Big Brother 2018 had it’s youngest ever winner as Cameron Cole was crowned king of the house of Monday night (November 5th).
The 19-year-old vlogger will always be remembered for his bravery and courage as he came out as gay while in the house.
Cameron’s decision to come out wasn’t easy and sexuality was something that had been on his mind for years.
Here’s a timeline of how Cameron came out as gay.
Just tuned in 2 big brother what was Cameron talking about in the diary room please ? #bbuk
— Sean ferguson (@crazycatgay02) September 23, 2018

Cameron in the Diary Room
On day eight, Cameron headed to the Diary Room for a private chat with Big Brother.
He explained that he had something to announce, but was unsure if he wanted to publicly announce it to his fellow housemates, knowing that the general public – including friends and family – would hear of his big reveal.
Cameron never directly mentioned that the subject was to do with his sexuality. However, he said:
I’m frustrated that I don’t have the courage or have the balls to just say ‘f*ck it’ and just do it, because I know I would feel better in the long run for it. This is a big step, a big decision, and it’s not just going to affect my time in the house but it’s also going to affect when I go out of the house…

The deep-thinking teenager finished by saying that he wasn’t sure if he wanted the personal information to be “out there” while smiling at his choice of words by adding that “out there” was ironic.
Cameron and Lewis F
Since Cameron made his half-confession in the diary, Lewis Flanagan continuously breached the tender subject with his friend.
Cam confined to Lewis F in a private conversation, where he again struggled to explain what he was trying to say. Lewis asked, “is it to do with things you like?”
Cameron replied:
I’ve got to think of school friends and people that will watch this, and things like that… If I do this in here then it’s dramatically going to impact my experience and I don’t know if that is going to be in a good or a bad way.
Lewis F told his friend that he was a “prisoner of his own mind” and that he didn’t needed to open up.
Cameron and Cian Carrigan
Openly gay Cian Carrigan comforted Cameron on day 19, probing about what it was his housemate was bottling up.
Still, Cameron didn’t drop any hard facts, despite Cian urging him to let it all out.
Cian said:
If you feel confident enough to do it in this house, f*cking do it, and run with it and embrace it. It’s f*cking 2018, do it!

Cameron Comes Out as Gay
Cameron bravely decided to come out as gay following an emotional discussion with Lewis F.
Having had an inclining as to what Cameron’s “secret” was, Lewis asked “are you gay?”, to which Cameron replied with a yes.
Initially, Cameron tried to hide under his hoodie following the big reveal. However, Lewis got him to pull the hood down, hitting him with a well-deserved high five and telling his friend that he was proud of him.
Cameron coming out gay on #bigbrother is the best thing ever, awe actually teared up!! he’s adorable
— Beth♡ (@biologicalbeth) October 5, 2018