Dr. Ramin Oskoui is an expert specialist. He is chiefly known as a cardiologist. Dr Ramin is related with clinics like Suburban Hospital, Washington Hospital Center, and Sibley Memorial Hospital. He is for the most part spent significant time in cardio. He finished his residency from Emory University Hospital.
Dr Oskoui aptitude field is Acute Coronary Syndrome, cardiovascular catheterization, Transesophageal Echocardiography, and Valvular Heart Disease. Dr. Ramin Oskoui is a cardiologist. His genuine date of birth and age are not known. Based on is pictures he is by all accounts running in his mid-forties.
As a specialist no uncertainty he carries on with a sound life. Notwithstanding, his definite stature and weight are not known. Seeing his photos he appears to have good tallness and weight. There is no uncertainty he has acquired a serious entirety as a cardiologist. Notwithstanding, he has not unveiled his genuine pay or total assets yet.
Name | Dr. Ramin Oskoui |
Gender | Male |
Nationality | American |
Ethnicity | White |
Profession | Doctor |
Married/Single | Married |
Dr. Oskoui is a hitched man. Yet, he appears to stay quiet. There is not really any data found about his significant other. We don’t have the foggiest idea about his significant other’s name or subtleties.
The specialist is by all accounts a private individual. He has not uncovered his folks and family. He appears to stay under the radar about his family. Dr. Ramin finished his MD from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1989.
Dr. Ramin finished his residencies from Medstar Georgetown University Medical Center and Emory University Hospital. Dr. Oskoui was born and brought up in the United States. He holds the American ethnicity.
As of now, Dr. Oskoui is subsidiary to Washington Hospital Center, Sibley Memorial Hospital, and Suburban Hospital. He is likewise connected with John Hopkins Medicine.
He is had practical experience in the field of cardiovascular, valvular coronary illness, innate coronary illness, and coronary disorder. Dr. Ramin doesn’t appear to be dynamic on person to person communication destinations like Instagram or Twitter.