Jake Mastroianni was a young man living it up, travelling the world and partying with beautiful women, but now, he's been jailed for life.
The 26-year-old from Melbourne was caught with 61 ecstasy pills in Thailand, where he worked as 'DJ Badmouth', and was thrown in the notorious Klong Prem prison to serve two life sentences.
Mastroianni had visited China and Spain to DJ, played music at Thailand's infamous full moon parties and had beautiful girlfriends.
Images from social media show him performing in bars and posing with scantily-clad women.
Often, he is pictured with his headphones around his neck, a beer in hand or arms raised in celebration. He clearly enjoyed his life.
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Jake Mastroianni lived a life of partying and nightclubs around the world before being arrested in 2014

Mastroianni is surrounded by women in an advertisement for a DJ set with 'lots of sexy friends'

Many images on social media of Mastroianni show him surrounded by women wearing little clothing

Other images show him playing music, clearly enjoying himself

Mastroianni's life has changed from a life of music and clubs to a life behind bars

Melbourne DJ Jake Mastroianni (left) and Lance Whitmore from Bromsgrove in Worcestershire (right)
Now, his life has been reduced to a cramped prison where diseases spread quickly, disagreements are settled in the boxing ring and relationships with 'ladyboy' inmates are permitted, according to The Telegraph.
He'd spent time DJing at a club in seaside Pattaya, south of Bangkok and also many of Australia's best venues.
Following one of his sets, he wrote on social media: 'feeling pumped'.
But in 2014, he was arrested in Pattaya with 61 ecstasy pills and this week, lost an appeal to have his double-life sentence reduced.
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ShareTim Ward, who knew Mastroianni and British man Lance Whitmore, who was charged with carrying 200 pills after being arrested at the same time as the Australian, commented about their sentence on social media.
He wrote on Facebook: 'Thailand is a fun place with not a lot of rules.. But one very important rule.. NO DRUGS.. I know both these guys, and neither one of them is tough enough for this punishment.. '.

Mastroianni poses with two women in a photograph posted to social media

An advertisement for Mastroianna, who went by the DJ name 'Badmouth'

An advertisement promoting Mastroianni playing music at a Pattaya bar

Melbourne DJ Jake Mastroianni goes by the DJ name 'Badmouth'. He was arrested in the seaside Thai town of Pattaya
Mastroianni could be transferred to an Australian prison after six years, but there's no guarantee the move will be approved.
The Guardian was told Mastoianni's sentence would have been lighter if he'd pleaded guilty, but previous lawyers told him not to.
Thailand's drug laws are renowned for being harsh, a part of the country's 'war on drugs' which it announced in 2003.
In Klong Prem, a typical cell is just 1.5 by 3 metres, and sleeps five prisoners side-by-side on blue mattresses, according to Reuters.
A hole in the floor of the cramped cells is for human waste.

A prison police stands guard with a baton in the sleeping quarters of Bangkok's Klong Prem Prison

Guards stand by gates in the long-term sentence zone, with televisions showing security camera footage behind them
5:30am Wake up
6am leave sleeping quarters
5:00pm return to Sleeping Quarters
7pm Meditation and prayer time
8pm Sleep
<!- - ad: https://mads.dailymail.co.uk/v8/gb/news/none/article/other/mpu_factbox.html?id=mpu_factbox_1 - ->AdvertisementDespite violence and rape being rare, disease easily passes from one prisoner to another in the confined spaces, The Telegraph reported.
The newspaper was told prisoners who had problems with each other were given boxing gloves to deal with their differences inside a ring.
And relationships between inmates and 'ladyboys' who are also incarcerated in the prison was allowed - if they informed authorities and agreed to a form of 'marriage'.
They could even move into the same cell once the 'marriage' was approved, and seek a 'divorce' if needed.
But monogamy was emphasized due to high rates of HIV in the country's transgender population, it was reported.
Many of those in the prison are covered in tattoos because there's little else to do.
According to Reuters, Thailand's prison population in July was at 321,347, with about 70 per cent jailed for drugs offences.

A tattooed Thai prisoner strikes a pose at the end of a release ceremony in August

A guard holds keys in the long-term sentence zone of the prison

Instructions about what items are considered to be contraband are displayed on a wall in the long-term sentence zone