Where are John and Linda Fields today? Whereabouts explored ahead of new Calls From the Inside episo

John and Linda Fields were sentenced in the killing of their farm hand, a Czech outsider named Jerry Palensky, who vanished in December 2003 from the Elko couple’s property where he dwelled in his trailer. His body was found in the bone chilling Jordan Stream close to Salt Lake City the next January. An examination uncovered that Palensky died of gruff power injury to the head.

Linda Fields was at first indicted in Walk 2007, getting a lifelong incarceration without the chance for further appeal. In the mean time, John was seen as at real fault for the wrongdoing later in August of that year.

Notwithstanding, Linda’s conviction was upset, and she was delivered after another preliminary and condemning in 2013. John Fields, then again, was given two life terms with 10 extra years and is right now spending time in jail at the High Desert State Jail.

An impending episode of Calls From Within will return to Jerry Palensky’s homicide this Tuesday, February 21, 2023. The summary of the episode, named Killed by Control, which airs on ID at 9.00 pm ET, states:

Linda Fields was sentenced for homicide in Walk 2007, over three years after Jerry Palensky was cudgeled to death. She was viewed as at fault for an open homicide allegation in the passing of the 61-year-old farm hand. Her significant other, John Fields, was additionally sentenced on various charges in October of that very year.

Palensky’s body was found drifting in the bone chilling Jordan Waterway close to Salt Lake Region in January 2004. A post-mortem uncovered that he was beat to death and that his body was in the water for north of seven days before it was found. Different sources likewise express that Palensky was most recently seen on December 18, 2003, on the Elko District farm where he filled in as a farm hand for John and Linda Fields.

During Linda’s Walk 2007 preliminary, examiners claimed that Palensky’s $300,000 life coverage strategy the charged took out in his name was the rationale behind the homicide. They guaranteed that either Linda killed the casualty herself or convinced her better half John to kill him. Analysts further asserted that Palensky was killed in Elko, Nevada, and his body was unloaded in the Utah stream.

Notwithstanding, the case at first went cold because of inadequate proof and was just settled after the charged’s brother warned specialists, guaranteeing that she admitted to killing the person in question.

As per reports, John Fields and Jerry Palensky had known one another since they initially met in New Mexico before the previous moved to Nevada and wedded Linda in 1995. The couple then took in Palensky, who remained in their cellar for two winters in the last part of the 90s since dwelling in his camp trailer was excessively cold.

Palensky was then captured and shipped off jail for DUI in 2002 and was delivered in October the next year. He then, at that point, began functioning as a farm hand for John and Linda Fields, dwelling in a trailer on their property for around a month and a half before his vanishing.

While he was in jail, Linda, who was given general legal authority in light of his feeble hold over the English language, exchanged every one of his resources for take care of his betting obligations and different advances, according to their understanding. She supposedly sold all his Utah properties and furthermore utilized cash from his investment account to pay any further obligations and service bills for his trailer space and had his trailer moved to the farm.

Linda guaranteed that Palensky mentioned that she take out the disaster protection in his name and put her name as the recipient since he dreaded for his life. Upon his delivery from jail in October 2003, Palensky moved into his trailer on the Fields’ farm and begun working for them.

Sources express that Linda, being the sole recipient, attempted to guarantee the protection cash three weeks after Palensky’s body was found.

In spite of the fact that Linda Fields was at first condemned to life in jail without the chance of parole, her conviction was upset, and she was given a new preliminary in 2013 when she was viewed as at legitimate fault for the lesser accusation of deliberate homicide, getting a 10-year sentence. Be that as it may, when given credit for the time previously served, Linda was delivered not long after the condemning.

In the mean time, John Fields was likewise charged and placed being investigated for Jerry Palensky’s killing in 2007 and was seen as at legitimate fault for first-degree murder, scheme to carry out murder, and utilization of a deadly weapon in October of that year. He was given two life sentences in addition to a decade in jail. Sources express that he is presently spending time in jail at the High Desert State Jail.

ID’s Calls From Within will additionally dig into John and Linda Fields’ convictions in the impending episode this Tuesday, February 21.
