Over the years, there have been many documentaries and films that have been produced based on true crimes. Lifetime’s teen crime drama ‘No One Would Tell’ is one such film that chronicles the murder of 14-year-old Amy Carnevale of Beverly, Massachusetts. Directed by Noel Nosseck, the teen crime drama television film speaks about the tragic case of Amy Carnevale’s death and the events leading up to it with great accuracy. In case you’re looking for more information on the same and the identity of the perpetrator, we have got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know!
How Did Amy Carnevale Die?
Born on April 13, 1977, Amy Elizabeth Carnevale was a resident of Beverly in Essex County, Massachusetts. Those who knew the teen described her as sweet, kind, and thoughtful, with an upbeat and positive attitude and the ability to see goodness in every person she encountered. She was a cheerleader at Beverly High School and was set to enter her freshman year in a week. Amy aspired to become a hairstylist when she grew up. All of her dreams were cut short, however, when she suddenly disappeared on August 23, 1991.
In less than a week, the police found the body of the 14-year-old at the bottom of Shoe Pond, reportedly covered in plastic and weighed down by cinder blocks. The post-mortem report revealed that Amy had been stabbed once through the stomach, then in the back, and her throat had been slit open. Her head showed signs of blunt-force trauma as well. An investigation was immediately launched by the authorities.
Who Killed Amy Carnevale?
Five days after Amy Carnevale’s disappearance, the police were approached by Michael Maillet, who led them to where Amy’s body had been dumped and pointed at his friend as the culprit behind her death. This revelation effectively turned a missing person’s case into a murder case. Around the time of the incident, Amy was reportedly dating 16-year-old jock, Jamie Fuller. Those close to the young couple described their relationship as passionate and troubled. They also said that it was not uncommon for Jamie to be rough with Amy – grabbing her arms or shoving her was a usual occurrence.
After two years of being in a relationship with him, Amy had had enough of Jamie’s possessive and abusive behavior and broke up with him for good. Fuller was brimming with jealousy and anger at the thought of Amy not being “his”. During the course of their relationship, he had apparently regularly told friends (and Amy directly) that he would kill her someday, but nobody seemed to have paid any mind to it or took the threats seriously. A day before the murder, Amy went to the beach with some friends. This enraged Jamie.
According to court records, he reportedly said, “I’m getting sick of this. I swear I’m going to kill her…. This shit’s got to stop…. She won’t be around to go out with anyone any more…” On August 23, 1991, Jamie called Amy and asked her to meet him, to which she eventually agreed, as he kept pestering her about it. On the day of the killing, Jamie Fuller met Dominic Sciola and Mark DeMeule. Sciola testified in court that the defendant said he was going to kill the victim and had asked him to come along.
Jamie and his two friends were later joined by Michael Maillet and Scott Ward. This group, along with Amy, walked from Fuller’s house to a field. Here, Jamie and Amy went their own way into the woods. Soon afterward, the others in the group heard screams, and when Jamie re-joined them, he said, “It’s done.” He showed the others his knife and said it had broken during the attack. DeMeule testified that as the group walked away from the scene, Fuller described how he had killed the victim.
Fuller reportedly told the group that he had put his hand over her mouth, told Amy that he loved her, and then stabbed her in the stomach and then got behind her and pushed the knife further to the point that he could feel the knife’s edge against his own stomach. Then he stabbed her in the back. Amy had apparently tried to pull away and had bitten Jamie’s hand in her attempt to do so, screaming the entire time. After that, Jamie grabbed her by her hair, covered her mouth again, and then cut her throat open.
The group went to Sciola’s house, where Fuller washed the blood off his arms, drank red Kool-Aid because it was “right for the occasion,” and then warned his companions that they would “be next” if they “were to say anything.” Later that day, Fuller and his friends disposed of the victim’s body. They used two trash bags, two cinder blocks, and a lobster line (which would not fray in the water) for the task, and then Jamie and Maillet threw Amy’s lifeless body into Shoe Pond.
When Amy was reported missing, Jamie denied knowing her whereabouts to the police and to his friends and joined in searching for her with them. However, on August 28, five days after the killing, Maillet led the police to the victim’s body, and Fuller was arrested. At the time of his arrest, he “put on a half-smile smirk and began to chuckle.” During questioning, Fuller was calm and even accused his friends of killing her.
Jamie Fuller was convicted of first-degree murder in 1992, at the age of 17. At the trial, there was no question of whether Jamie had killed Amy or not. The defense’s main argument was about Jamie’s mental state at the time of the incident, and how it might have been affected by his continuous use of steroids and consumption of alcohol. However, the court decided that the murder of Amy Carnevale was premeditated. In 1995, Jamie Fuller was again tried as an adult and sentenced to life in prison without parole.