The injection Valdir Segato did bring him close to two million followers.
Although Valdir Segato was warned about the consequence of using the il, he continued using it until his death.
Valdir Segato died on his 55th birthday.
Valdir Segato had named Arnold Schwarzenegger and wanted to be like him. He earned the nickname ‘hulk’.
Valdir Segato Cause of Death
Valdir Segato died from a heart attack after he complained of breathing shortening. He is also reported to have died of abuse of Synthol injections into his muscles.
Valdir Segato Wife
Valdir Segato had no record of having a wife. He never made public his relationship records.
Valdir Segato Children
Valdir Segato does not have any record of having his own children.
Valdir Segato Net Worth
Valdir Segato had an estimated net worth of $1 million at the time of his death.
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