Former Red Sox first Baseman George Scott and Son Die Tragic In Murder Suicide

In an alleged murder-suicide, the son of a former Red Sox great and his 8-year-old kid were discovered dead in a New Bedford residence, according to investigators.

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According to CBS Boston, police checked on the health of George C. Scott III, 54, and his son Dante Hazard on Friday morning.

According to officials, the two people who had been residing in the house on Phillips Road were discovered dead inside.

According to a news release from the Bristol District Attorney, a relative who had been unable to contact the father sought the well-being check.

According to the District Attorney’s office, the father “killed the boy with a sharp object before taking his own life.”

Hazard, who is now 28 years old, was last seen in New Bedford on March 3. According to the Bristol District Attorney, she was intended to attend a drug rehabilitation facility at the time she was residing on South Main Street in Falls Street.

The Bristol District Attorney stated that the inquiry is active and ongoing.

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