WHITE DWARF Magazine monster index

White Dwarf Issues 1-25

WD 1 (June/July 1977): none.

WD 2 (Aug/Sept 1977): Spinescale (Ian Livingston), Dune Stalker (Ian Livingston), Ning (Ian Livingston), Giant Caterpillar (Ian Livingston), Bloodhawk (Ian Livingston).

WD 3 (Oct/Nov 1977): none.

WD 4 (Dec 1977/Jan 1978), "Monsters Mild & Malign": Glitch, Droll, Smoke Creature, Smoke Demon, Typo, Mind Drain, Ibem, Black Leech, Black Orc, Death Snake.

WD 5 (Feb/March 1978), "Monsters Mild & Malign": Beholder Variant - Fuzzy, Beholder Variant - Steely, Gremlin, Bogy, Demon - Imps, Demon - Iron, Cyborg, Cyclops, Manta, Cynopard, Banth, Kzin, Mobil DissThreep, Goldeater, Sphex.

WD 6 (April/May 1978), "A Place in the Wilderness": Dragon spider (Lewis Pulsipher), Termagant (Lewis Pulsipher), Blue Horror (Lewis Pulsipher), Striding Murderer (Lewis Pulsipher), Longhorned Murderer (Lewis Pulsipher), Fiend (Lewis Pulsipher), Jugger (Lewis Pulsipher).

WD 6 (April/May 1978), "Fiend Factory": Needleman (Trevor Graver), Throat Leech (Ian Livingstone), Mite (Ian Livingstone), Bonesnapper (Ian Livingstone), Fiend (Ian Livingstone), Disenchanter (Roger Musson), Nilbog (Nick Best).

WD 7 (June/July 1978), "Fiend Factory": Necrophidius (Simon Tilbrook), Rover (Gary Ames), Living Wall (Neville White), Volt (Jonathan Jones), Gluey (Guy Shearer), Squonk (Christopher Kinnear), Eye Killer (Ian Livingstone), Witherweed (Simon Eaton), Withera (Don Turnbull).

WD 7 (June/July 1978), "Lair of the Demon Queen": Banshee (Tom Wright).

WD 8 (Aug/Sept 1978), "Fiend Factory": Tween (Ian Waugh), Cloocicus Simbiocicus (Roger Musson), Rock Beast (Callum Forbes), Carbuncle (Albie Fiore), Coffer Corpse (Simon Eaton), Whirler (Simon Muth), Turlung (Thomas Benson), Stinwicodech (Eamon Bloomfield).

WD 9 (Oct/Nov 1978), "Fiend Factory": Svart (Cricky Hitchcock), Dokon (Ian McDowell), Imorph (Andrew Key), Stair Stalker (Roger Musson), Whipper (Bob Scurfield), Flying Fish (Dave Waring), Urchin (Nick Louth), Umpleby (Stephen Wood), Nasnas (Roger Musson).

WD 9 (Oct/Nov 1978), "The Lichway: Complete Mini-Dungeon": Susurrus (Albie Fiore).

WD 10 (Dec 1978/Jan 1979), "Fiend Factory": Blink Skeleton (Brian Hanstock), Inverse Monster (John Culver), Mimble (Tony Brinkham), Familiar (Trevor Mendham), Sandman (Roger Musson), Eastern Skeleton (Brian Taylor), Warlock Cat (David Taylor), Bragger (Roger Musson), Dahdi (Mervyn Lemon).

WD 11 (Feb/March 1979), "Fiend Factory": Lauren (Colin Reynolds), Spook (Roger Musson), Witherstench (Jonathan Jones), Tribe of the Stone (Jack McArdle), Berbalang (Albie Fiore), Sheet Phantom (David Wormell), Lapidan (Roger Musson), Devil Dog (Louis Boschelli).

WD 12 (April/May 1979), "Fiend Factory": Assassin Bug (Ian Livingstone), Iron Pig (Roger Musson), Grell (Ian Livingstone), Hook Horror (Ian Livingstone), Githyanki (Charles Stross), Giant Bloodworm (Ian Livingstone), Desert Raider (Cricky Hitchcock), Three-Headed Skrat (Bob Montgomery).

WD 13 (June/July 1979), "Fiend Factory": Doombat (Julian Lawrence), Terithran (Ronald Hall), Imp, Fire (M. Stolery), Imp, Smoke (M. Stolery), Imp, Steam (M. Stolery), Imp, Molten (M. Stolery), Shadow Demon (Neville White).

WD 14 (Aug/Sept 1979), "Fiend Factory": Gurgotch (Roger Musson), Mindweb (David Taylor), Energy Cyclone (MC), Ice Maiden (David Hicks), Gazer (Charles Stross)

WD 15 (Oct/Nov 1979), "Fiend Factory": Heat Monster, Tacharanid, Dragon Dog, Russian Doll Monster (Mike Ferguson), Time Freezer, Pebble Gnome.

WD 16 (Dec 1979/Jan 1980), "Chronicle Monsters: Inspired by The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever": Raver (Lewis Pulsipher), Evil Cormorant (Lewis Pulsipher), Ur-Vile (Lewis Pulsipher), Cavewight (Lewis Pulsipher), Seareach Giant (Lewis Pulsipher).

WD 16 (Dec 1979/Jan 1980), "Fiend Factory": Tenser Beast (J. D. Morris), Man Scorpion (Phil Masters), Ogress (Mark Barnes), Wrecker (Andrew Hicks), Plantman (Brendan Bulger).

WD 17 (Feb/March 1980), "Fiend Factory": Night Rider (Chris Morris), Spice Worm (Dave Tant), Heat Skeleton (Nicholas Riggs), Bodach (Michael Roberts), Green Worm (Ghee Bowman), Goom (Nigel Proudfoot).

WD 18 (April/May 1980), "Fiend Factory: Inspired by Fiction": Mandrake Person (Glen Godard), Hound of Kerenos, Phung (Simon Tilbrook), Couerl.

WD 18 (April/May 1980), "The Halls of Tizune Thane": Green Gremlin (Albie Fiore), Gu'en-Deeko (Albie Fiore), Nandie (Albie Fiore), Nandie-Bear (Albie Fiore), Shadow Dancer (Albie Fiore).

WD 19 (June/July 1980), "Fiend Factory: Low level monsters": Empipath (Andy Wouldham), Stormbiter (Simon Eaton), Undead Horse (John Webster), Werefox (John R. White), Darkhawk (James Meek).

WD 20 (Aug/Sept 1980), "Fiend Factory: Mini-wilderness scenario for 4th-6th level adventurers": Creeper (John R. Gordon), Water Leaper (Roger Moore), Slime Beast (Dave Stapleton), Frog Folk (Phil Masters), Melodemon (Michael Wilkinson), Cauldron-Born (Tim Walters).

WD 21 (Oct/Nov 1980), "Fiend Folio: One Eye Canyon - Mini-Wilderness Scenario, 5th-7th Level": Brother of the Pine (Julian Lawrence), Chthon (Colin Reynolds), Enslaver (Roger Moore), Miceman (Stephem Norledge), Dragon Warrior (Tony Wilson), Grey Sqaarg (Graham Head), Cyclops (Albie Fiore).

WD 22 (Dec 1980/Jan 1981), "Fiend Factory: The Heavy Brigade": The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Ian Cooper), Ungoliant - Queen of the Spiders, Capricorn (Roger Moore), Crystal Golem.

WD 23 (Feb/Mar 1981), "Fiend Factory: The Flymen": Flyman (Daniel Collerton), Flyman Drone (Daniel Collerton), Flyman Artisan (Daniel Collerton), Flyman Warrior (Daniel Collerton), Flyguard (Daniel Collerton), Flymage (Daniel Collerton), Northfly (Daniel Collerton), Sandfly (Daniel Collerton).

WD 24 (April/May 1981), "The Lair of Maldred the Mighty": Morghiss (Mark Byng), Doombat (Mark Byng), Guardian Skeleton (Mark Byng).

WD 24 (April/May 1981), "Fiend Factory: Monster Madness": Bonacon (David Taylor), Llort (Andrew Key), Todal (Marcus Barbor), Tali Monster (Craig Edwards), Dungeon Master (Malory Nye).

WD 25 (June/July 1981), "Fiend Factory: The Black Manse - mini-scenario for 5-6th level": Dream Demon (Phil Masters), Incubus (Roger E. Moore), Brain Sucker (John R. Gordon), Guardian (Simon Tolbrook).
