What did they do wrong to Faye Dunaway's face?

Faye Dunaway is nOTORIOUS about lying about her age. I suspect she is actually 80. Here's why.

Bonnie and Clyde came out in 1967. Meaaning she ade it in 1966. She had been in the theatre for at least 6 years prior to making that movie. Which woul mean that unless she started getting credited roles at 17, she was born before 1941.

She has always been notorious about lying about her age some suspect because her parents lied about her legitimacy. Her dad was a career NCO in the army I believe, ad her mother was 2 years older than he was, so if she was bornin in 1941, her mom would have been 19, and her father 17. But f she was actally born in 1937, her mother was 16, and her father was 14. And in Florida, where she was from, during the depreession, that was pretty common.

All that aside, let'ss just say she is 76. That age and youth are NOT the huge defining issues for her they always have been.

The problem then is what the hell has plastic surgery doe to her?

Well first of all, as with ALL humans, our noses get larger as we age. The cartilage enlarges and loosens ad rather than allow that to happen she continues to have hers shaved. It gives her a freakish Trey Gowdy look. And Barbra Streisand is on the cover of the Globe this week for having had a ccomplete re-do of her face EXcept her nose, whn it is SO clear that she has had her nose shortened, only unlike most people she has had it done at the bridge, ratther than at the base.

Back to Faye. She has this history of doing weird weird stuff to her teeth and i am pretty sure those have got to be dentures. THAT makes your gums recede as you age. It was a problemm my mom had. If you have your teeth pulled and dentures put in (and if there is any doubt about Faye's teeth, look at her imdb page. Postively BLINDING), your jawbone is resorbed. The calcium is simpley resorbed and rcycled elsewhere. so all of those lip filler and lip plumpers started lookinng horrifically bad. Caved in face with trout pout.

So i think that is why she started doing massive face remodeling and it just all cascaded at that point. some people ought to just relax about this crap.

Now I have to say she looed pretty damned good at the oscars last year with Warren Beatty, but if you want impressive plastc surgery? Look at Jane FOnda (80) and lily Tomlin (77) in Grace and Frankie on Netflix. Amazing, truly amazing. But neither one of them went with trying to preserve sex symbol. Faye did.
