Tim Story Net Worth - Wiki, Age, Weight and Height, Relationships, Family, and More

Meet Tim Story, the renowned director and producer from the United States who has revolutionized filmmaking with his remarkable talent. With a net worth of $15 Million, Tim is one of Hollywood's most respected personalities.

Celebrated for his work in several blockbusters such as "Fantastic Four" (2005) and "Barbershop" (2002), this talented director has also produced music videos for popular cards like Beyoncé, Jay-Z, and Rihanna. If you are looking for an inspiring story about a prolific filmmaker who rose to fame with hard work and tremendous dedication then your search ends here!

Read on to discover what makes Tim Story truly unique – from his career journey to untold facts that will surely leave you amazed!

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Where Is Tim Story From and Where Was Tim Story Born

Tim Story is a renowned American film director, producer, screenwriter, editor, television producer, television director and music video director born in Los Angeles on March 13th, 1970. Groomed for the spotlight since birth in the City of Angels, Tim Story's long-spanning career has produced critically acclaimed blockbusters such as Fantastic Four (2005), Barbershop (2002) and Ride Along (2014).

His ability to bring out momentous performances from his actors have earned him several prestigious awards including a BET Comedy Award in 2003 and an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Directing in Motion Picture/TV in 2005. What propelled him to success was his undying dedication - even at the age of 53 years old he continues his quest to discover groundbreaking stories that will have us glued to our screens.

With an ever-growing portfolio of films under his belt Tim Story shows no signs of ceasing any time soon!

How Old is Tim Story? Tim Story Age and Birthday Info

Tim Story is 53 years old. He celebrated his birthday on March 13, 1970, and hails from Los Angeles, California.

His portfolio of works includes film directing, producing, writing, and editing; as well as television producing and direction; along with music video direction. Tim Story is a Hollywood legend whose creative genius has captivated audiences for more than 30 years.

His extensive body of work highlights iconic films such as "Barbershop" (2002), "Fantastic Four" (2005) and the "Think Like A Man" franchise (2012). It also features award-winning series like Symphonies in Black: A Rhapsody of Negro Music portrayed in animation for Sesame Street (1986) to recent hits The Chi executive produced for Showtime (2018).

As we celebrate Tim's 53rd birthday this year let us honor his impactful contribution to cinema with a retrospective of his impressive body of work that continues to shape our culture today.

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What is Tim Story’s Zodiac Sign

Tim Story's Zodiac Sign is Pisces. Born under the sign of compassion and empathy, Tim Story is sure to bring strong emotional direction to his various roles as a Film Director, Film Producer, Screenwriter, Film Editor, Television Producer, Television Director and Music Video Director.

His insight into each character's deepest emotions will help him tell stories that captivate an audience no matter what genre he chooses. As one of the most intuitive signs in the zodiac, Tim has an uncanny ability to understand complex situations from multiple angles while still providing clear direction for any project.

With his creative vision and understanding of human emotion combined with his strong-willed determination towards achieving success, Tim Story will continue to produce highly acclaimed films for many years to come.

Tim Story Net Worth and Earnings

Tim Story is a successful film director, producer, screenwriter, editor and television producer with an estimated net worth of $15 million. He has achieved this impressive fortune by creating some of the most iconic films and television shows of the last two decades.

His works have set new standards in entertainment and have won him numerous awards, including multiple Grammy Awards for his music video direction. On the 19th of May 2023 - his 53rd birthday - he will be celebrating yet another productive year in which he directed four feature films along with producing five more.

As if that weren't enough, Tim also wrote three scripts for original TV show concepts which will soon go into production as well as leading several key projects at various companies he partners with. In short: Tim Story is living proof that hard work pays off!

Tim Story Nationality and Ethnicity

Tim Story is an American film director, producer, screenwriter, editor, television producer, television director and music video director. His nationality and ethnicity undoubtedly play a role in his success.

As an American of African-American heritage, Tim is passionate about showcasing the talent and stories of those within his community. He feels that it's not only his responsibility to represent them accurately but also to use film as a platform to bring issues affecting people of color into the mainstream consciousness.

Through powerful storytelling and accessible films, Tim hopes that he can make an impact on those watching - one person at a time.

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Tim Story Body Measurements

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