become a renowned healer and revolutionary insurgent. Born to a poor, illiterate Indian woman and an unknown father, Teresita becomes an apprentice to an elderly healer named Huila.

What are three important facts about Luis Alberto Urrea?

Luis Alberto Urrea

The novel recounts the coming of age of Teresita, a young woman who rose from humble origins to become a renowned healer and revolutionary insurgent. Born to a poor, illiterate Indian woman and an unknown father, Teresita becomes an apprentice to an elderly healer named Huila.

What has Luis Alberto Urrea written?

Luis Alberto Urrea

The novel recounts the coming of age of Teresita, a young woman who rose from humble origins to become a renowned healer and revolutionary insurgent. Born to a poor, illiterate Indian woman and an unknown father, Teresita becomes an apprentice to an elderly healer named Huila.

What is the hummingbird's daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea about?

Luis Alberto Urrea

The novel recounts the coming of age of Teresita, a young woman who rose from humble origins to become a renowned healer and revolutionary insurgent. Born to a poor, illiterate Indian woman and an unknown father, Teresita becomes an apprentice to an elderly healer named Huila.
