Fame | Richard Pimentel net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Richard Pimentel? When is Richard Pimentel's birthday? Where is Richard Pimentel born? Where did Richard Pimentel grow up from? What's Richard Pimentel's age?

Richard Pimentel Born: 1947 (age 76years), Portland, Oregon, United States

Is Richard Pimentel married? When did Richard Pimentel get married? Who's Richard Pimentel's married to? (Who's Richard Pimentel's husband / wife)?

Richard Pimentel Spouse: Deborah Pimentel

Richard Pimentel Books only: Job placement for the industrially injured worker, MORE

Richard Pimentel Education: Portland State University

Music Within \u2014 A Film Based on a True Story of the ADA.
