Roy Bradshaw Obituary, Death – If our beloved father, who passed away many years ago, had lived, he would have turned 100 years old today. He went away in the year 1996, when he was just 73 years old, which was a terrible tragedy. After serving in the Merchant Navy on tankers during the Battle of the Atlantic and also with the Blue Funnel Line, he went on to become a publican (in fact, my brother was born in a bar!) and a machinist in the Department of Physics at the University of
Manchester, where he worked until his retirement. After serving in the Merchant Navy on tankers during the Battle of the Atlantic and also with the Blue Funnel Line, he went on to become a publican. His life was packed with a wide variety of unique experiences. During this time, he had a romantic relationship with our mother and eventually had three children with her: He was an intellectual man who put in a lot of effort, and he was also a very talented artist.
He was the one who first showed me how to draw with a pencil and how to use perspective. He was a very dedicated worker. Every day, we are reminded of how kind and wonderful of a father he was, as well as how much we miss having dad around. I hope the sun shines brightly on your 100th birthday, dad, and that the sky is clear and the sea is placid for your celebration. I am also hoping that you and your mother have been able to reestablish communication with one another.