Some Lesser Known Facts About Joss Fong
- In 2008, she incepted her career with Media Matters for America, where she worked for around four years as Energy/Environment Editor.
- After she stopped working with Media Matters, she pursued her post-graduation from New York University. During that period, she worked as an intern at Ark Media, where she worked for The Emperor of All Maladies series about cancer for PBS.
- She joined Scientific American, a famous American science magazine in August 2013 as a Video Production Intern. She helped in the shoot, animation, editing and publishing of web videos over there.
- Joss is a social media freak and is very much active on Instagram and Twitter. She loves posting her day-to-day activities on Instagram.
- After completing her six months internship in Scientific American, she started working for leading American news and opinion website- Vox in 2014.
- She holds the post of Senior Editorial Producer at Vox, and she also produces the explainer videos, which are published on and their YouTube channel, Facebook, and other social media platforms. Here’s a glimpse of her work at Vox:
- She is an ardent cat lover and has a pet cat named Karl. Joss pampers her cat like a child and is invariably seen showcasing her furry cat to her friends and fans on her Instagram.
- Joss has also volunteered as a video editor in The Against Malaria Foundation.