The Young and the Restless spoilers tease that Abby (Melissa Ordway) will learn that she’s pregnant with Zack’s (Ryan Ashton) baby in the near future. She’ll face the complicated situation of carrying the child of a man who will soon be out of her life and possibly put in prison.
Daytime drama fans are smart. They know that Zabby just shared their true feelings with each other on the couch at the Tack House. So this pregnancy won’t be instantly verified, like an online purchase via email. Instead, the soapy plot point was implied by the surrounding storyline and will take awhile to play out.
Y&R devotees know that Ordway is pregnant in real life, with a January due date. So that actual event could be mixed into filming during the next few months. Ordway has been using the classic visual technique of covering her stomach with various items in recent weeks. But that tack won’t remain feasible for much longer.
Shows are recorded approximately six weeks in advance. Assuming Ordway is able to work until somewhere after Thanksgiving, Abby would need to be written out for awhile by the time mid-January episodes are shown, if not sooner. A spring return would then see Zack’s baby nearing her, or his delivery date.
Abby sadly lost Ben’s (Sean Carrigan) baby during the well-crafted and acted Mad Max (Jared Breeze) arc in 2016. This development would allow Ordway’s character to become a mother, albeit through pained circumstances.
Regarding current storyline developments – The leader of the sex trafficking ring unexpectedly showed up at the Tack House and sweet talked Abby. Zack left a heartfelt voice mail the day before where he broke things off, stating that he was broken and that she deserved a better person to love.
Abby initially resisted Zack’s in-person overture. But a bevy of balloons and his stunning statement of love led to acceptance and romance.
Just when it seemed as though Ordway’s character had avoided disaster, she didn’t. The implication of Zack’s change of mind is that he actually does care about Abby and wanted to tie himself to her forever.
A subsequent confrontation with Scott (Daniel Hall) should lead to Zack being revealed as the leader of the trafficking ring and as the man who ordered Natalia’s death (Tina Ivlev). If that sequence doesn’t play out, one would think that Zack will either follow through on his initial escape plan and return at a later point. This character’s demise seems unlikely, but also can’t be ruled out.
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