Tobe Keeney Morrow is the daughter of James and Linda Keeney. Sadly, Tobe's father died in July 2023, but she and her siblings were fortunate enough to spend time with him before his death. In a 2017 interview for the Calvary Christian School, where she formerly taught, she shared some tidbits about her past, including that her childhood home was on an almond orchard in Paso Robles, on the central coast of California. Growing up, Tobe was a tomboy but also enjoyed artistic pursuits such as dancing five days per week. In fact, she taught a children's dance class. It's no wonder Tobe ended up becoming a school teacher herself.
Tobe detailed the start of her career, stating, "I started teaching 1st grade in 1997 at a school called Langdon Ave Elementary school, which is in the Los Angeles Unified school district. I taught until my first son Cooper was born in 2002. I took a VERY long break to be a mommy and came back to teach once all my kids were in school. Lucky for me, they all go to school at Calvary. It's great teaching in the same school with my children. I absolutely love when they all come to my classroom. It's the best job in the world!" While Tobe enjoyed her time as a teacher, she challenged herself to a new career.