Yolanda Gibbs Obituary: Recently shocking news came out that an old lady “Yolanda Gibbs” was shot dead on October 11, she was a worker in a school in Forest Hill and was a lovable person in her school. After this incident, people took out a vigil. The police released a report after her murder which shocked everyone. Now in this article, we are going to talk about the matter, what exactly happened.

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Yolanda Gibbs Obituary:
Yolanda Gibbs, the 56-year-old cafeteria worker was shot multiple times and died in the morning on October 11, 2023, outside an elementary school in Forest Hill. After this shocking incident, a vigil for Yolanda was held in the parking lot of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at Crawford Lane on Thursday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. Gibbs was a long-time cafeteria worker at Sellars Elementary, who was also beloved and worked at the school for decades.
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Yolanda’s loved ones and her co-workers showed their love for her and released the pink and blue balloons in the sky because pink and blue were her favorite colors. Forest Hill Mayor “Stephanie Boardingham,” gave a statement in which he said, “This incident is a stark reminder of the importance of community solidarity and the need for us to all work together to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.”
Gibbs has worked at the school cafeteria for 30 years, but unfortunately, she was killed by her love partner “Anthony Harris”. Well, authorities have not released any update in this case, why Anthony shot Yolanda and how he died but it could be any personal issue between Harris and Gibbs.
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